CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE PROCLAMATION GUN VIOLENCE AWARENESS DAY JUNE 3, 2022 WHEREAS, in 2020 more than 45,000 Americans were killed by firearms, including about 26,000 by suicide and more than 19,000 by homicide, an average of about 70 gun suicides and 50 gun homicides a day in this country; and WHEREAS, hardly a week goes by in this country without news of another mass shooting, whether in a church, a synagogue, a grocery store or an elementary school; and WHEREAS, in recent years Virginia has had more than 1,000 gun deaths and more than 330 gun homicides annually, or approximately 1 gun homicide a day in Virginia; and WHEREAS, localities across the nation, including Charlottesville, are working to end the senseless violence with evidence-based solutions; and WHEREAS, in January 2013, 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton was shot and killed in Chicago in what has been described as a mistaken gang rivalry, and June 3, 2022 will be the 25th anniversary of Hadiya’s birth; and WHEREAS, on June 3, 2022, people across the United States will recognize National Gun Violence Awareness Day and wear orange – the “don’t shoot” color for hunters – in tribute to Hadiya Pendleton and other victims of gun violence; and WHEREAS, by wearing orange on June 3, 2022 Americans will raise awareness about gun violence and honor the lives of gun violence victims and survivors; and WHEREAS, we renew our commitment to reduce gun violence and pledge to do all we can to keep firearms out of the wrong hands and encourage responsible gun ownership to help keep our children safe. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Charlottesville City Council declares June 3, 2022, to be Gun Violence Awareness Day in the City of Charlottesville to honor and remember all victims and survivors of gun violence and to declare that we as a City must do more to reduce gun violence. We encourage all Charlottesville citizens to advocate for meaningful legislation, at the state and federal levels, to stop mass shootings and gun violence, to support our local efforts to prevent the tragic effects of gun violence, and to honor and value human lives. Signed and sealed this 1st day of June 2022. _______________________ J. Lloyd Snook, III, Mayor