Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo Phase 1 Public Engagement Summary Transit Vision Plan for the Charlottesville Area 1 Introduction The Regional Transit Study Team is using a public and stakeholder engagement process and technical analysis to develop a single, unified vision for the future of transit service in the Charlottesville area. The project has established early and continuous engagement through a robust public involvement process beginning in July 2021 and continuing through January 2022 (See Figure 1). The process engaged a range of community members and stakeholders through a variety of channels and opportunities. This Technical Memo provides detailed summaries of the Phase 1 Engagement process as of April 2022 and is organized by section based on the engagement activities conducted to date: 1. Website 2. Project Steering Committee and Stakeholder Meetings 3. Public Workshop 4. Surveys Each section summarizes the purpose of the outreach activities, advertising methods and key takeaways. In addition, the memo concludes with Next Steps and an Appendix containing a full summary of all comments received. Figure 1. Project Timeline FINAL DRAFT 1 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 2 Website Study-related information, such as project background, technical mapping, and summaries of meetings were posted to a dedicated webpage that was linked via the TJPDC website. The website went live in September 2021 to support public engagement efforts. Two surveys were deployed on the website, a visioning survey that asked the public what their opinions were about potential objectives and goals for the future of transit in the area, as well as an interactive mapping survey that allowed participants to show their preferred transit destinations on a map of the area. Additional information about the surveys can be found in Section 5. 3 Project Steering Committee and Stakeholder Group Meetings 3.1 Regional Transit Partnership Steering Committee The Regional Transit Partnership (RTP) for the Charlottesville area acts as the steering committee for the Vision Plan. The RTP includes representation from the City of Charlottesville, Albemarle County, JAUNT, the University of Virginia, and the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT). Rural communities are represented by a JAUNT board member specifically designed as the rural representative. The majority of the RTP voting members are elected officials appointed to represent the public. The non-voting members include staff from transit related agencies representing:  CAT  JAUNT  Albemarle County Student Transportation  Charlottesville Student Transportation  Charlottesville Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Agency  RideShare  UVA Hospital  Charlottesville Area Alliance  University Transit System These agencies have daily contact with their riders both in the rural and urban areas and are able to represent the needs they see in the community. The study team met with the steering committee twice, once on July 2nd, 2021, to kick off the project and review the schedule and scope, and once on September 8th, 2021, to review the transit propensity analysis and the approach for the public forum. In the next phase of the project, they will also help identify alternatives; and provide feedback during the alternatives analysis process. FINAL DRAFT 2 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 3.2 Regional Transit Partnership Stakeholder Workshop (October 7, 2021): In October 2021, the study team organized a stakeholder workshop that included the Regional Transit Partnership, as well as other jurisdictional and community stakeholders. The goal of the workshop was to hear from stakeholders about their transit goals and priorities for the region and to begin developing the vision for the Regional Transit Vision for the Charlottesville Area. Approximately 30 stakeholders participated throughout the morning workshop. The primary takeaways from the workshop included:  Primary Themes: o A strong interest in expanded and improved service in the region overall; o Uniting land use planning with housing affordability planning and public transit; and o Creating a different type of transit service for future needs and conditions (e.g., post-COVID impacts, not focused on peak commuting hours, and exploring on- demand transit).  Additional Key Themes: o The importance of equity in developing and designing high-quality transit; o Environmental considerations: climate change and air quality; and o Exploring what it means to have a holistic, multimodal and fully-connected transportation system in the region. A full summary of this stakeholder workshop can be found in Appendix A. 4 Public Forum On November 18th 2021, the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC) hosted a virtual public meeting over GoToMeeting Webinar from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm and served as the community kickoff event for the planning process. The forum provided participants with an opportunity to learn about key trends and issues that impact the future of transit in the region and to provide reactions to these considerations. Activities focused on advancing the understanding of community interests and participants views of their future transit needs. Exercises were designed to help inform development of the Plan’s vision and goals. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here. Approximately 20 attendees from the public participated. 4.1 Public Forum Advertising One hundred and forty-three agencies were sent invitations and marketing materials asking them to share the information with their constituents and networks. The community organizations represented are shown in Table 1. FINAL DRAFT 3 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo Table 1. Community Organizations Contacted Target Groups Organizations Contacted Albemarle County Staff from parks, economic development, student transportation, & community centers, Board of Supervisors The City of Charlottesville Planning staff, residents, businesses and chamber of commerce, City Council, Neighborhood Development staff, Deputy City Manager for Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Charlottesville-Albemarle MPO Committees Charlottesville Transportation Advisory Committee, CA-MPO Policy Board, CA-MPO Technical Advisory Committee Representatives from Rural Counties Rural Transportation Technical Assistance Committee, Staff from Fluvanna, Louisa, Greene, and Nelson Counties, Scottsville, Board of Supervisors for the Scottsville District, Scottsville Planning Commission, Residents Forest Lakes Board of Directors Transit dependent Populations Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, JMRL Library, Piedmont Virginia Community College, Region 10 Community Service Board, United Way of Greater Charlottesville, Virginia Organize, Yancey Community Center, JABA, MACAA Community Action Co., Monticello Area Community Action Agency, International Recue Committee, Independence Resource Center, Sentara Representing community members Cville Clergy Collective, Community Climate Collaborative Minority Specific Black Professional Network of Charlottesville, Charlottesville Minority Business Program, Crescendo Juntos, UVA Latino Student Alliance, Sin Barreras Charlottesville Business/Property Managers Director of Property Operations for Great Eastern Management Company, Sentry Management Property Manager, Carriage Hill Apartments Property Manager, Northrop Grumman, Corrigan Low-Income Housing Charlottesville Low Income Housing Coalition, Charlottesville Redevelopment Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity, PHAR, Piedmont Housing Alliance Tourism Charlottesville Albemarle Convention & Visitors Bureau Public Transit Jaunt Riders, CAT, UVA and Jaunt staff University of Virginia UTS, School of Architecture, UVA Foundation State Commonwealth Transportation Board, VDOT, DRPT FINAL DRAFT 4 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo The event was publicized in multiple formats:  Transportation operators (CAT, JAUNT) passing out flyers and posting on screens;  Press release and news article in CBS local news;  Social media posts;  Direct email communications from jurisdictions involved (Counties: Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Nelson, Buckingham; City of Charlottesville);  Announcements at public meetings (City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County); and  Direct email communications from stakeholders, especially Regional Transit Partnership (RTP) members and Citizen’s Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) members. 4.2 Summary of “Visions for the Future of Transit” Forum (November 18, 2021) The goal of the public meeting was to hear from the public about their transit goals and priorities for the region and to begin developing the vision for the Regional Transit Vision for the Charlottesville Area. The format of the public meeting was interactive with three background questions, a presentation, and then another series of questions to respond to and comment on eight potential vision goals. Attendees were presented with eight initial visioning goals and asked to rank the top four. Attendees also considered whether anything was missing. The most important goals identified by the attendees are listed and reflected in Figure 2 below:  Enhance the regional transit system, with more and higher quality service;  Connect to more places that customers want to travel, and knit these services together;  Improve equity (serve the populations that most need improved transit service); and  Promote sustainability and solutions to climate change. A full summary of the meeting and participant list can be found in the Appendix B. Attendees' Most Important Visioning Goals 8 Selected by Number of Attendees 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Potential Visioning Goals Figure 2. Summary of Vision Goals from Public Forum FINAL DRAFT 5 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 5 Online Surveys The study team developed two online interactive surveys to solicit public input on transit priorities. The surveys introduced the public to the project, solicited feedback on priorities (both conceptually and geographically) and collected information about the respondents themselves. The surveys were open for responses from September 2021 to January 2022. Attachment C includes the full results of both the survey efforts, including charts summarizing survey responses, individual comments and map results. 5.1 Survey Advertising The surveys and flyers advertising the surveys were distributed to the same list as the public meeting (Table 1 above) and advertised to transit riders through CAT, UTS, and Jaunt. In addition to multiple emails and committee presentations about the opportunity to participate in the survey, individual personalized emails were sent to the following agencies asking them to encourage their constituents to participate in the survey:  University Transit Services  Independence Resource Center  Blue Ridge Area Food Bank  Sin Barreras Charlottesville  Cville Clergy Collective  Piedmont Virginia Community  Forest Lakes Home Owners College Association  Fluvanna County  JMRL Library  Fluvanna County Administrator  Piedmont Virginia Community  Charlottesville Low Income Housing College Coalition  Region 10 Community Service  Nelson County Board  Town of Scottsville  United Way United Way of Greater  Board of Supervisors - Scottsville Charlottesville District  Virginia Organizing  Albemarle BOS  JABA (seniors)  IMPACT Cville  MACAA Community Action Co  Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church  Black Professional Network of  Ebenezer Baptist Church Charlottesville  First Baptist Church  Minority Business Program  Fluvanna County  Monticello Area Community Action Agency (MACAA) In an effort to recruit minority participants staff made additional emails and phone calls to organizations that represented mostly minority populations, like faith-based organizations. The City of Charlottesville Deputy City Manager for Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion assisted with distribution of the survey as well. FINAL DRAFT 6 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 5.2 Transit Priorities Survey Results 673 people filled out the survey by the survey end in January 2022. The following section summarizes community feedback based on the main survey questions. 5.2.1 Respondent Characteristics The survey collected demographic data about the respondents. Below is a summary of the characteristics of survey respondents:  More than 30% of respondents were 65 years or older  Nearly 90% of respondents were white or Caucasian  More than 60% of respondents were female  Almost 50% of respondents make $100,000 or more a year  More than 50% of households have 2 or more cars available for use on a typical day  Approximately 10% of respondents reported having a disability that regularly affects their ability to travel  The zip codes surrounding the urban areas of Charlottesville were most frequently represented. The demographic characteristics of the survey respondents suggest there is a need for additional targeted outreach to communities with low-income households, people of color and limited access to a car in future phases of engagement to better represent the diverse needs of the region. In an effort to elevate the responses of more traditionally transit-dependent populations, the survey results were filtered for people who identified as black, Asian, Hispanic or other persons of color (POC) or with a disability (PWD). 59 respondents identified as a person of color and 82 identified as having a disability. The results comparing all responses, POC and PWD are presented in the following subsections. 5.2.2 Transit and Quality of Life Survey respondents were asked how “How could better transit service improve your life?” Figure 3 shows the following five dominant themes emerged among all groups:  Improved access to stores and services to meet basic life needs (aside from work/education commuting)  Opportunities to live without a car or with less reliance on a car  Less traffic (or less impact from congestion) and reduced need for parking  Reach parks and recreational facilities to enjoy nature and our community.  Get out to more events and activities, keeping me connected to my community. DRAFT 7 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo Figure 3. Transit Quality of Life Almost 90% of people who identified as having a disability rated “get to stores and services to meet my basic needs” as a way transit would improvement quality of life. More than 70% of people of color thought transit would improve quality of life by being able to “live without a car or with fewer cars.” DRAFT 8 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 5.2.3 Transit Service Benefits Figure 4 shows the average rating for the two most important transit service benefits identified by the respondents:  Helping low-income people access jobs and services  Providing transportation for people with limited physical mobility. These were the same two priorities for people who identified as POC and PWD. However, PWD rated both of these items higher than the other two groups. Figure 4. Transit Benefits Comparison DRAFT 9 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 5.2.4 Transit Vision Goals Survey respondents were asked to rate five goals as very important, somewhat important, less important or not important. Figure 5 compares the differences among groups who rated individual goals as “Very Important.” Figure 5. Very Important Goals Improve Equity was rated with an 80%Very Important response among all responses, more than 80% among POC subset, and 90% among PWD. Three other goals received a 70% (or greater) Very Important response: Expand regional transit; Enhance high-quality and high- frequency transit; and Support regional economic development through improved transit access. The BIPOC subset showed greater support for Support regional economic development, and in fact, rated that the highest goal. In all groups, over 50% of respondents listed regional collaboration as Very Important. DRAFT 10 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 5.2.5 Transit Investments Figure 6 shows how respondents prioritized transit investments. Figure 6. Transit Investments The following priorities emerged:  extending service to places that don't have transit service,  higher frequency service on existing routes  more service during peak hours, However, all of the investments were generally weighted fairly evenly among all of the groups. PWD prioritized “extending service to places that don’t have transit service.” POC respondents prioritized those three investments more evenly than the general respondents and PWD. DRAFT 11 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 5.2.6 Transit preferences/tradeoffs Survey respondents were asked to express a preference for walking distance and wait times. Figure 7 shows that more than 65% of all respondents and POC respondents preferred shorter waits over shorter walks compared to more than 45% of PWD. More than 50% of PWD respondents preferred shorter walks. Figure 7. Transit tradeoffs DRAFT 12 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 5.3 Social Pinpoint The Social Pinpoint survey provided the opportunity to include geographic information on desired trips and match transit priorities with the respondent’s geographic priorities. 328 unique users visited the site 736 times. Respondents could identify desired bus start/end points, new rapid transit corridors and new commuter bus end points. Figure 8 demonstrates the desire for additional transit connecting the Charlottesville area to Richmond, Waynesboro, Ruckersville, Scottsville and Palmyra. Figure 9. Social Pinpoint Map Survey Figure 8. Social PinPoint Map Results DRAFT 13 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo Figure 9 shows the desired start/end points in the TJPDC region are concentrated in Charlottesville, Crozet, Forest Lakes, North Garden, and Scottsville. Many of these locations were identified for rapid transit. Staunton, Lake Monticello and Palmyra were also mentioned as a desired start/end location. Figure 9. Social PinPoint Results for TJPDC Region DRAFT 14 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo Figure 10 shows that survey respondents also expressed desire for RAPID TRANSIT to popular recreational destinations, such as Ragged Mountain, Ivy Creek and Beaver Creek, as well as RAPID TRANSIT to residential areas, such as Forest Lakes. Figure 10. Circles shown in purple are desired Rapid Transit Corridors Figure 11. West Main Street Corridor Figure 11 shows the density of comments that were received for the West Main Street Corridor (27), which received the third highest number of comments and engagement. 5th Street/Avon (35) area received the most comments followed by US29/Rio Rd (27). Charlottesville Airport (24), Recreational Areas (21) and Barracks Emmet (20) were also popular engagement areas. DRAFT 15 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo Figure 12. Popular Comments In addition, respondents could provide comments associated with the geographic priorities. Figure 12 shows some of the popular comments. Nearly 200 additional comments were received. The most popular comments from the Social Pinpoint map requested the following: 1. Public transportation to and from the airport, particularly routes that link downtown Charlottesville and UVA to the airport 2. A high-frequency rapid transit corridor connecting Charlottesville neighborhoods to US 29 in Charlottesville and Albemarle (dedicated bus lanes are suggested) 3. Faster public transportation options in general (light rail, bus rapid transit, etc.) in areas of heavy traffic throughout the region 4. A more robust transit corridor between Crozet and Charlottesville 5. Lower speed limits (especially on 5th Street in Charlottesville) to make streets safer for pedestrians. There is concern that POC communities are disproportionately impacted by pedestrian deaths. 6. A transit corridor on Whitewood Rd. in Charlottesville to serve the mixed-income housing and places of employment located there 7. Prioritization of “rush hour” corridors that disincentivize trips from single-occupancy vehicles and encourage people to use bus service or BRT to help alleviate traffic 8. A regional transit system that connects Scottsville and Charlottesville for work, commercial, and recreational trips DRAFT 16 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 9. Converting the 250 Bypass into a “proper street” with a dedicated bus lane for commuters, protected bike lanes, sidewalks, and slower speed limits combined with dense transit-oriented development 10. General rapid transit to parks and other popular recreational/natural areas outside of the city 11. A complete bike lane from the east to the west end of the Downtown Mall, either on Market St. or Water St. 12. Hourly service to Waynesboro and Staunton 13. Improved public transit access to Wintergreen and surrounding attractions in Nelson County Open ended comments addressed new subjects that were not necessarily emphasized in survey questions. These comments were categorized into 16 separate themes, as displayed in Figure 13. All of the individual comments can be found in the Appendix. Social PinPoint Comments by Theme: Count 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Figure 13. Social PinPoint Themes Three themes emerged as predominant, each receiving more than 20 comments: 1. Improved efficiency (34) 2. General access (31) 3. Recreational access (26) Other themes receiving more than 10 comments included the importance of access to both residential and commercial areas and region-wide connectivity. Specific themes receiving more than 5 votes each included interest in access to airports, rail modes, bicycle infrastructure/access to transit, and traffic reduction. DRAFT 17 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo 5.4 Conclusions & Next steps The findings in this memorandum represent a summary of the first phase of public engagement and will help to refine the study vision and evaluation criteria. The study team will use insights from the Phase 1 public engagement process to develop alternatives, conduct additional outreach and ultimately inform the study recommendations. A specific focus in the next phase of engagement will be to try to broaden representation among transit riders and traditionally underrepresented populations through a variety of outreach approaches. DRAFT 18 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo Appendix A – October 7, 2021 Stakeholder Workshop Participants and Summary Appendix B – November 18, 2021 Public Meeting Participant List and Summary Appendix C – Survey Questions & Results DRAFT 19 Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo Appendix A – October 7, 2021 Stakeholder Workshop Participants and Meeting Summary Appendix A contains the meeting summary and participant list provided to the TJPDC at the conclusion of the October, 7, 2021 RTP + Stakeholder Workshop. DRAFT 20 Appendix A. October 7, 2021 Stakeholder Workshop Participants and Summary First Virtual Stakeholder Workshop October 7, 2021 – 9:00 am - 11:30 am Summary Overview The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC) and Regional Transit Partnership hosted a stakeholder meeting for the Regional Transit Vision Plan for the Charlottesville Area. This meeting took place from 9:00 am to 11:30 am on October 7th virtually over Zoom in place of the October 28th Regional Transit Partnership meeting. The goal of the workshop was to hear from stakeholders about their transit goals and priorities for the region and to begin developing the vision for the Regional Transit Vision for the Charlottesville Area. The public was able to view and comment on this meeting live on YouTube and a recording is available on the project website. There will be two additional public meetings, another stakeholder meeting, and multiple surveys for further public input. The surveys are available here and the next public meeting will be Thursday, November 18 at 6:30 pm. Participants In addition to the Regional Transit Partnership members, participants included representatives from the service operators CAT, Jaunt, and UTS, members from local city and county government, and representatives of local advocacy groups and organizations serving the community, such the Legal Aid Justice Center and Community Climate Collaborative. Approximately 30 stakeholders participated throughout the morning workshop. Regional Transit Partnership Committee Members This workshop substituted a meeting for the Regional Transit Partnership. The Regional Transit Partnership Committee Members are listed below, next to their attendance to indicate their presence at this meeting. Chair  Albemarle County – Diantha McKeel - PRESENT Appendix A. October 7, 2021 Stakeholder Workshop Participants and Summary Vice-Chair  City of Charlottesville – Lloyd Snook - PRESENT Voting Members  Jaunt Urban – Lucas Ames  Albemarle County – Bea LaPisto-Kirtley  Jaunt Rural – Harold Morgan -PRESENT  Department of Rail & Public Transportation –Neil Sherman  City of Charlottesville – Nikuyah Walker  UVA- Becca White - PRESENT Non-voting Members  CAT staff – Garland Williams - PRESENT  Jaunt staff – Karen Davis  Albemarle County Student Transportation – Jim Foley  Charlottesville Student Transportation – Garland Williams - PRESENT  CA-MPO staff – Sandy Shackelford - PRESENT  RideShare – Sara Pennington -PRESENT  UVA Hospital – Sally LeBeau  Charlottesville Area Alliance – Peter Thompson - PRESENT  Charlottesville’s Transit Advisory Board Format The workshop began with introductions from the Regional Transit Vision team and a welcome from the Regional Transit Partnership chair, Supervisor Diantha McKeel. The format of the workshop was interactive with four polls and two breakout discussion sessions interspersed with a presentation about the Regional Transit Vision process and different tradeoffs and considerations when thinking about transit. This presentation included tradeoffs such as the sometimes-competing interest of coverage (ensuring everyone throughout an area has transit access) versus frequency (regularly scheduled transit trips). Throughout the workshop, there was robust discussion both verbally and over the chat function and multiple times for questions and answers. A snapshot of the Zoom visioning workshop. Appendix A. October 7, 2021 Stakeholder Workshop Participants and Summary Discussion What are stakeholders hoping to get out of the visioning process? Stakeholders expressed a few priorities for what they would like to get out of the visioning process. Chief among them included: discussing multimodal access, connections addressing equity issues (for people of all ages abilities, and socio-economic status), improving mobility and economic opportunities, considering environmental outcomes in a holistic way, and discussing the connection between housing and affordability. A common refrain heard from participants included ensuring the process is truly representative of the existing ridership, would-be riders, and broader population, and is inclusive. They also noted the value of business and political champions. Additionally, stakeholders wanted to ensure that this visioning process and plan is integrated with other visioning processes so that it has a higher likelihood of implementation. Appendix A. October 7, 2021 Stakeholder Workshop Participants and Summary Visioning Values and Tradeoffs The participants agreed that it was very difficult to narrow down poll choices to only three benefits or priorities of transit. Below is the outcome of two polls where stakeholders had to choose only three priorities. Snapshot of polls regarding values and tradeoffs with a focus on what participants see as benefits of transit service. These polls [are/will be] included in the public meeting and are also part of the general survey. In a discussion of these values and tradeoffs, participants reiterated earlier statements regarding the focus on equity, connection between affordable housing and land use (in terms of density, where housing and activity centers are located, and bike/pedestrian connections to transit), and environmental and air quality improvements. While equity and environmentalism were important considerations, the participants noted the nuance needed in considering these key phrases. In terms of equity, it was highlighted that access to affordable housing and good jobs and economic opportunities are crucial, but so is frequent service so that it does not take an unnecessarily long time to get from one place to another. Similarly, while there are specific targets to lower greenhouse gas emissions, it is not as simple as using a different type of fuel, but about increasing ridership. Appendix A. October 7, 2021 Stakeholder Workshop Participants and Summary There was also a strong desire to both improve existing service as well as ensure rural residents have access to transit service for jobs, activity centers, and errands and medical appointments. Though equity and environmentalism played a strong role in priorities for many stakeholders, others pointed out that enhancing and expanding the system through better collaboration, would yield the equity and environmental outcomes participants are hoping to achieve. Another consideration is that stakeholders saw a strong need to include better collaboration between service providers for a holistic transportation system. Additionally, the stakeholders wanted to see more inter-agency coordination to ensure trust and reiterated that to see any results, the visioning plan should be integrated with other sustainability and land use visions and plans. Primary Takeaways The primary takeaways from the workshop included:  a strong interest in expanded and improved service overall;  tying together land use planning, housing affordability planning, and transit planning;  creating a different type of service for future needs (e.g. post-COVID impacts, not focused on peak commuting hours, exploring on-demand transit);  importance of equity in accessing high-quality transit;  importance of environmentalism and clean air; and  exploring what it means to have a holistic transportation system in region. Stay Involved The TJPDC and Regional Transit Vision team values your opinion and wants to hear from you! The two surveys are available here and the next public meeting will be Thursday, November 18 at 6:30 pm. Please check out the website to register for the next meeting and to stay involved and up-to-date on further events and opportunities for input. Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo Appendix B – November 18, 2021 Public Meeting Participant List and Summary Appendix B contains the meeting summary and participant list provided to the TJPDC at the conclusion of the November 18, 2021, Public Meeting. DRAFT 21 Appendix B. November 18, 2021 Public Meeting Participant List and Summary Regional Transit Vision for the Charlottesville Area- Public Meeting Attendee Report: Report Generated: 11/19/2021 09:06 AM EST Actual Start Webinar ID Date/Time Duration # Registered 11/18/2021 06:00 295-223-931 PM EST 2 hours 2 minutes 39 Attendee Details Attended Interest Rating Last Name First Name Yes 90 Bell Christopher Yes 97 Brooks Edward Yes 98 Brulle Timothy Yes 66 Burbage Amanda Yes 96 Fomenko Kelly 66 87 96 Yes Habbab Karim 89 Yes Heron Ray Yes Hersh-Ballering Jessica Yes Iken Donna Appendix B. November 18, 2021 Public Meeting Participant List and Summary Yes 45 Johnson Stephen Yes 92 Keathley Jane Yes 97 Kondor Lee Yes 89 Krebs Peter Yes 85 McDermott Kevin Yes 95 Meth Martin Yes 41 Proctor Charles Yes 90 Sanders Samuel Yes 97 Shackelford Sandy Yes 98 Shannon Lucinda Yes 93 Silverman Martin Yes 68 Townsend Judith Yes 75 Wagg Scudder Yes 64 Weaver Gregory Yes 88 Wrabel Allison Yes 91 Wuensch Bill Yes 70 de Campos Lopes Caetano Yes 52 thompson peter Appendix B. November 18, 2021 Public Meeting Participant List and Summary No 0 Bhosale Mihir No 0 Cockrell Will No 0 Douglas James No 0 Frye Ben No 0 Gavrilovic Vlad No 0 Jacobs Christine No 0 Jiranek Robert No 0 Keane Marta No 0 Lawless Matt No 0 Loomis Rehnborg Matthew No 0 S B No 0 Weir Irene Appendix B. November 18, 2021 Public Meeting Participant List and Summary First Public Meeting November 18, 2021 – 6:30 pm – 8:00pm Summary Overview The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC) hosted a public meeting for the Regional Transit Vision Plan for the Charlottesville Area. This meeting took place from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm on November 18th virtually over GoToMeeting Webinar. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here. This was the first of two public meetings. The goal of the meeting was to hear from the public about their transit goals and priorities for the region and to begin developing the vision for the Regional Transit Vision for the Charlottesville Area. This followed a stakeholder meeting in October. There will be another public meeting, another stakeholder meeting, and multiple surveys for further public input. The surveys are available here and will be open for the public to take until the end of 2021. Attendees and Outreach There were approximately 20 attendees from the public who participated throughout the meeting. The event was publicized in multiple formats: • Transportation operators (CAT, JAUNT) passing out flyers and posting on screens; • Press release and news article in CBS local news; • Social media posts; • Direct email communications from jurisdictions involved (Counties: Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Nelson, Buckingham; City of Charlottesville); • Announcements at public meetings (City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County); and • Direct email communications from stakeholders, especially Regional Transit Partnership (RTP) members and Citizen’s Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) members. Format The public meeting began with introductions from the Regional Transit Vision team and a welcome from the TJPDC. The format of the public meeting was interactive with three background questions, a presentation, and then another series of questions to respond to and comment on eight potential vision goals. Appendix B. November 18, 2021 Public Meeting Participant List and Summary The presentation included Regional Transit Vision process and different tradeoffs and considerations when thinking about transit tradeoffs, such as the sometimes-competing interest of coverage (ensuring everyone throughout an area has transit access) versus frequency (regularly scheduled transit trips). Throughout the meeting, there were opportunities to ask questions and respond to prompts and verbal discussion at the end of the meeting. Visioning Goals There were eight potential visioning goals that attendees were asked to consider as whether they were worthwhile as the top four goals. Attendees also considered whether anything was missing. The eight potential goals, in no particular order, are: • Enhance: Provide high quality and high frequency transit options in the busiest parts of the region • Expand: Expand the region’s transit service to more neighborhoods, towns, and places and increase basic transit connectivity • Connect: Promote efficient and attractive multimodal connectivity for seamless regional travel • Improve Equity: Improve transit access for people with low income, limited physical mobility, or lack of access to automobiles • Grow Equitably: Create a strong linkage between transit and compact, walkable, robust transit-supportive and equitable land use with safe access/egress conditions • Collaborate: Improve internal and external communication with the transit agencies and with local governments to increase transit supportive land use decisions • Support: Enhance the region’s economy and economic well-being of its residents by improving access to employment opportunities and community services • Sustainability/Climate: Minimize the environmental impact of the region's transportation system. The most important goals for the attendees were: enhance, connect, improve equity, and sustainability/climate. This is reflected in the chart below. Attendees' Most Important Visioning Goals 8 7 Selected by Number of Attendees 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Potential Visioning Goals Appendix B. November 18, 2021 Public Meeting Participant List and Summary Attendees also added comments to explain their selections and suggest adding any content to the potential visioning goals. A snapshot of those comments are reflected below: The system needs to be Needs to mention enhanced Improve collaboration to solid before we expand it. bus stops, sidewalks, bike best use the available lanes, crosswalks, etc. resources. Priority should be given to Equity is also about less tangible things, those who do not have the such as seeking community feedback luxury of transportation. through decision-making process. Transit plans should directly Sustainability goal should be Climate benefits are an support comprehensive plans and more around eliminating extension of a successful should themselves encourage emissions and single family transit system. higher density housing. vehicle use. Stay Involved The TJPDC and Regional Transit Vision team values your opinion and wants to hear from you! The two surveys are available here and open until the end of 2021. Please check out the website to stay involved and up-to-date on further events and opportunities for input. Public Engagement Summary Technical Memo Appendix C – Survey Questions & Results Appendix C contains the summary graphs downloaded directly from Survey Monkey, as well as screenshots of the Social PinPoint map results at various scales. In addition, this Appendix includes all of the comments received from both online survey platforms. DRAFT 22 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results Regional Transit Vision for the Charlottesville Area Results from Phase 1 Survey: Priorities and Goals for Transit Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results 673 Total Respondents Respondents • Maximum single question had 672 responses Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results Respondents by Age n=614 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results Respondents by Gender n=610 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results Respondents by Race or Ethnicity n=594 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results Respondents by Household Income n=579 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results Respondents by Number of Vehicles in Household n=612 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results Respondents by Disability Status n=611 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results Respondents by ZIP Code n=603 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results How could better transit service improve your life? n=665 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results 141 Respondents cited other benefits and of those: How could • 23% cited environmental benefits like improve air quality better transit or climate change mitigation • 15% cited access to medical services service • 6% cited improved workforce access improve your • 6% cited improved regional transit access including life? access to and from rural areas Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results How would you rate the benefits of transit? n=672 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results 138 Respondents cited other benefits and of those: How would • 14% cited safer streets through more walking and biking and you rate the other related improvements • 14% cited better regional connections including to rural areas benefits of and to other regions (e.g. DC, Richmond) transit? • 11% cited access to medical services and better services for people with disabilities (physical, mental, and developmental) • 11% cited environmental benefits like improve air quality or climate change mitigation • 8% cited improving the ability to age in place Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results How would you rate the goals for transit? n=670 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results 173 Respondents cited other possible goals and of those: How would • 24% cited better regional connections including to rural areas you rate the and to other regions (e.g. DC, Richmond) • 21% cited environmental benefits like improve air quality or goals for climate change mitigation transit? • 9% cited safer streets through more walking and biking and other related improvements Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results If the region had additional funding for transit, where would you invest it? n=668 Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results 198 Respondents cited other possible improvements and of If the region these: had • 16% suggested better rural services and connections regional connections additional • 11% suggested better walking and biking connections funding for • 10% suggested electric vehicles transit, • 9% suggested rail or light rail connections in the region • 8% suggested more on-demand options where would you invest it? Appendix C. Survey Questions & Results Would you prefer to: Walk farther, but have a short wait? Walk a shorter distance, but wait longer? n=651 Appendix C. Transit Vision Survey Comments Are there transit benefits that aren't listed above and Are there other goals for transit in this region that aren't listed What new transit investment that aren't listed above do you Respondent IDQ1 Other that you think are especially important? above and that you think are especially important? think are especially important, if any? By transit you seem to be thinking only of bus transit. Why not rail transit? In 2006, the Buckingham Branch would have been willing to provide rapid transit from Crozet (possibly farther) with stops at the University, UVA Hospital, Union Station, where it could connect with city transit. CSX killed it. But such service would reduce traffic congestion on 250 and Main Street. Want 13191198681 Am retired and unlikely to use transit. more information? Real curb-separated bike paths to better protect the lives of cyclists and dedicated transit lanes only useable by buses. Better and more frequent transportation will get people out of cars and Reducing car dependency and parking lot sprawl in urban Making public/alternative transit in public areas dense enough and of a Nobody will cycle if they feel unsafe and nobody will take the bus 13124856232 reduce pollution in Charlottesville. areas. high enough quality to reduce the total number of cars in urban areas. if it’s slower than a car. better transit implies better (and more) walkable areas, which leads to better health overall for everyone and allows fully connected transit networks - be they bus, sidewalk, or bike. Also, (again) physically separated pedestrian, bike, and/or bus seniors to have a higher quality of life without endangering _physically-separated_ from cars should be a priority (rather than the infrastructure. I.e., make it safe and faster to use modes of transit 13299008241 Better transit means better air quality and health for everyone everyone via driving painted bike gutters/sharrows, for example). other than cars, and people will use them. No but I do want to say that I do support density (while aggressively pursuing deeply affordable housing), but know it's going to take away parking places so it is super important to improve public transit first (and maybe have more material incentives to ride) instead of forcing people If something can be done about private shopping centers refusing to into a bad system. The one other thing is the "no matter accept bus service as was recently done at the Lowe's shopping center where they live." It think it is nice right now to have the (whatever it is called, Woodbrook) I wish it would be. I know that is the Nothing but I want to say I would like every stop to have a shelter busses that go out to Crozet etc. but since you still need a county but it is really disgusting. So many people come to work there on and a REAL BENCH again. It is so very important for elderly and car or whatever to get to your final destination, and since the bus. They shouldn't have to walk further. It is going the wrong way. disabled people. It is not more important than most of the other Better transit service specifically in my case to include JAUNT being better. hopefully there will be more people able to live here soon, There must be some way the government can lean on them or embarrass things of the list, but it is very important and needs to be Unclear which one I would have to use if/when car dies. However, I don't maybe ii should be a little bit more carefully though out them into reversing the decision but nothing every happened as far as I emphasized and clarified. I don't know that "other services" are have any direct experience with JAUNT, only stories, so answers will apply how much money is spend on something like that. (Maybe know after the announcement was made. i do not want to see any more of needed before money is spent on the other things on the list, but 13177503061 more to CAT. it is fairly cheap; I don't know.) that happening. since I don't really don't what they are, I can't say for sure. Accessible public transit both on-demand and scheduled connecting Nelson County (Nellysford, Lovingston and Arrington) Better, accessible public transit from Nelson County to surrounding bigger to Charlottesville and Fishersville for medical appointments, 13293372889 cities would allow better aging in place in Nelson County. shopping, etc. Need to think more specifically of the needs of the 13285197643 Consider the southern part of the county and not just Charlottesville Scottsville/Esmont/Keene region and 20 south Consider Southern Albemarle Region ,ore Outlying regions provided for We need more safe bike paths, especially around UVA and in the surrounding counties. Enabling UVA students to bike Bike paths. We can readily cut down on the need for cars and safely to school will dramatically cut down on car traffic for even buses if more people could safely and comfortably ride their all. Long bike paths in the counties will provide exercise bikes to work or school. This is an inexpensive solution to our Does transit service include bike paths (not just dangerous bike lanes on high and recreation for everyone. C'ville bike options are a lost Yes, we desperately need more bike paths separate from roads where transportation needs. Biking helps the environment as well. Not 13233186948 speed roads)? opportunity. Why can't C'ville do better? bikes need to compete with cars. bike lane. Bike paths. Better public transport to and from areas that employ the most 13126164524 Environmental benefits would by my biggest priority No A people. Decreasing car traffic and parking concerns. Consider smaller buses with 13208790919 Feel good about using less gas increased frequency and range of service. Keep the buses free! Smaller buses- for routes that don't tend to fill a bus. Decrease need for development of land for housing. This More police keeping tractor trailers off of Rt, 151, and Rt 6. 13292122168 get the tractor trailers off 151 and 6 so traveling is not dangerous will decrease amount of traffic on roads that can't handle it. Keeping the quality of rural life in Nelson County. Ticketing speeders on these roads. 13290304104 get to medical appointments localities working together to improve quality of life no non carbon fueled vehicles 13274562742 I could consume much less gas and reduce my impact on the environment Expanded options for rural areas 13290239659 i could get to necessary appointments easily increased housing location options equal access to needed services services to satellite communities Invest in routes that aren't funnelled through downtown as it creates a bottleneck and makes transit mainly practical to those 13124989720 I could go to and from the train station easily. Reducing the need of parking spaces and lots. To create routes that reduce travel time and not significantly increase it. with lots of free time or can't afford a car or cab. We only have two buses in the morning from Scottsville to Charlottesville and two coming back I think we need more there I would like to have transportation to go to and from our have been times where I have not been picked up on the correct food store in Scottsville Virginia it's very dangerous to walk Lack of Transportation hurt yourself esteem, a huge feeling of isolation time and there been times and I have been late for doctor's 13298897438 I could go to Charlottesville on the weekends this route and I do once a month I do not drive. Loneliness and forgotten. Along with the feeling of unneeded. appointments. 13291170544 I could obtain medical services Provide transit access to recreational facilities and parks 13290450665 I could obtain medical services Provide transit access to recreational facilities and parks Appendix C. Transit Vision Survey Comments Are there transit benefits that aren't listed above and Are there other goals for transit in this region that aren't listed What new transit investment that aren't listed above do you Respondent IDQ1 Other that you think are especially important? above and that you think are especially important? think are especially important, if any? I ride my bike to work, so with better transit, I would have an alternative 13115856692 besides driving when the weather is poor. Electrifying the fleet! Saving money that cars waste and less cars on the road 13173456765 I want to save money on gas means hopefully fewer car crashes In the county With an aging population in the area, we need dependable, Coordinate transport with concerts, theater etc. to encourage fairly priced transport when we can no longer drive. We do Public transport would be a safer option for folks visiting wineries, folks to get out in and support community businesses such as 13293151768 I will eventually need publc transit to age in place here. not want to move away because we can no longer drive. breweries etc. which is a big part of tourism in Nelson. restaurants. Look more closely at communities that have very very limited A few smaller lift vans that would be available on short term 13289334945 I would be less dependent on friends and neighbors having to transport me. Improve access to health care facilities. transportation access, like Nelson’s 151 corridor. notice in case of urgent need…not necessarily emergency need. I would feel confident that my daughter with disabilities is treated fairly and 13274831923 respectfully Opportunities for individuals with cognitive disabilities Stop that are accessible to individuals with disabilities 13175328823 I would feel safer on public transit. People would be safer. making shelters more comfortable and safer To allow access to places that can't be reached on foot experimenting with the use of autonomous vehicles for short 13124970987 I would not need to use my car as often because of inability to cross high-traffic roads distance local travel 13186725247 I would use if there were frequent swift buses helping climate, less noise, better health from not driving climate help and traffic help rapid frequent service and possibly express buses 13174998651 I wouldn't have to be waiting as long for the next bus bus electrification I would like to see much greater leveraging of rail service for intra-regional Integrate bus and rail service so it's easy to go from one to the 13298430055 I wouldn't have to spend so much on parking for work commuting. other. I'm hoping it would be more climate-friendly and improve air quality (they Electric vehicles, reduce and or eliminate emissions, better plan better be full electric if possible) and reduce traffic, which are my two main Improving health by reducing pollution! (sort of listed but communities and neighborhoods to be walkable/bikeable and public 13119083174 concerns. yeah) transit friendly fully electric. would train a new generation to take transit if available to it would enhance my bnb so that visitors could get around to attractions, school children and connecting them to parks and park and ride and shuttle bus/vans so that commuters and 13188338040 business, shopping etc entertainment and sports I dont want to see zoning linked to transit visitors could park and use transit to connect to destinations 13285171450 More service to rural areas. Providing more services to rural areas. Again, providing services to rural areas. I am going to keep on rural area services. With more frequent service, people's time won't be wasted. When people's time is wasted by municipal services, it says Separated bike lanes. Extend the free trolley route to CityWalk that the community doesn't value their time. People of all Apartments. A way for folks to see how they are reducing air economic strata deserve to have their dignity and their time Reduce the community's greenhouse gas emissions to help us meet our pollution / GHG emissions with each ride, either on the app or on 13146461941 My family and I could reduce our carbon footprint. valued. The current system doesn't say that. climate goals. the bus itself. No. Just wastes money that we don't really have without None. Government going further into debt is not an 13292595067 None of the above. Would only create congestion on our rural highways. going further into debt, printing more and causing inflation. Limit further government spending. "investment". Stop transplants from moving here and messing cville up for people who 13277256291 None. It will cause more traffic messes. No were born here. Trains to take transients away. shuttle service to Wintergreen so that people don't have to drive 13294474785 Parking at some colleges is problematic their cars up and down the mountain 13093676476 Please no more free transit crap No more Goal=eliminate completely Invest in putting people to work Trashcans at current stops. Most I've seen don't have them, and trash litters the ground all around the stop. I recently saw a woman with a cane trying to push bottles out of her way so she 13202128946 Postive environmental impact of less cars on the road Positive environmental impacts are the most important. could sit on a transit wait bench. 13219523918 Provide access to healthcare None that I can think of No Use green vehicles Reduce GHG emissions, save money that today I spent in my car (far beyond fuel costs), be able live a more relaxing life (driving less and enjoying the Less pollution, road accidents, reducing the societal Reduce GHG emissions (which can only be achieved with higher bus Microtransit! Out of the box solutions! (reengineering our transit 13217920901 benefits of having my own/shared "chauffeur") pressures of living in a "car culture". occupancy levels and/or by using battery-electric buses) system) Sunday accessibility is needed as well. People work on Sundays and we need Getting to church on work and on Sundays is highly 13186356009 access to my church on Sundays. important in my and many others lives and wellbeing. at least morning and early afternoon service on Sundays A lot of people who ride are coming from the grocery store. It It gives people a chance to share in a community by riding sure would be nice if there were seats near an area where they 13219209427 The current transit service absolutely meets my needs! with their fellow citizens. Mitigation of climate change. could set their bags down. These are all such good reasons! I would add that I'd like for the planet to continue to be inhabitable for me and future generations, so whatever we Freeing people from car payments, insurance payments, Giving people time to relax/read/connect when they would be otherwise I would like to see the buses continue to be free and I think 13298305350 can do to prevent global climate change is A+++. and unnecessary interactions with the police. sitting behind the wheel. people need to be informed about this. to me, the only feisible public transit in our far flung county is a jitney type of transit where one calls in a particular need and shares with others similarly Provide personalized transit service to avoid the need to take multiple situated. The full size buses here are largely or even completely empty buses -- have a shared jitney type of service that is flexible for residents' Abandon large, unfilled buses. Go to small vans that are more 13187935938 because it takes too many buses to get from point A to point B needs flexible: like public Ubers Making sure that rural teens can get to PVCC community college. Making sure rural teens can get to Charlottesville to Assist seniors and the low income who would like to go to movies, special Very early morning for rural areas that need to get to a job say at 13042471862 We need to look specifically at poor, rural teen needs take advantage of services. events and museums not in their area. a McDonald's to open. Appendix C. Transit Vision Survey Comments Are there transit benefits that aren't listed above and Are there other goals for transit in this region that aren't listed What new transit investment that aren't listed above do you Respondent IDQ1 Other that you think are especially important? above and that you think are especially important? think are especially important, if any? Reliable public transport I think increases public safety, it means people who don't have the ability to find or pay for With a better transit service it's easier to leave my car in the shop when it something like a rideshare program and don't have a car are needs repairs, and I would feel more comfortable as a bartender referring not put in a position where they need a ride and don't have Easier ways to keep up with bus route changes, COVID-19 related people who might have had too much to a reliable and better transit service one, don't have a reliable support network, or don't take a Increasing public access to the county, besides just the city of changes, or other things like that that may be time sensitive and 13173760618 that I can trust to get them home. ride from someone they wouldn't have otherwise. Charlottesville. even if it's a connection to another bus system. impact routes or riders! Maybe something like an app. with a better transit service, my developmental disabilities wouldn't be a A system (training staff in particular) that accommodates Training staff to accomodate individuals with developmental 13186801823 barrier to all of the above. individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Accommodating individuals with developmental disabilities. disabilities. Invest in drivers in order to assure reliability of service. The arrival and departure times along the route need to kept tightly 13277056889 With better transit I could reduce my use of fossil fuels. Protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. to the schedule for the service to be predictable and dependable. With better transit service community members could more easily access Connecting community members with food resource Connecting community members with food resource pathways such as Connecting community members with food resource pathways 13204890937 healthy affordable food pathways (groceries, pantries, gardens, etc) pathways such as grocery stores, food pantries, etc grocery stores, food pantries, etc such as grocery stores, food pantries, etc With better transit service I could go on outings with friends who use If we had better public transportation, I would be less Minimize the environmental impact of the public transportation options More medical transport options. Those who rely on Jaunt for 13298913953 wheelchairs and can't transfer into a car. concerned about aging in place. selected. Eliminate the dependence on petroleum products. rides to medical appointments often find the process exhausting. Just want to underline the importance of dedicated bus lanes!! With better transit service there will be fewer deadly cars on the road. Cars Again, fewer injuries and deaths from cars hitting bikers and Also, park and ride opportunities for ppl who do need to drive 13188754204 kill and injure bikers and pedestrians. pedestrians. into C’Ville from rural areas or those underserved by transit. With better transit service, I could help reduce the emissions that are driving Making roads safer for bicycles and pedestrians by reducing 13144598182 climate change the number of cars Restoring street car/rail service If a primary goal of our public transportation is to get people from one place to another at the greatest convenience and least cost to taxpayers, please consider discontinuing large buses and Communities with solid public transportation attract good providing Uber vouchers to riders. The private sector can provide With better transit service, I could hire people who can get to and from businesses, providing more work opportunities for our door-to-door service on demand, which may be the most 13297933415 work. people. effective, cost-effective model for certain parts of the region. Train connecting charlottesville to Richmond. Virginia now owns 13145026530 With better transit service, I could live car free reducing my carbon footprint Reduce environmental pressures the line but we need passenger cars on it With better transit service, I could more easily daisy-chain my activities - Reduce GHG emissions - Improve air quality within urban/dense areas - during a day and not have to worry about the hassle of parking, joining Reduce sound congestion - Increase access to social/recreational friends for a drink (and then having to drive), and could relax while riding - Not having to worry about parking & moving my car - Not destinations (not just economic opportunities and homes, as the other 13190781996 instead of having to pay attention to the road. having to worry about drinking & then later driving options offer) Connection to the airport 13125382547 With better transit service, I would contribute less to the global climate crisis Reduce GHG emissions Integrating services of different providers & facilitating transfers With better transit service, I would feel more connected to my community 13271505753 by interacting more! ACCURATE ESTIMATES OF ARRIVAL TIMES. Safe backups and extensions for walking and riding a Signal priority, protected turns, other anti-bunching efforts With better transit service, I would feel we were doing more of our part for a bicycle, so I know I have a safe way home in case something complementary with or where necessary subbing for separation 13173593238 secure climate future for our children and grandchildren goes wrong Making best use of limited public resources from mixed traffic Bus routes that go as far as Walmart on Rt. 29, or one that reaches the airport, that also go all the way back to the bus station. Right now the bus to Walmart does not take you back With better transit service, I'll be able to commute to my doctor's Enabling people to go to grocery stores and doctor's downtown- it takes you as far as the Barracks Road shopping 13125762683 appointments. Currently it takes 3 busses/2.5 hours each way. appointments. center. Improved biking and walking infrastructure, included protected (I.e., NOT paint) bike lanes, connected sidewalks thruout the city, With better transit service, our entire community would benefit from Allowing more ppl to safely access the sheer joy of active decreased speed limits within the city — no one should be able 13296422635 cleaner air and reduced greenhouse gas emissions mobility! to drive faster than 25mph anywhere in cville Appendix C. Transit Vision Survey Comments Are there transit benefits that aren't listed above and Are there other goals for transit in this region that aren't listed What new transit investment that aren't listed above do you Respondent IDQ1 Other that you think are especially important? above and that you think are especially important? think are especially important, if any? + Helping neighbors displaced by gentrification and rising costs of living reach places of employment, entertainment, and basic amenities. + Abstractly, mass transit helps one connect with and be a part of the city/community rather than an individual in the city. + Robust mass transit is This survey completely disregards the necessity of transforming our mass critical to combating climate change and the effects thereof. transit systems to combat and account for the effects of climate change. Transportation accounts for the majority of ghg emissions in The main goal should be completely overhauling how we get around to We should be imaging a region that abolishes most local our area, our state, our country. We cannot continue as a eliminate single-family vehicle use in a way that is equitable and roadways in favor of pedestrian, bike, and mass transit. We species to rely on single-family vehicles. + Eliminating sustainable. We need to be thinking big picture about how we get to and should think about major state-wide rail systems connecting to reliance on air travel, both for climate's sake and for the from other areas in our state and country. If we don't change our regional and local light rail systems connecting to comprehensive With better transit service, we could take preventative action against the sake of quality of life—rail is easier, more comfortable, and infrastructure with that in mind, as well, then we'll be wasting valuable bus routes that service areas with little to no car traffic in lieu of 13123393517 impending catastrophes of climate change. less expensive. time and will come up short. biking and walking. Running and biking paths. Not a bike lane on a road but an actual separate, paved path. This is badly needed. The Rivanna trail is crap except for the section at Riverview With better transit services, I could more easily avoid running on the park. Also, a train station in Crozet would cut down on 13233221548 shoulder of 250 congestion and parking at the one in Charlottesville. Eliminate hit and runs. Paved bike paths! With better transit there would be less cars, making it safer for pedestrians Electric buses, assuming they have the range and would be 13173777661 and bicyclists. To contribute to our goals of reducing climate change. practical. With better transit we might have a hope of curbing catastrophic climate 13252547870 change Transportation for children who cannot drive themselves. Contribute to the region's goals for carbon emissions reductions. Transit-supportive land use and urban design Again, please be aware of the needs of people with developmental differences. My son has high spectrum autism. He is in a four-year degree program in a reputable state college and does not fit in with the Innisfree crowd, but due to extreme executive functioning challenges, he will never You only mention people with mobility issues. Many many be able to drive. He is too vulnerable to exploitation to use Lyft or Uber. MANY adults with developmental disabilities are unable to He does very well with city buses, but they take much too long and live independent lives because they cannot drive. JAUNT is sometimes it requires two transfers to get where he's going. And that's not a good alternative because it is irregular in arrival for just once he gets to town. We live in White Hall. When he is not away at pick up and in spite of their claims to the contrary, is limited college, if he wants to do anything in town I have to take him. Before he in it's service to rural communities. I know. I've been told went away, when he was at PVCC and working, I had to take him to school With better transit, I would be less responsible for greenhouse gases. With they could serve our son, only to find out they can only pick and then to work, because he would have had to take THREE buses to get better transit, I could spend my 30 minute commute to town doing other him up in at certain time and place. He also hates being from PVCC to Barracks Rd. Obviously, this profoundly impacted my own 13186666735 things than drive. lumped with only other people with disabilities. work schedule! Better transportation from rural areas, and outlying counties. With better transit, people could get to medical appointments better. And Providing transportation for medical appointments. Extend 13285149772 Extend service to Scottsville and Esmont. service to Scottsville and Esmont. Extend transportation services to Scottsville and Esmont. Extend service to rural areas like Scottsville and Esmont. With better transit, we could live in a less car reliant and safer, more Climate change depends on reduction of cars. Communities Frequent reliable service on ALL lines - 15 minutes or less - not 13296418336 comfortable neighborhood develop better when people get out of their cars. No just during rush hour. Separated bus lanes. European cities that banned cars in the historic districts and have adequate public (electric) transit find that the standard of living goes up in many ways--community, less noise, less Support businesses by having transit options for employees and 13094402141 with electric transit, there'd be less pollution and CO2 pollution, public safety, fewer collisions. customers. Quiet, non-polluting transit vehicles. 13303131955 Reducing road deaths from driving High ridership Redesign the bus routes 13301344889 Equity Lower cost by giving access to lower cost housing integration with light rail, magnetic to wheeled buses Transit to communities outside of C’ville (many low age workers that work 13299610934 in C’ville live in outwards counties) Safe bicycle routes in county (E.g. north of airport near Earlysville 13298972082 should be economical - possibly funded by community funds more stops We need to give people a reason to choose public transit (or bikes or walking) over driving to work. That means increased bus frequency, building covered shelters at every bus stop, eliminating bus fares Eventually, an electrified bus fleet. Also protected bike lanes, permanently, establishing a regional transit authority, building physically additional public bike racks and lockers, and improved sidewalks protected bike lanes along major corridors through town, and improving (many of them are completely inaccessible for wheelchairs and 13298354909 sidewalks and accessibility. strollers) if those fall within the scope of this survey. 13297963209 No No Expand to more rural areas I think new autonomous options? I’d love a monorail system from the airport to the hospital/Fontaine, and maybe a regular I think by creating better transportation options, you can transportation option from UVA to VCU to PVCC to help 13297836311 also create jobs for the region (operators, engineers, etc.) students/inexperienced drivers. More frequent, reliable, and accessible transit services for We need frequent, reliable, and accessible transit services neighborhoods historically marginalized in Charlotteville - 10th & 13297661414 for everyone! Paige for example. 13297597029 Help people who choose not to own a car Accessibility for people of ALL incomes, not just low-income More connectors to UVA and especially PVCC Appendix C. Transit Vision Survey Comments Are there transit benefits that aren't listed above and Are there other goals for transit in this region that aren't listed What new transit investment that aren't listed above do you Respondent IDQ1 Other that you think are especially important? above and that you think are especially important? think are especially important, if any? Helping connect neighboring counties/regions in a more cohesive way. Also, taking all the affordable housing pressure off Charlottesville by making it easier for people to Better shelters and an easier way to know when the next bus/etc is It would be great to invest in other forms of transit besides 13297453212 live in more affordable areas and still commute. coming. Connections with airport and train stations. busses: streetcars, small shuttle busses, light rail, etc Door to door service for everyone, not just elderly or disabled. This is possible if you consider adopting an “Uber” model of on- demand service via a fleet of small electric vehicles instead of 13297336264 Community connection Reduce carbon and pollution sticking to huge busses than run mostly empty on many routes. Intersection improvements to prioritize transit such as reducing conflict points with turning private motor vehicles, especially left turns, giving transit priority on key corridors like Toronto's King Street pilot, and queue jump lanes at intersections that are reliably clogged at rush hour guide/intersections/intersection-design/queue-jump-lanes/ and eventually a full circulation plan like Ghent or Utrecht to reroute private motor vehicle traffic around key bike/ped/transit corridors entirely Provide a higher quality of life for area residents, reduce deaths and 13297308602 injuries from traffic violence =Streetfilms 13297179702 Bus lanes only throughout - make it faster than using your car. Transportation links to air and rail hubs in the region. Transportation support for seniors who can't/shouldn't Transportation links to air and rail hubs in the region. Transportation Options to get to air and rail travel hubs are nonexistent in 13297003605 drive. support for seniors who can't/shouldn't drive. Nelson County. I just feel so terrible for folks who have to wait out in the freezing cold for a long time for a bus. There’s a stop in back of the Kroger on berkmar that was covered in snow and ice this week and the folks waiting for the bus had to wait on the road with cars Just want to emphasize how important it is for folks without zooming by. Please fix your stops in the northern part of the 13296561576 a car to live and work in our area. county Expanding the transit network enough to make life without daily car commuting possible in Charlottesville. This city was not designed for auto Light rail or trolley-buses within the city would be a beautiful transit and it suffers when life is made easier for cars than it is for people. addition. But I want to emphasize that expanding the scope of (I say this as a car owner and driving enthusiast who, nevertheless, wishes service should be your top priority. More stops! More lines! 13296453511 N/A she could get downtown without driving.) Please! 13296450389 Separated bike lanes reduce emissions - have a transit system that is so good, fewer people I suppose this is just a pipe dream that will never happen, but one 13296422311 drive their own cars, thus reducing congestion and pollution. day I would love it if this area had a light-rail/subway system. 13296028930 Service needs to be provided in rural locations not just cities. reliable, scheduled service to allow elderly to get to doctor 13294827136 apts without driving selves scheduled bus service to Nelson Co enabling people to move out of congested areas by linking rural fewer traffic fatalities. less dwi. police can focus more on and urban communities; conversely allowing rural folks to have 13294810221 helping people and less on traffic issues connecting the people in rural areas with jobs and access to medical care cultural experiences Public transportation will make it possible for people to age 13293493012 in place. Provide transit options to areas with high numbers of retirees. Better connection from major regional cities (Washington, Richmond, Roanoke, etc.) to Nelson County or at least Charlottesville. For example, currently no way to get to Wintergreen form Washington other than Better regional connections, e.g., major cities to Charlottesville to 13293293551 private vehicle. local points Serving communities who cannot afford individual cars and reducing the average carbon footprint in Cville and Albemarle. Reducing bus wait times is important, with current schedules its not always a viable way for community Environmental responsibility: use of EVs or buses that are sized Extend service specifically to areas where people who cannot 13292279902 members to get to work appropriately to specific routes. afford cars would benefit from service 13292185224 No No Rural community access The ability for people to get to regional transit hubs (air, rail) without the need of a personal vehicle, to include the 13292117835 Wintergreen mountain community. Safe, reliable and affordable connections to other regional transit systems. Into some of the more distant/rural communities Providing outlets for outlying residential areas, ie. Rural 13290672716 communities. Ride share networks 13290364885 Bases that can accommodate wheel chairs Appendix C. Transit Vision Survey Comments Are there transit benefits that aren't listed above and Are there other goals for transit in this region that aren't listed What new transit investment that aren't listed above do you Respondent IDQ1 Other that you think are especially important? above and that you think are especially important? think are especially important, if any? 13290343104 Transportation to Nelson County and Nellysford We need to be less reliant on cars!!!!! Save the Would be AMAZING to be able to get to recreational places like People work at all hours— people without access to cars usually 13290221836 environment Wintergreen and 151 wineries work nights and weekend and need transportation Expanding options for getting around for people in rural Yes, expanding transit not only to high density areas but also rural 13286174857 communities communities Extending service to rural communities 13285145130 assistance with people accessing healthcare extend transportation into the rural areas more routes to rural areas, particularly route 20 corridor south Mostly related to improving air quality and ensuring our Regular assessment of community needs and realignment based 13284586815 lowest income neighbors have access to essentials on those assessments Timely transportation to and from doctor appointments, not 2 hours 13282380418 Reducing carbon emissions before and up to 2 hours after Ability to provide Door to door service to doctor appointments 13278578397 Park and ride hubs Light rail system between UVA and downtown Transportation for folks who are disabled and on Medicaid. There are too few providers who would make getting from rural places to Charlottesville feasible without long ride times. JAUNT should not be allowed to discriminate against people with disabilities who need extra help. My disabled daughter has been banned from JAUNT for life because she was unable to disembark from a JAUNT van in a timely way. 13277938314 I would be happy to discuss if you want more information. Rural transportation needs are not being met. Transportation to rural areas. 13277077114 Eliminate carbon footprint of the transportation system. Electrify the fleet as rapidly as possible Increases safety for individuals who need to leave their Just want to highlight the importance of cheap or free transportation 13276122555 homes but do not have reliable transportation reaching people in low income areas Lower transportation costs Increased access to areas outside the city. Better access to 13274590470 Access to more areas of the city/surrounding counties. Na medical care outside of UVA. 13274021058 No No A Cville railway/ above ground train More express service. think in terms of a system. Well designed comfortable Transit hubs at key areas on the outskirts, served by Jaunt, autonomous vehicles picking up in high density areas, feeding transit Center’s. Transit Center’s served by express bus 13272178218 into employment centers. 13271752695 Convert public transit vehicles to non fossil fuel vehicles. New non-fossil fuel transit vehicles. Connecting different areas to build a stronger sense of 13271695276 overall community Better connections to places like Richmond and DC Intra-county public transit would allow low-income people Light rail is important, as is transfer transit. Regular, daily schedules (ie, 13271608870 in counties to access better job opportunities and college. Louisa only goes to Cville 3 days a week) Light rail Rural communities like Louisa to and from Charlottesville for jobs 13269050795 and doctors appointments. Interconnect City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County building regional approach to social and economic fabric, and also linking to Need more reliable schedules and shorter wait times on city of 13267516183 Linking the community socially outlying Counties charlottesville routes. Bus stop amenities, particularly in densely traveled areas, eg., along multi- New designs for, ie., non-pollution and noise emitting, public 13265664808 laned roads, is ESSENTIAL! transportation, eg., vehicles. 13265156878 Additional transit to transportation hubs/larger cities. Additional transportation to larger cities/transportation hubs. Environmental benefits, especially if CVILLE got some 13263104395 electric buses. New energy efficient buses 13262822731 No Reduce pollution Non gas powered buses 13262706916 Environmental impact is a major issue for me Transitioning to renewable fuels Renewable energy fueled vehicles Support the senior citizens, and low income families as well as families with family members with special needs who live in the areas outside of the cities in the more rural areas who do not have their own transportation and require help provide for consideration of additional safety considerations such as include as much as possible to save the green environment such for transportation to get to appointments and access to sidewalks, traffic lights, cross walks, bike paths, bus stops, and handicap as add greenscape; plants and green grass, flowers, trees, shrubs 13240877943 stores for their basic needs accessibility with transportation options and landscape to beautify our environment Appendix C. Transit Vision Survey Comments Are there transit benefits that aren't listed above and Are there other goals for transit in this region that aren't listed What new transit investment that aren't listed above do you Respondent IDQ1 Other that you think are especially important? above and that you think are especially important? think are especially important, if any? SAFETY for those who use a bicycle, walk, or use other non- motorized forms of transportation: we need better bicycle and walking paths (not lanes where the bicyclist and walker have to commit suicide to use) that connect to other forms of transportation: bike paths that connect to the train station for example, or buses that will have trailers for bicycles and connect to bike paths that connect to places of work, school, and commerce. Can easily partner with utilities to use utility easements to place the paved walking Environmental health (Climate change), improved personal and physical and biking paths. A bike path in the location of the former health of residents, improved quality of life and desirability of the region pipeline in Western Albemarle will enable a biking and (make the area more desirable place to live for all including those who will Bike paths (not lanes but separate paths) that connect to bus and 13232973828 walking option between and along the Brew Trail. be able to work remotely) train stops. Transit provides an industry for people to gain a valuable certification. 13226469704 More transit means more skilled employees. Consolidation of existing resources Redesign the transit system to create a more efficient system. Decrease bus route frequency on routes where there are little or no Take a passenger count on existing routes and reroute areas that 13220480694 passengers on a frequent basis. This would help env pollution have few passengers More extensive, safe infrastructure for bikes and pedestrian transit. Car parks for private vehicles intersecting with public 13207871046 Zero Emissions transit system. Ensuring routes get people to places that they want to go. Not every route needs to be focused at the downtown mall. Focus on I would really like to see a unified approach to transit beyond jurisdictional large employment centers and large concentrations of housing 13205403089 boundaries and how to get people between those places efficiently. There should be park-and-ride lots surrounding the city and 13202452491 frequent transit service between them and the city. my family has a car, but live in the city and want to use public transit more. it just has to make sense, for me that means it needs to align reasonably closely with when/where i am going. not an easy problem i know, but that is what keeps me from 13202304415 riding it more. 13202018082 Reducing congestion by improving traffic patterns increasing rideshare apps/carpooltoschool apps - get that Interconnectedness with public schools to take children to advertising out there. i know about it, but only because I googled 13201363165 school and home and after school activities help the environment as you listed in earlier questions it. In addition to access to jobs and services, it is important to be intentional about food access including grocery stores, Low-no cost fares or incentives for ridership. Increasing pay for 13198343081 fresh markets, and food banks. transit workers so there is a robust pool of consistent drivers. 13198180486 Increased focus on rural passengers. Increased transit opportunities for rural passengers and stakeholders Increased poinrmt-to-point service for rural passengers. I would really like to see a light rail system running from the 13196983808 airport to the university campus. The city can build more high density housing with less parking which makes the city more walkable and 13193896711 tourist/local friendly. Alleviate traffic. Dedicated lanes Bus Rapid Transit on the 29/Barracks Rd corridor would be a Improving transit access for underserved areas of the region, especially job game changer for the region, and is something I think CAT should 13193759200 Linking the region together centers such as Hollymead/Airport area seriously consider. 13193281010 Electric transit vehicles, ideally with overhead wire 13192628602 Allow for more sane housing development Electric There should be transit to the airport - a shuttle from DT, then maybe a 13192108919 Helping low income people and decreased pollution couple of stops before the airport (like Belk, Walmart) Shuttle to the airport making bicycling around charlottesville an easier viable way 13191808906 to get around making bicycling a safe, viable option bike lanes I grew up in Germany. If you live in a metropolitan area, you really don't need a car to move around locally. But for a city the size of Charlottesville, it is not very different. Having many more routes that tour the outer areas of Charlottesville (for me, that would be Pantops) would help 13191719259 a lot No Connection to Airport 13190378136 No No Electric buses 13189799936 Environmental impacts and potential for accidents improving clarity maps/ routes for new users Appendix C. Transit Vision Survey Comments Are there transit benefits that aren't listed above and Are there other goals for transit in this region that aren't listed What new transit investment that aren't listed above do you Respondent IDQ1 Other that you think are especially important? above and that you think are especially important? think are especially important, if any? Biking lanes! I'd love to bike here - easily can bike from Crozet to Charlottesville, but zero paths without getting killed on the highway. We need to seriously expand biking lanes! Zero 13189619025 pollution, healthy alternative, and calming. Opportunity for more shared spaces and activities, a Better digital platforms for tracking, route planning, and paying 13188838780 democracy needs shared public things! Better access to other major metropolitan areas, like DC, Boston, and NYC for fares on apps, smart phones, etc. Bicycle-related amenities and transportation, including Create a transit web robust enough to allow independence from cars. If transportation on buses, bike lanes, and separate bike paths. you have to have a car for a few things, you will use it for many things that Integration of busses and rail. Rail service from Staunton through Integration of walking and transportation with improved you could use transit for. There’s a tipping point of service you need to hit Waynesboro, Crozet, Charlottesville, Richmond, Williamsburg, 13188764104 exercise and health. to move people into shared transportation use. and Newport News. Technology, service disruptions are not reflected in Google maps Regional connections to other cities without the need for air Better connections between routes. Better bus stops, benches and cover which can lead to confusion since most people use that instead of 13188720716 travel for rain. the transit website to plan trips. Let me reiterate the importance of benches at ALL bus stops for 13187810910 those of us who cannot stand for long periods. Small, electric vehicles. So many large buses only have a few 13187700206 Rural resident transit options customers 13187663641 no no more bus stops Make bus routes there and back rather than a loop. Reduces time 13187176981 spent on the bus. Reduce use of automobiles. Bus transportation must be frequent and 13187079611 reliable in order to be successful. Flexible routes, use of vans rather than large busses. We would be a more attractive region for those considering 13186982670 relocation for work, international visitors, and retirees. Air quality benefits. Get young people in the habit of using public transportation. riding transit includes an element of exercise (walking to and from bus stops) and we should encourage everyone to 13186860642 exercise for better health! sidewalks to access bus stops jaunt type service from high density developments to/from need to more focus on Jaunt type point to point service ... employment centers, AM and PM. ID strategically. Most bang for 13186610711 vs busses that go down a road and make 20 stops the buck in getting cars off the road Being able to reach retirees, elderly women (single, widowed) is and will continue to grow in numbers. More and more retirees are moving to this area, transit service will become a very 13186578207 important. Better indications of when the next bus is expected: using 13186418282 no no electronic signage and GPS to tell riders when the bus will come. Make sure service is accessible (geographically and fare-wise) where homeless people need it to get to work, shopping for necessities, and Have you considered getting information from Uber's Transit 13185472784 other places. This includes places like Premier Circle on Route 29. team and the options they can provide for a city of our size? 13175882604 light rail on 29 New lines- one to Virginia Beach, one to the Blue Ridge hiking Connecting Charlottesville to other cities, regions and the Connecting people to nature- Shenandoah National Park, Virginia Beach, would be amazing. High speed options** even the Amtrak is so 13175878615 coast. There really should be a line to Virginia Beach. etc. slow, most people drive because of that. 13175226038 ? ? Smaller buses Sidewalks and active electronic tools (i.e., not the police) that 13175057331 Reminding people that they live in a blinking society enforce traffic laws and encourage last-mile walking, etc. Budgeting to hire more bus drivers and pay them an appropriate wage I think would be helpful to them and to continuity of 13174232416 N/A N/A service. 13173937177 Connections to other statewide transit paths (i.e. Amtrak). 13173924369 Dependable drivers. Pay them enough. FREQUENCY IS KING!!!! also consider making at least some of the roads that cut through campus bus-only -dunno if it's a transit investment per se or affordable, but signal priority at Pedestrian safety (via fewer drivers), reduced air pollution, intersections and offboard fare payment if fares are kept might 13173887439 not bein Stuck Driving Making travel between Cville and RVA and the Valley easier without a car be a good idea to speed up waiting at stops. More connected bike lines and sidewalks so people can reach more areas of the city without cars, and reach transit stops more 13173597102 safely. Appendix C. Transit Vision Survey Comments Are there transit benefits that aren't listed above and Are there other goals for transit in this region that aren't listed What new transit investment that aren't listed above do you Respondent IDQ1 Other that you think are especially important? above and that you think are especially important? think are especially important, if any? Less traffic is better for everyone! Cleaner air, and safer for 13173574269 walkers, runners, and cyclists. More protected bike lanes too please Separated bike lanes, continuous sidewalks and adherence to 13173454290 This is really important!! vision zero goals Structuring systems and infrastructure around the goal of eliminating 13153386907 emissions. Multimodal transit that features express routes and rail. 13145033898 Access for people with disabilities No Rail Commuter service from surrounding communities; park-and-ride 13144939242 commuter service to UVA and Downtown. Fewer vehicles on the road would hopefully lead to safer 13144925066 rides for cyclists. Increase pedestrian and cyclist safety Dedicated bus lanes, dedicated and separated bike lanes Rail! Put in trams or streetcars. There should be multiple 13144663545 Better mass transit helps fight climate change. Combatting climate change modalities of public transport. Connection to commuting/park-and-ride hubs to encourage Providing a safer environment for pedestrians, bicyclists Reduce demand for street parking from commuters to free up lanes for commuters driving in from out of town to use public transit for 13144357215 and animals by reducing car traffic non-car transit including pedestrians, bicycles and buses last leg of commute in the city. Expanded transit to basic needs such as the local food pantries, 13140832923 Not necessarily Not necessarily. thrift stores, schools, and hospital health & safety - lower risk of harmful accidents, less cumulative stress from traffic/driving civic spirit - having an decreasing reliance on personal vehicles/increasing reliance on accessible, light rail/direct rapid systems to & from critical locations, i.e. accessible, clean, convenient transit system as a robust transit as more infrastructure is damaged or constrained by climate downtown, airport, food & consumer goods hubs like pantops, 13137199620 local/regional point of pride change 5th st., 29N Park and ride for remote commuters, and being able to carry 13134305688 Reduce need for cars in densely populated areas bikes on transit vehicles 13132713601 Creating a more integrated and connected community Continuing to make riding affordable 13131375107 Park and ride 13128564194 Access to transit for thise in rural areas Access to transit in rural areas Being a passive rider through the neighborhoods and communities might bring a greater appreciation for the area. Since I have started to take a lengthy commute on the Instant, clear communication through an app and social media bus regularly, I've become aware of places in and near the about what bus are/are not running. It is alarming how inactive city that I had just never considered. Expanded worldviews, Tying into my above comment, expanding the reach of the transit system and/or late the twitter account is in regards to when buses stop 13125420809 even on a small scale, are typically better than narrow ones. in all directions that make sense geographically. running. The app rarely has an messaging either. 13125004162 More bike/pedestrian infrastructure 13124776501 Transit-prioritized signals for congested intersections! Prioritizing access to transportation in lower income 13124763618 N/A N/A neighborhoods to increase job and community opportunities. Protected bike lanes. New bike lanes. Prioritize protected bike 13112009148 lanes. Dedicated bus lanes. 13098200098 No Sporting events Transit hubs Increasing commuter passenger ridership should be the primary focus of Not just more amenities at bus stops, but more staffed locations every agency in the area- congestion in and around Charlottesville is only besides the DTS- UVA Health @ The West Complex comes to 13097551064 going to get worse, and we need to begin improving things NOW. mind as an ideal location 13088669686 Must connect with pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Again, connections with improved pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Microtransit Convert from diesel to electric vehicles - for drivers and riders 13088130506 health and the environment. Eventually saves money too. Povide transportation to/from Charlottesville airport and Amtrak train Do not support anything that leads to more dense station without need of long term parking at those locations, especially for 13086069863 development Amtrak. Amtrak station is not designed for anything but brief parking light rail service We enjoyed walking downtown, enjoying library, coffee or 13085242610 lunch and then taking bus home ... Before covid. Recreation. Buses and bike lanes to all parks. Accurate app for when bus to arrive at your stop 13085203650 Safe bike lanes Safe bike lanes Safe bike lanes I visited Switzerland a few years ago and I was most impressed when our train was a few minutes late in arriving at our destination prompted communication between other forms of transportation so the boat we As an aging resident, I would like to use my car less wanted to board was held just a few minutes so we were able to get to our especially at night when it will become more difficult for me final destination with ease. Communication between all forms of Making it easier to walk or bike to public transportation and 13085185614 to drive. transportation is a key factor in making public transportation viable. being able to put your bike on the bus or train. Appendix C. Transit Vision Survey Comments Are there transit benefits that aren't listed above and Are there other goals for transit in this region that aren't listed What new transit investment that aren't listed above do you Respondent IDQ1 Other that you think are especially important? above and that you think are especially important? think are especially important, if any? unsure, but really important to add shelters to bus stops, and affordable transit options, shorter wait times for buses, places that the bus can pull off of the road and not stop traffic, or 13085161548 more buses to travel to/from unsure have a separate, bus only lane Enable development in Southern Albemarle county without 13085133977 creating restrictive commuting congestion Encourging car and vanpooling more pedestrian and bicycle opportunities. Cville can be a dense area and 13085098184 our bike access is weak and unsafe Dedicated, separate bicycle and pedestrian paths I'm sorry if listing everything as very important gives the impression isn't the most helpful, but this is the only area i've Commuting via transit is passive and leaves time for ever lived in that I've never used public transit because it is so reading, work, mentally preparing for the day. Activities fundamentally lousy. Massive investment needed in all aspects if 13085061792 that can't be accomplished while driving. it's going to be an viable car alternative. 13054428084 Social integration / sociological benefits Environmental benefits of reducing traffic Investment in a "greener" fleet of vehicles Potential to reduce the necessity for major road Establishment of a regional transit authority to ensure continued 13027159466 improvements to accommodate increased traffic partnership to execute common priorities None of this will work if the service provided is not reliable and None of this matters if the transit system is unreliable as it None of this matters if the transit system is unreliable and undependable can not keep to the stated time table as has been the case for 13024785181 is now and has been for years as it has been for years years. Bus rapid transit / separated service = very very important! Transit can be a leader in reducing air pollution through bus Transit succeeds in communities where transit is prioritized over electrification. Coordination with UTS is key. Right now they Support the city and county's climate goals by reducing bus emissions and single occupancy vehicles. A transit trip should be FASTER during 13023985018 don't even use the same app. reducing community vehicle miles travelled. rush hour, not SLOWER. Regional Transit Vision for the Charlottesville Area Social PinPoint Survey Responses With pedestrian deaths on the rise, we should also be focused on lowering speed limits, which could also act as an Popular Comments incentive for faster public transportation like rail. And as these pedestrian deaths are disproportionately among Black and POC communities, we should focus on lowering the speed limit on arteries like 5th Street which are lined with Black and POC communities. Any regional transit system requires access to major transit hubs like airports as essential components to a working system. Even if this is on- Please prioritize any "rush hour" corridor where single demand it's a significant hurdle to not have a public occupancy vehicles slow transit. Transit should be FASTER transit option from the airport to/from dense areas during rush hour, not SLOWER. This will help catalyze a like downtown or the University. commuter shift to bus transit as commuters act in their own self-interest to hop on a BRT (+/- a park and ride). JAUNT has some downtown Scottsville options now, but I would Many people who live in Crozet have jobs love for a regional transit system to include the town on a more in Charlottesville. Constructing a corridor permanent basis. Scottsville has a hundred commuters to between them will better interconnect Charlottesville every day. And we often go to the city for social the two urban centers, decreasing the events and appointments. Going the other way, Scottsville's density of cars and need for additional weekend destinations include the farmers market and the river parking in both. outfitter, to which urban area residents might appreciate a bus ride. Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Stops near schools to cut reliance on school buses Counties, Charlottesville- (consider express/special routes for young kids for Albemarle Metropolitan start/end of school?); good for activities outside of 2021-11-18 19:40:52 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 22 Planning Organization school hours 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Connection to Amtrak to Richmond, Hampton Roads, 2021-12-09 02:22:55 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 46 Planning Organization and Silver Service trains. 0 0 Does CAT still provide free bus passes to Cville City School students? Connectivity from South of Main St. to CHS is important for students that miss the school bus Charlottesville, Study Area, and don't have a private car option. Depending on Counties, Charlottesville- routing the YMCA and CHS could be served by only one Albemarle Metropolitan bus stop allowing for riders to walk between the two 2021-12-09 01:58:27 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 45 Planning Organization sites 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Stonefield outdoor mall, especially Trader Joes. But also 2021-11-21 21:06:14 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 26 Planning Organization Costco down the road. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-09 15:31:30 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 47 Planning Organization This is near fun places 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- If we are absolutely required to have our community's Albemarle Metropolitan main post office out in freaking suburbia, then it 2021-11-21 21:07:18 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 27 Planning Organization absolutely must have public transit access. 0 0 Color is wrong. This should just be a regular stop for Bus Albemarle, Study Area, #10 in the way back to Downtown. There could be a Counties, Charlottesville- second stop in the region if Chick-fil-A. I don't know why Albemarle Metropolitan it just drives along 25 and gets stopped in traffic during 2021-12-10 00:38:27 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 49 Planning Organization rush hour 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-09 18:35:35 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 48 Planning Organization Airport 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-11-17 01:40:47 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 19 Planning Organization All parks should be accessible by bus. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Bus stop for the YMCA and for the wonderful new 2021-10-29 15:29:31 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 17 Planning Organization skateboard park. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- The YMCA / Mclntire Park deviation is detrimental to the Albemarle Metropolitan majority of route 9. A new route serving Mclntire Plaza, 2021-12-10 21:09:21 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 50 Planning Organization then up 250 to the park could be considered. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-05 18:34:17 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 2 Planning Organization UVA grounds west 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-05 18:32:23 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 1 Planning Organization Downtown 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-05 18:41:36 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 3 Planning Organization Belmont 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-05 18:42:40 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 4 Planning Organization Jefferson Park Ave 0 0 2022-01-10 21:37:00 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 56 Richmond and Hampton Roads 0 0 2022-01-10 21:37:56 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 57 DC area 0 0 Any regional transit system requires access to major transit hubs like airports as essential components to a Albemarle, Study Area, working system. Even if this is on-demand it's a Counties, Charlottesville- significant hurdle to not have a public transit option from Albemarle Metropolitan the airport to/from dense areas like downtown or the 2021-10-06 16:02:00 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 5 Planning Organization University. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- It's a shame that this new development is so pedestrian Albemarle Metropolitan and transit unfriendly, but the reality remains that it is 2021-10-06 16:03:49 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 6 Planning Organization now a significant retail hub. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-15 20:59:04 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 53 Planning Organization Work transportation 0 0 High St feels like it's ripe for development as Woolen Charlottesville, Study Area, Mills and Downtown keep growing. There's already a Counties, Charlottesville- stop close by, but it would be nice to see more attention Albemarle Metropolitan to it -- more space to wait, shade, bench, etc. Great way 2021-12-15 20:23:07 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 52 Planning Organization to access Rivanna River Co , CVS, restaurants, etc. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Echoing the call for a connection between major transit 2021-12-15 20:09:52 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 51 Planning Organization hub like an airport and the center of town! 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-19 02:00:16 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 8 Planning Organization Hollymead Town Center 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-19 01:59:04 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 7 Planning Organization UVA North Fork Discovery Park 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-19 02:03:57 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 9 Planning Organization Amtrak Station 0 0 A bus from Charlottesville to regional airports (CHO, 2021-12-17 02:51:57 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 54 Dulles, Reagan, Richmond) would be helpful! 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-29 15:14:25 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 10 Planning Organization Amtrack, connecting to DC 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-29 15:17:01 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 13 Planning Organization Scott Stadium - sports 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Pen Park. Lovely park with numerous trails, exercise Counties, Charlottesville- trail, huge playground, tennis courts, soft ball, etc. Why Albemarle Metropolitan is the City's Pen Park so unreachable for walkers and 2021-10-29 15:23:23 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 14 Planning Organization bikers? 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-29 15:16:34 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 12 Planning Organization JPJ -- sports & concerts 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Monticello's Saunders Trail needs to be reachable by bus. Albemarle Metropolitan A bus stop at the parking off US 20 would be perfect. I 2021-10-29 15:27:41 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 16 Planning Organization suspect bus already goes to the community college. 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-29 15:15:01 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 11 Planning Organization Downtown mall 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-29 15:25:04 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 15 Planning Organization Darden Park needs to be reachable by bus 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-11-13 22:25:57 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 18 Planning Organization Businesses and park would benefit with a bus route 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-11-17 01:44:27 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 20 Planning Organization There should be buses to all city parks. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-11-18 19:45:28 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 24 Planning Organization The regional jail should be accessible via bus 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Stops near schools to cut reliance on school buses Counties, Charlottesville- (consider express/special routes for young kids for Albemarle Metropolitan start/end of school?); good for activities outside of 2021-11-18 19:39:54 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 21 Planning Organization school hours 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Stops near schools to cut reliance on school buses Counties, Charlottesville- (consider express/special routes for young kids for Albemarle Metropolitan start/end of school?); good for activities outside of 2021-11-18 19:41:51 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 23 Planning Organization school hours 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-11-19 15:41:11 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 25 Planning Organization Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Need to rethink the hospital stops. This is a critical destination but making buses loop throughout the hospital campus to make multiple stops slows the routes and makes them less useful for everyone not going to the Charlottesville, Study Area, hospital. You could build a nice stop on a major street Counties, Charlottesville- (RBB?) with very good pedestrian connections to the Albemarle Metropolitan hospital to make the buses fast and the walk from the 2021-11-21 23:53:08 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 29 Planning Organization stop to the hospital nicer. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-11-21 23:54:14 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 30 Planning Organization Charlottesville Airport 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- The current Rt 11 stop on Rio is too far from Pen Park Albemarle Metropolitan (and has poor sidewalk infrastructure). This city park 2021-11-22 14:06:02 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 34 Planning Organization needs to be served directly by transit. 0 0 Though there is a bus stop here (near the library), there is no route that crosses Rt 29 along Rio, so it is impossible to travel 1.5 direct miles by bus along the same road Albemarle, Study Area, even though that is a frequent traffic direction. The Counties, Charlottesville- nearly singular focus on downtown as the transit point Albemarle Metropolitan misses so much of the commenter flow in this 2021-11-22 14:01:22 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 32 Planning Organization community. 0 0 The transit center is not really on the center of activity Charlottesville, Study Area, downtown and the one-way loop buses make to reach Counties, Charlottesville- the center is confusing if you aren’t a regular rider. I wish Albemarle Metropolitan buses just stopped downtown and kept going to other 2021-11-21 23:49:36 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 28 Planning Organization useful places rather than loop around the entire mall. 0 0 Add major routes to Barracks and Emmet with a transfer Charlottesville, Study Area, near the shopping center. There are lots of useful things Counties, Charlottesville- here and it would be great to have a frequent route to Albemarle Metropolitan get there. Grocery shopping is not practical I’d the bus 2021-11-21 23:55:20 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 31 Planning Organization comes every hour. 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan This area (commercial and residential) is not currently 2021-11-22 14:04:30 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 33 Planning Organization served by any bus route and that is a missed opportunity. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- All parks should be accessible by bus including Charlotte Albemarle Metropolitan Yancy Humphris Park, if not at this entrance than via 2021-11-24 20:35:00 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 36 Planning Organization Hydraulic. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Currently no bus line serves this part of Hydraulic. Counties, Charlottesville- Planned Parenthood should be accessible by public Albemarle Metropolitan transportation as should housing off of Hydraulic (like 2021-11-24 20:30:35 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 35 Planning Organization Webland Dr and Townwood Dr). 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, This stop is being phased out (I believe) in the new CAT Counties, Charlottesville- routes. I think this is an important stop as even the closet Albemarle Metropolitan possible stop would still require walking down 250 to get 2021-11-28 16:02:19 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 37 Planning Organization there. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Whole Foods market and other shops in Seminole Albemarle Metropolitan shopping center from the Brandywine/Meadowbrook 2022-01-23 14:49:28 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 63 Planning Organization Heights streets area. 0 0 Hourly service to Waynesboro for commuters and 2021-12-02 23:13:29 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 39 daytrippers 0 0 Regional service to Staunton for commuters and day 2021-12-02 23:12:47 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 38 trippers 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-03 01:37:48 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 41 Planning Organization biggest distant place from main network 0 0 Making it easier to reach the grocery stores up 29 by Albemarle, Study Area, bus/BRT would be a good thing.I'm less of a park and ride Counties, Charlottesville- fan than some other people and tbh focusing on that Albemarle Metropolitan seems geared towards a miniscule nubbin of a BRT line, 2021-12-03 01:36:36 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 40 Planning Organization but that's the big hole in service 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Bus stop to Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry or closer 2021-12-08 15:43:36 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 44 Planning Organization than 1/2 mile away. 0 0 So many folks would love a bus to the beach from Friday to Sunday or each weekend day all summer if possible. 2021-12-03 18:35:54 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 42 It'd be great to start out with at least one route. 0 0 So many folks hike here all year, it would be amazing to 2021-12-03 18:37:05 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 43 Nelson, Study Area, Counties increase access. 0 0 Service to Waynesboro to connect with the mountain 2022-01-10 21:35:36 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 55 region, with at least clockface frequency. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-11 15:18:29 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 58 Planning Organization Work commute end point 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Bus route from Foxcroft/Mill Creek to UVA and UVA 2022-01-19 15:48:33 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 60 Planning Organization Health 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-19 15:46:32 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 59 Planning Organization Bus route from Lovingston to Downtown Charlottesville 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-20 03:21:55 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 61 Planning Organization Barracks Road 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-22 04:09:36 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 62 Planning Organization Airport - UVA - Downtown Bus route 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan I work here and bike except in bad weather. A bus option 2022-01-31 02:46:16 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 70 Planning Organization would be helpful 0 0 A park and ride in this area for a small bus might be 2022-01-27 17:32:37 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 64 Nelson, Study Area, Counties considered. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-27 20:19:27 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 65 Planning Organization UVA Hospital 0 0 2022-01-28 12:22:45 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 66 Nelson, Study Area, Counties Mountain Inn, Wintergreen Resort 0 0 So many businesses along 151 that provide alcohol. A bus service going up and down once every hour or two could allow people to hop on and hop off at local businesses 2022-01-30 16:16:51 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 68 Nelson, Study Area, Counties easily without contributing to traffic or drunk driving. 0 0 Fluvanna, Study Area, 2022-01-30 18:56:16 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 69 Counties Main Beach in Lake Monticello 0 0 A bus from Wintergreen Resort to Nellysford 2022-01-30 16:13:41 UTC Desired bus trip – end point 67 Nelson, Study Area, Counties services/businesses would be valuable. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-08 21:15:22 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 29 Planning Organization Charlottesville 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Shift Bus stop off the busy 5th Street and bring it closer 2021-12-09 02:21:05 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 30 Planning Organization to actual residences 1 1 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- There is a lot of growth in this area and traffic is getting Albemarle Metropolitan heavier, it would be nice to be able to pick a bus up here 2021-12-09 03:37:46 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 31 Planning Organization near some of the commercial properties 3 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Would like service to Hollymead town center and back 2021-12-09 04:01:17 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 32 Planning Organization on the same day 1 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-09 15:31:04 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 33 Planning Organization This is near my home 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-09 18:35:47 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 34 Planning Organization Airport 2 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Express routes to Southwood / residential developments 2021-12-02 01:19:19 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 14 Planning Organization south of 64 as the area continues to grow 3 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- It's a shame that this new development is so pedestrian Albemarle Metropolitan and transit unfriendly, but the reality remains that it is 2021-10-06 16:04:05 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 4 Planning Organization now a significant retail hub. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-05 18:30:47 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 2 Planning Organization Intersection of Oxford and Wellford 0 2 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-10 20:03:20 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 36 Planning Organization Downtown area in general 0 0 2022-01-19 15:45:48 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 47 Nelson, Study Area, Counties Lovingston- Community Center 3 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Southwood to 29 at Rio straightaway . No turns just a Albemarle Metropolitan straight shot. Then we can transfer to target ot walmart 2021-12-10 23:07:20 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 37 Planning Organization or costco and it won't take 3 hrs each way 2 0 Fluvanna, Study Area, 2021-12-13 13:34:44 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 38 Counties Intersection of Courthouse Rd and Oak Hill Lane 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-05 18:29:50 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 1 Planning Organization Intersection of Oxford and Rugby Rd 1 2 JAUNT has some downtown Scottsville options now, but I would love for a regional transit system to include the town on a more permanent basis. Scottsville has a hundred commuters to Charlottesville every day. And we often go to the city for social events and appointments. Going the other way, Scottsville's weekend destinations include the farmers market and Buckingham, Study Area, the river outfitter, to which urban area residents might 2021-10-11 17:18:54 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 5 Counties appreciate a bus ride. 6 0 As with the Mill Creek comment, there is a lot of growth in this area and traffic is getting heavier. It would be nice to be able to pick a bus up here, even though there are Albemarle, Study Area, not many commercial properties. There is Mountain Counties, Charlottesville- View school. Albemarle Metropolitan I would take the bus to the Downtown Mall and back 2021-12-10 15:58:54 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 35 Planning Organization regularly. 1 0 I live downtown and work a 5 minute walk from this Albemarle, Study Area, intersection. I would LOVE to be able to take the bus to Counties, Charlottesville- work, but currently the stop by 5th St Station is too far to Albemarle Metropolitan walk (across the bridge over 64 and past the jail) without 2021-12-15 19:53:32 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 39 Planning Organization enough/any sidewalk. 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-15 20:58:10 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 40 Planning Organization Work transportation 1 0 Any regional transit system requires access to major transit hubs like airports as essential components to a Albemarle, Study Area, working system. Even if this is on-demand it's a Counties, Charlottesville- significant hurdle to not have a public transit option from Albemarle Metropolitan the airport to/from dense areas like downtown or the 2021-10-06 16:02:38 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 3 Planning Organization University. 10 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan A bus from Huntley/Stribbling Ave.- will be especially 2021-12-17 02:45:55 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 41 Planning Organization important after new development. 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Corridor on whitewood is proximate to a lot of housing Albemarle Metropolitan of varried income levels and employment (schools, 2021-10-29 13:45:08 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 6 Planning Organization professional offices). 7 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-29 15:13:13 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 7 Planning Organization Downtown Crozet - near access to parking and bike trails 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Expanding Park and Ride east of Charlottesville - with Albemarle Metropolitan transit to Downtown and UVA - would go a long way 2021-11-03 17:07:52 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 8 Planning Organization towards reducing congestion within the city limits. 2 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Corner where JPA turns into Harris, but really anywhere 2021-11-21 21:05:12 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 9 Planning Organization on JPA through Fry's Spring 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Though I live near here and an existing bus stop, it is Albemarle Metropolitan literally impossible to take a single bus that CROSSES Rt 2021-11-22 13:58:08 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 12 Planning Organization 29 along Rio. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Fashion Square Mall (currently served by routes 5, 7 and 2021-11-21 23:52:58 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 10 Planning Organization 11) 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-11-22 02:01:04 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 11 Planning Organization Locust 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes CityWalk Apartments should have a Free Trolley stop at their Water Street driveway. Extend the current Free Charlottesville, Study Area, Trolley route down Market Street --> Carlton --> Counties, Charlottesville- Water Street. There are so many unnecessary car trips Albemarle Metropolitan between there and UVA every day from CityWalk 2021-11-22 15:08:05 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 13 Planning Organization residents. 3 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Express routes to Southwood / residential developments 2021-12-02 01:20:00 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 15 Planning Organization south of 64 as the area continues to grow 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Express routes to Southwood / residential developments 2021-12-02 01:21:06 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 17 Planning Organization south of 64 as the area continues to grow 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Express routes to Southwood / residential developments 2021-12-02 01:20:26 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 16 Planning Organization south of 64 as the area continues to grow 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, The Charlottesville Dairy Market is a popular destination Counties, Charlottesville- that could possibly support large numbers. Parking is Albemarle Metropolitan confusing and a transit supplement would become 2022-01-03 23:24:16 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 43 Planning Organization necessary here. 1 0 Fluvanna, Study Area, 2021-12-02 23:43:44 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 19 Counties Lake Monticello shopping center. 3 0 Need a southbound bus on Avon Street to Wegmans/Fifth Street Station, and Mill Creek etc. I know the #2 will get you to Wegmans eventually but it's inconvenient to take a northbound bus and sit through a detour of downtown. Maybe a new route could take Charlottesville, Study Area, Avon south, loop through 5th Street Station, then stops Counties, Charlottesville- at Southern Pkwy, Mill Creek subdivision, and continue Albemarle Metropolitan down Avon ext to route 20 and then perhaps to 2021-12-02 23:13:02 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 18 Planning Organization Scottsville or Lake Monticello. 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Willoughby-bound buses do not serve the Willoughby 2022-01-03 23:17:58 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 42 Planning Organization neighborhood, a potential ridership generator. 1 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-03 23:26:14 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 44 Planning Organization Rugby neighborhood 1 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Good intersection for anyone living around North 2021-12-03 01:26:14 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 20 Planning Organization Grounds 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- I would like to start at Darden Towe and go to the Albemarle Metropolitan Amtrak station downtown, Shenandoah National Park, or 2021-12-03 18:34:47 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 21 Planning Organization Virginia Beach. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-08 17:19:24 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 26 Planning Organization Intersection of Rts 250 and 22. 0 0 Somewhere near intersection of Boar's Head, Albemarle, Study Area, Farmington, Ednam, Belair Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan This could be a stop on the route from Crozet to 2021-12-08 18:46:55 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 28 Planning Organization dowtown Charlottesville, with another stop at UVA 2 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Briarwood - would increase access for the growing 2021-12-08 01:43:09 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 22 Planning Organization developments in the area 1 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan There is no bus service in this area except at the High 2021-12-08 14:05:07 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 25 Planning Organization School and YMCA and that makes a very long trip. 1 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Meadowbrook Heights Road or Yorktown needs a bus Counties, Charlottesville- stop. They had one but then the route got changed. Was Albemarle Metropolitan used by many medical persons who rent in the 2021-12-08 14:00:42 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 23 Planning Organization neighborhood 1 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Grienbrier road needs a stop. Seniors with no cars have Albemarle Metropolitan no other options than to walk all the way and cross RIO 2021-12-08 14:03:10 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 24 Planning Organization road if they wish to take a bus. 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-08 18:43:32 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 27 Planning Organization Central Crozet 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-11 15:18:12 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 45 Planning Organization Work commute starting place 1 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-16 19:12:18 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 46 Planning Organization Penn Park to downtown 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-19 15:47:32 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 48 Planning Organization Bus stop in or near Foxcroft/Mill Creek area 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, 2022-01-20 03:21:25 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 49 Counties Crozet 1 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-22 04:08:58 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 50 Planning Organization Downtown - UVA - Airport Route 1 0 2022-01-28 05:45:30 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 54 Nelson, Study Area, Counties We need transportation services out in Nellysford 2 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Essex Rd or King Mountain Road to provide starting Albemarle Metropolitan access on streets that are wide enough to accomodate a 2022-01-23 14:46:01 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 51 Planning Organization bus stopping without blocking traffic. 0 0 A park and ride in this area for a small bus might be 2022-01-27 17:32:50 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 52 Nelson, Study Area, Counties considered. 5 0 2022-01-27 20:18:35 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 53 Nelson, Study Area, Counties Nellysford 1 0 2022-01-29 04:23:31 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 55 Nelson, Study Area, Counties the Market at Wintergreen Resort 1 0 2022-01-29 22:00:36 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 56 Nelson, Study Area, Counties Nellysford 0 0 A bus that starts/ends at Wintergreen is critical for the 2022-01-30 16:11:39 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 57 Nelson, Study Area, Counties future. 1 0 So many businesses along 151 that provide alcohol. A bus service going up and down once every hour or two could Albemarle, Study Area, allow people to hop on and hop off at local businesses 2022-01-30 16:16:02 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 58 Counties easily without contributing to traffic or drunk driving. 0 0 Fluvanna, Study Area, 2022-01-30 18:55:51 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 59 Counties Food Lion in Palymra 0 0 Serve Old Lynchburg all the way to 5th St Ext or Sunset all Albemarle, Study Area, the way through to Old Lynchburg, whichever road will Counties, Charlottesville- be upgraded for more traffic. And Old Lynchburg Albemarle Metropolitan desperately needs streetlights with the current walking 2022-01-30 21:23:07 UTC Desired bus trip – start point 60 Planning Organization distance to the bus. That is dangerously dark! 0 0 Lots of students and workers commute between Cville 2021-12-08 21:16:03 UTC New Commuter bus end point 13 and Richmond 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, With new construction, this area would be a great Counties, Charlottesville- endpoint for commuters who wish to skip the long trip Albemarle Metropolitan around the entire Mall. Stopping just shy of the mall 2021-12-10 16:01:52 UTC New Commuter bus end point 14 Planning Organization would be very effective for time-sensitive commutes. 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-10 20:04:09 UTC New Commuter bus end point 15 Planning Organization Need a bus that goes to the airport 1 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Consider major employment hubs as strategic 2021-10-06 16:05:13 UTC New Commuter bus end point 1 Planning Organization destinations for commuter transit. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Consider major employment hubs as strategic 2021-10-06 16:05:31 UTC New Commuter bus end point 2 Planning Organization destinations for commuter transit. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Consider major employment hubs as strategic 2021-10-06 16:05:54 UTC New Commuter bus end point 3 Planning Organization destinations for commuter transit. 0 0 Super agree with other comments nearby! I work really close to the Mill Creek intersection, and I see soooo many cars coming into town from down here. I've been Albemarle, Study Area, wondering for a while if there might be a good place to Counties, Charlottesville- have a commuter lot down here so these people, if Albemarle Metropolitan coming from farther out of town, might be able to take 2021-12-15 19:55:39 UTC New Commuter bus end point 16 Planning Organization transit in to work. 0 0 Seconding the suggestion to add commuter bus points in Fluvanna, Study Area, Scottsville! So much traffic onto town from Route 20 2021-12-15 20:15:48 UTC New Commuter bus end point 17 Counties could be eased with more transit options into town 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Communities like Earlysville might have opportunities for Albemarle Metropolitan park-and-ride lots with bus service to UVA and 2021-10-19 17:05:31 UTC New Commuter bus end point 4 Planning Organization downtown via the 29 corridor. 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Literally thousands of commuters travel from the greater Scottsville area to Charlottesville every day. If part of the Transit Vision was to change attitudes towards car and van pooling, and ecoourage their use, it could help Fluvanna, Study Area, mimize expected extensive congestion on Rt 20 between 2021-10-29 14:22:43 UTC New Commuter bus end point 5 Counties Scottsville and Charlottesville. 2 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Many people near this point work at UVA, the other end 2021-10-29 15:32:36 UTC New Commuter bus end point 6 Planning Organization point. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan commuter bus end point is appropriate on UVA campus 2021-10-29 15:35:22 UTC New Commuter bus end point 7 Planning Organization for many commuter buses. 1 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Park and ride would be more useful with transportation 2021-11-13 22:24:06 UTC New Commuter bus end point 8 Planning Organization availability 1 0 We need better transit connections to Richmond to 2021-11-22 02:02:14 UTC New Commuter bus end point 9 reduce the vast amount of commuter car traffic. 0 0 Traffic congestion on 29 during rush hour could be reduced with a Ruckersville area park and ride and bus Greene, Study Area, service. There could be several stops at Ruckersville, 2021-12-02 21:59:18 UTC New Commuter bus end point 10 Counties Briarwood, and Hollymead. 3 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan I commute from lake Monticello to downtown as do 2021-12-02 23:46:09 UTC New Commuter bus end point 11 Planning Organization many others 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-08 18:44:10 UTC New Commuter bus end point 12 Planning Organization Central Crozet 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2022-01-22 04:10:11 UTC New Commuter bus end point 18 Planning Organization Commuter Bus (UVA Research Park) 0 0 I think that it would be appropriate to replace the 29-N Albemarle, Study Area, CONNECT with an all day bus at specific locations on 29 Counties, Charlottesville- (at least every 30 minutes with express stops on Emmet Albemarle Metropolitan St). It's very ripe for development and could benefit from 2022-01-26 15:08:37 UTC New Commuter bus end point 18 Planning Organization a key bus route. 1 0 Fluvanna, Study Area, 2022-01-30 18:57:22 UTC New Commuter bus end point 19 Counties UVA Spring Creek 0 0 29 N from Ruckersville to Barracks and UVA Albemarle, Study Area, 2021-12-08 23:18:40 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 47 Counties 250 to Ivy Rd/Emmet St 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of 2021-11-17 01:42:42 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 16 Planning Organization the city 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of 2021-11-17 01:46:03 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 19 Counties the city 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Transit hub that's part of (1) the "Cville Loop"; and (2) an Albemarle Metropolitan elevated "Sky Rail" that cuts through the center of the 2021-11-17 02:23:44 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 25 Planning Organization city to Main St. and Bellair hubs. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan The work/live density on 29 begs for a high frequency, 2021-10-06 15:59:54 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 5 Planning Organization rapid transit corridor. 5 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-05 18:39:44 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 2 Planning Organization Connecting 5th St, Ridge Rd, Preston Ave and Barracks Rd 3 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan There should be light rail along 29 between ground and 2021-12-03 18:35:17 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 45 Planning Organization Ruckersville. 2 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes I feel like there's enough room on Market St. if you remove the on-street parking. There's already the garage and plenty of side streets. Market is a nightmare right Charlottesville, Study Area, now since the bike lane comes and goes which is worse Counties, Charlottesville- than not having one at all. Bonus points for a protected Albemarle Metropolitan bike lane that goes all the way from the Belmont Bridge 2021-12-11 04:04:30 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 40 Planning Organization to the shared path being built for Barracks/Emmet. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, A rapid transit line that went around the university, down Counties, Charlottesville- W. main, all the way to the downtown mall would be Albemarle Metropolitan really helpful for connecting students to cultural and 2021-12-09 03:41:16 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 48 Planning Organization culinary sites throughout the Charlottesville city area 2 0 There is a proposal from a city resident floating out there to move W. Main to have a parking-protected bike lane on both sides. This is one place where the number of single-occupancy vehicle trips working in our favor to Charlottesville, Study Area, make getting doored from the passenger side unlikely. Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-11 04:22:02 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 39 Planning Organization tactical-bike-lanes0818.pdf?dl=0 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-05 18:36:39 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 1 Planning Organization Preston Rd + Barracks Rd all the way to downtown 3 0 My understanding is that Preston is a borderline case of traffic volume in the 4 lane section, so you could put a couple BRT lanes through that section. Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville-Bonus points for a protected bike lane from the Albemarle Metropolitan Barracks/Emmet shared path (to be constructed) to the 2021-12-11 04:30:04 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 1 Planning Organization Belmont Bridge. 0 0 Mineral, VA off Route 522 via a bus, taken to UVA, Charlottesville for all needs…I.e appointments, 2022-01-21 21:54:39 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 60 Louisa, Study Area, Counties treatments and doctor visits 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes I'd love to see some bus rapid transit with a stop at CATEC to go from the north side of town (Kroger/Walmart) to the south end (Wegmans's). If we Albemarle, Study Area, had frequent service orthogonal to this route you could Counties, Charlottesville- go a lot of places quickly. I'd really love to be able to get Albemarle Metropolitan to the Amtrak station quicker than 40 minutes from 2021-12-11 03:53:12 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 50 Planning Organization Dunlora, for example. 1 0 Interesting initiative, but I'm not sure if there would be enough ridership to run as Rapid Transit. For example, Walnut Creek Park is in a rural area. However, it may be Albemarle, Study Area, possible to send transit to Ivy Creek Park if there was a 2021-12-10 15:59:24 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 13 Counties bus running through Hydraulic Road (spur off the lane.) 1 0 General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of Albemarle, Study Area, the city, such as Walnut Creek Park, Ragged Mountain, 2021-11-17 01:35:11 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 13 Counties Beaver Creek, Ivy Creek, etc. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Rapid bus from airport to anywhere in town would help a Counties, Charlottesville- lot of people. One could discuss if the other end should Albemarle Metropolitan rather be a large parking space, or a place with more bus 2021-12-10 00:35:20 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 49 Planning Organization connections 1 0 Please prioritize any "rush hour" corridor where single occupancy vehicles slow transit. Transit should be Charlottesville, Study Area, FASTER during rush hour, not SLOWER. This will help Counties, Charlottesville- catalyze a commuter shift to bus transit as commuters Albemarle Metropolitan act in their own self-interest to hop on a BRT (+/- a park 2021-10-06 15:58:43 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 4 Planning Organization and ride). 4 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, I would love to see a more developed transit corridor Counties, Charlottesville- that comes down W Main, stops at the west end of the Albemarle Metropolitan DTM, and heads back out Preston to reconnect with 2021-12-15 20:06:04 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 52 Planning Organization Emmet St at Barracks Rd 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, It seems reasonable to have more transit options near Counties, Charlottesville- commercial areas. There is so much commercial Albemarle Metropolitan development up the 29 corridor, and it's so difficult to 2021-12-15 20:19:58 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 53 Planning Organization access without a car 2 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Good point. There is not much sufficient taxi service in Charlottesville, Study Area, Charlottesville, and many people arriving here may be Counties, Charlottesville- from cities and are used to rapid transit / fixed route Albemarle Metropolitan transportation. Also the W Main St corridor is a high 2021-12-15 23:54:16 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 51 Planning Organization generator of ridership 2 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Exactly, there are so many developments that could Albemarle Metropolitan increase convenience and generate high ridership (eg 2021-12-15 23:58:22 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 53 Planning Organization Hollymead, Airport, North Fork Discovery Park, etc.) 1 0 Please prioritize any "rush hour" corridor where single occupancy vehicles slow transit. Transit should be Charlottesville, Study Area, FASTER during rush hour, not SLOWER. This will help Counties, Charlottesville- catalyze a commuter shift to bus transit as commuters Albemarle Metropolitan act in their own self-interest to hop on a BRT (+/- a park 2021-10-06 15:57:31 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 3 Planning Organization and ride). 6 0 We need bike paths to cut down on car traffic to help the environment, but they need to be safe and separate bike paths -- not bike lanes competing with fast cars, trucks and buses. Getting more UVA students to bike to classes is one simple and cheap solution to congestion and Albemarle, Study Area, pollution. Longer bike paths in surrounding counties will 2021-12-31 20:13:01 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 57 Counties promote good health for all. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Definitely, but need good connections/bike storage Albemarle Metropolitan because so many people live outside a reasonable 2021-10-29 13:47:20 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 5 Planning Organization walkshed to any possible hubs on 29. 2 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-10-29 15:18:18 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 7 Planning Organization 29N - perhaps JPJ to Hollymeade/Airport 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, 2021-10-29 14:27:47 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 6 Counties route 250 from Crozet to downtown Cville/UVA 2 1 Charlottesville, Study Area, There should be rapid transit between the downtown Counties, Charlottesville- transit center and the train station. People arriving in Albemarle Metropolitan town on the train ought to have easy access to more bus 2021-12-15 20:04:08 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 51 Planning Organization routes so they can get to their final destination. 1 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-11-10 19:50:12 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 8 Planning Organization perhaps there is room to parallel the railroad system 2 0 5th into town. There are plenty of low income houses right outside of town. The amount of traffic during the rush hours and the amount of people walking down the Albemarle, Study Area, side of the road where there is no sidewalk is crazy. Counties, Charlottesville- Smart transit opportunities could help this, especially as Albemarle Metropolitan the area grows. Needs fixed before it becomes an even 2021-11-13 22:32:43 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 9 Planning Organization bigger issue. 3 0 Albemarle, Study Area, A rapid transit corridor up to Hollymead Town Center Counties, Charlottesville- and the airport can reduce congestion along route 29 Albemarle Metropolitan and get more people out of cars. Dedicated bus lanes are 2021-11-15 15:41:15 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 10 Planning Organization necessary so that buses don't get stuck in traffic. 5 0 Many people who live in Crozet have jobs in Albemarle, Study Area, Charlottesville. Constructing a corridor between them Counties, Charlottesville- will better interconnect the two urban centers, Albemarle Metropolitan decreasing the density of cars and need for additional 2021-11-15 15:48:34 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 11 Planning Organization parking in both. 8 1 General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of 2021-11-17 01:47:54 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 22 the city 0 1 Hub named Best Buy for location, not because Best Buy Charlottesville, Study Area, will exist forever :) Connected to rapid rail lines to/from Counties, Charlottesville- the airport; "Cville Loop" (in description); and a Main St. Albemarle Metropolitan line that goes Barracks-->Preston--> Ridge 2021-11-17 02:21:19 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 23 Planning Organization McIntire. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Rapid transit line to and from Airport to Best Buy. Hub 2021-11-17 02:16:41 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 18 Planning Organization for buses servicing 29. 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of 2021-11-17 01:43:45 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 17 Planning Organization the city 2 1 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of 2021-11-17 01:32:54 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 12 Planning Organization the city 4 1 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of 2021-11-17 01:36:06 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 14 Planning Organization the city 0 2 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of 2021-11-17 01:39:01 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 15 Planning Organization the city 3 1 General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of 2021-11-17 01:47:24 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 21 Nelson, Study Area, Counties the city 2 1 Fluvanna, Study Area, General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of 2021-11-17 01:48:46 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 24 Counties the city 0 0 Cville Express Rail System | Albemarle, Study Area, 5th St. Hub | Counties, Charlottesville- Part of the "Cville Loop" (Best Buy --> Martha Jeff -- Albemarle Metropolitan > 5th St. --> Bellair --> Best Buy and reverse) | 2021-11-17 02:00:24 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 26 Planning Organization This line should connect to statewide a shinkansen 0 0 Cville Express Rail System Best Buy Transit Hub AIrportBest Buy "Cville Loop" Inner Loop (Clockwise): Best Buy --> Martha Jeff --> 5th St. --> Bellair -- > Best Buy Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Outer Loop (Counterclockwise): Albemarle Metropolitan Best Buy --> Bellair --> 5th St. --> Martha Jeff -- 2021-11-17 01:48:13 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 23 Planning Organization > Best Buy 1 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Cville Express Rail System Martha Jeff Transit Hub Elevated "Sky Rail" Martha Jeff --> Main St. --> Bellair (and reverse) w/local stops (e.g., Woolen Mills, UVA Hospital, Foods of All Nations) "Cville Loop" Inner Loop (Clockwise): Best Buy --> Martha Jeff --> 5th St. --> Bellair -- > Best Buy Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Outer Loop (Counterclockwise): Albemarle Metropolitan Best Buy --> Bellair --> 5th St. --> Martha Jeff -- 2021-11-17 01:56:31 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 25 Planning Organization > Best Buy 1 0 Cville Express Rail System | Bellair Transit Hub | Connected to Elevated "Sky Rail" (Martha Jeff --> Main St. --> Bellair and reverse w/local stops (e.g., Albemarle, Study Area, Woolen Mills, UVA Hospital, Foods of All Nations) | Counties, Charlottesville- Part of "Cville Loop" (Best Buy --> Martha Jeff --> Albemarle Metropolitan 5th St. --> Bellair --> Best Buy and reverse) | 2021-11-17 02:03:26 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 27 Planning Organization Connected to Crozet Hub 0 0 Cville Express Rail System | Main St. Transit Hub | Charlottesville, Study Area, Connected to Elevated "Sky Rail" (Martha Jeff --> Counties, Charlottesville- Main St. --> Bellair and reverse w/local stops (e.g., Albemarle Metropolitan Woolen Mills, UVA Hospital, Foods of All Nations) | 2021-11-17 02:11:00 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 28 Planning Organization Connected to Best Buy Hub 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- A corridor using the US-250, connecting connecting UVA Albemarle Metropolitan Law school with the Rivanna Rivew View Park and the 2021-12-21 23:23:43 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 56 Planning Organization Pantops area (up to the Martha Jefferson Hospital). 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan A Barracks Road corridor, connecting Barracks with the 2021-12-21 23:20:49 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 54 Planning Organization Downtown (similar to the Free Trolley). 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan A corridor connection Fashion Square Mall with Barracks 2021-12-21 23:22:06 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 55 Planning Organization Mall and the UVA (particularly, with the Trolley). 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- A rapid transit corridor that starts south of 64 & has Albemarle Metropolitan a park & ride option to carry people in 5th St SW, up 2021-11-21 21:12:18 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 31 Planning Organization Ridge to McIntire and then out 29 via Hydraulic Rd. 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Community colleges are essential to, well, the Counties, Charlottesville- community. A rapid transit corridor that links PVCC to Albemarle Metropolitan housing south of town, to downtown, and to the sprawl 2021-11-21 21:15:38 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 33 Planning Organization out 29 would greatly increase access 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan A rapid bus that starts at Fontaine and serves JPA to 2021-11-21 21:13:14 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 32 Planning Organization Emmet to Barracks Rd. and then out 29 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, General rapid transit to popular natural areas outside of 2021-11-17 01:46:57 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 20 Counties the city 1 2 2021-11-22 02:02:49 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 35 E need to get to Richmond quickly and frequently 0 0 Why not a dedicated bus lane that provides service around the Bypass, like the peripherique bus (now tramway) in Paris? Turn the whole mini-freeway into a Charlottesville, Study Area, proper street, with a protected bike land, sidewalk, and Counties, Charlottesville- city speed limit, and encourage development of the land Albemarle Metropolitan alongside to increase density, slow sprawl, and expand 2021-11-21 21:18:07 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 34 Planning Organization housing. 4 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes I agree that there should be rapid transit along Main Street. But let's not forget that "rush hour" can lead to inequitable distribution of resources (staff, headways, Charlottesville, Study Area, number of buses). If you think about frontline workers Counties, Charlottesville- and those working retail, those people don't travel Albemarle Metropolitan during "rush hour." We have to remember those people 2021-12-01 03:06:15 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 3 Planning Organization need rapid transit too. 1 0 With pedestrian deaths on the rise, we should also be focused on lowering speed limits, which could also act as an incentive for faster public transportation like rail. And Charlottesville, Study Area, as these pedestrian deaths are disproportionately among Counties, Charlottesville- Black and POC communities, we should focus on Albemarle Metropolitan lowering the speed limit on arteries like 5th Street which 2021-12-01 02:57:54 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 36 Planning Organization are lined with Black and POC communities. 6 0 Albemarle, Study Area, There should be a rapid transit corridor--starting with a Counties, Charlottesville- fast bus, and then replaced with light rail--from 5th Albemarle Metropolitan Street Station up 5th St SW to Ridge St, McIntire, 2021-11-21 21:10:15 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 30 Planning Organization Hydraulic, and then all the way out 29 to Target. 2 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Barracks Road for rapid transport to allow for more Albemarle Metropolitan predictable commuting by transit for western residents 2021-11-17 15:34:25 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 29 Planning Organization to downtown. 2 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, This road needs to be much slower. With bike lanes that Counties, Charlottesville- are separated and protected from traffic. It is scary to Albemarle Metropolitan bike on this major corridor because of the speed of 2021-12-02 01:36:43 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 37 Planning Organization traffic. 5 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- There is a bike lane on the north side that is big enough Albemarle Metropolitan for people to park in, so cars park in it. This discourages 2021-12-02 01:38:07 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 38 Planning Organization biking from this major route through town. 4 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Make a complete bike lane from the east to the west end Albemarle Metropolitan of the DTM either on market or water street. There is no 2021-12-02 01:41:52 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 40 Planning Organization safe biking corridor through this area. 4 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- The Trolley could be benefit greatly from a dedicated Albemarle Metropolitan BRT lane, supporting its on time rates and creating 2022-01-03 23:29:12 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 58 Planning Organization opportunities for other routes. 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Cville Express Rail System Albemarle Metropolitan Airport Transit Hub 2021-11-17 01:45:56 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 18 Planning Organization AIrportBest Buy 1 0 The parking needs to be removed or reconfigured on this road. The bike lane is in the "get doored" zone on this road. Which means bikers can die from people opening their door after parking their car. This discourages bike Charlottesville, Study Area, traffic on this major corridor. We could at the very least Counties, Charlottesville- do a DUTCH REACH campaign with signs to teach drivers Albemarle Metropolitan to open their door with their far hand, forcing them the 2021-12-02 01:40:10 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 39 Planning Organization check for cars before opening their doors. 3 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Adding-a BRT route could be a good opportunity to Albemarle Metropolitan remove lanes from private car use, which would help 2021-12-03 01:43:56 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 42 Planning Organization slow down speeding here. 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan This part of the curve could be cleaned up to make bike 2021-12-03 01:48:39 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 43 Planning Organization travel easier. 1 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan UVA Hospital to Central Grounds to Barracks to 29 N to 2021-12-02 23:08:01 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 41 Planning Organization Airport, possibly to Ruckersville 2 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Good route idea, but I'm not sure the pop. density for 2021-12-03 01:40:41 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 28 Planning Organization light rail to have major advantages over BRT is there.. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Not an obvious High Traffic Corridor but could put the Counties, Charlottesville- stroad to good use and there's sufficiently Not Very Albemarle Metropolitan Much between this development and the core of 2021-12-03 01:38:42 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 42 Planning Organization downtown that it could be a good express route. 1 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- The bike lanes get really hairy here at best to Albemarle Metropolitan nonexistent, it would be good if they were widened and 2021-12-03 01:49:46 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 44 Planning Organization improved. 1 0 Moving light rail, streetcar, or BRT service to Charlottesville, Study Area, neighborhoods would induce riders as they would be Counties, Charlottesville- more attractive options compared to infrequent, 60- Albemarle Metropolitan minute buses. A logical location to start this would be in 2022-01-05 18:45:19 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 59 Planning Organization Belmont, where neighborhood ridership is highest. 1 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan Rapid transit in this corridor could continue on W Main 2022-01-05 18:46:50 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 59 Planning Organization st, Emmett, etc., and replace Rte 7 service. 2 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Albemarle Metropolitan 2021-12-08 17:20:35 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 46 Planning Organization Rt.250 East 0 0 Albemarle, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- This route would not be productive unless it stopped at Albemarle Metropolitan W Main St., UVA hospital, JPA, Fontaine Research Park, 2022-01-12 16:37:03 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 12 Planning Organization Trinity church, and Ragged Mountain. 1 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes I think 29 could definitely afford to lose a lane to private vehicle traffic if it meant a BRT lane to Hollymead and the airport, especially if there was also a stop at Barracks Albemarle, Study Area, Road Shopping Center and maybe one other spot next to Counties, Charlottesville- campus. There's a fairly fast bus route in Colorado Albemarle Metropolitan between Boulder and the Denver airport that was always 2021-12-11 03:56:35 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 10 Planning Organization so much nicer than worrying about parking, etc. 1 0 Main St. Louisa, light rail but a minimum of bus rapid 2022-01-18 23:11:24 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 60 Louisa, Study Area, Counties transit. 2 0 I agree with the preceding reply. We need very frequent buses on West Main Street, but even more important than that, buses need a right of way (on or off road) lane. The travel on Main St is inconvenient during rush hour, Charlottesville, Study Area, especially because of heavy traffic. However, we should Counties, Charlottesville- create rapid benefits for all hours, as ridership in this Albemarle Metropolitan corridor is very high. This would also contribute to a 2022-01-19 17:19:13 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 3 Planning Organization more equitable planning process. 1 0 Any major route leading to Cville from outlying counties. Routes 250, 20 and 29 are some I can think of. I'm sure there are others. Also, county jaunt service could drop at specific light rail locations in each outlying county and LR drop at the main Cville terminal where people could then catch a bus to their end location. I have many more 2022-01-19 21:38:01 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 61 Nelson, Study Area, Counties ideas. 1 0 Start light rail at downtown transit center.Go west on Water St to W Main to University Avenue. Continue on Charlottesville, Study Area, university Ave to Emmet St. Continue north at Counties, Charlottesville- intersection of University Ave and Emmet St. Continue Albemarle Metropolitan north for 8 miles to airport Road. Continue west on 2022-01-20 13:31:48 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 62 Planning Organization Airport road to Cville Alb airport. 0 0 Greene, Study Area, 2022-01-23 14:53:14 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 63 Counties 29 North from Ruckersville to UVa 0 0 Appendix C. Social PinPoint Comments Marker Up Down Created on Type Number Map Layers Comment Votes Votes 151 corridor connecting Nellysford to Crozet Connect Greene, Study Area, bus, Waynesboro Britebus, and Charlottesville transit 2022-01-27 17:33:58 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 63 Counties buses. 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, That sounds like a trailblazing idea, however, you should Counties, Charlottesville- remember that this is considered as a bypass. The JWW Albemarle Metropolitan Pkwy could be widened to four lanes each side to allow a 2022-01-27 20:49:22 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 34 Planning Organization rapid bus and future sprawl. 1 0 US Route 250/Route 151 between Charlottesville and 2022-01-28 12:24:36 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 64 Nelson, Study Area, Counties Nellysford. 0 0 Express bus traveling in a priority bus lane that goes from UVA hospital, stops downtown and terminates in a Park Albemarle, Study Area, n' Ride lot either near Pantops or Mill Creek. Priority lane Counties, Charlottesville- could be utilized by local buses as well. Park n' Ride Albemarle Metropolitan accessed by priority bus lane could also be a stop for 2022-01-28 13:42:54 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 65 Planning Organization regional buses. 0 0 Fluvanna, Study Area, 2022-01-30 18:56:39 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 66 Counties Park and Ride at Zions to Cville 0 0 Fluvanna, Study Area, 2022-01-30 18:57:04 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 67 Counties All around Lake Monticello 0 0 Charlottesville, Study Area, We could shorten some routes on 2nd St, others on Counties, Charlottesville- Heather Heyer way depending on their direction. Reserve Albemarle Metropolitan some existing stops to a few routes and the rest can use 2022-01-31 23:13:30 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 68 Planning Organization these roads, possibly improving accessibility to the DTM. 1 0 Use this Market Street bus stop — already well equipped with shelters and a pull-off lane — as the main station for eastbound buses. Instead of having every bus waste revenue miles & time looping around the Mall to the DTS, have buses through-run — along Market eastbound and Water westbound, then onward to points beyond. Charlottesville, Study Area, Counties, Charlottesville- Reduces transfers by consolidating routes that currently Albemarle Metropolitan terminate downtown, and eliminates an enormous 2022-01-31 17:29:27 UTC New Rapid Transit Corridor 68 Planning Organization amount of route duplication and idling. 1 0