CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: July 18, 2022 Action Council action on a request for a special use permit. Required: Presenter: Brian Haluska, Principal Planner Staff Brian Haluska, Principal Planner Contacts: Title: 923 Harris Street, Special Use Permit for increased residential density (1 reading) Background Kelsey Schlein of Shimp Engineering, acting as agent for 923 Harris Street, LLC, owners of Tax Map 35 Parcel 112 (“Subject Property”) has requested a special use permit on the Subject Property for additional residential density up to 62 dwelling units per acre. The Subject Property is currently zoned Industrial Corridor. Discussion The Planning Commission considered this application at their meeting on June 14, 2022. The discussion centered on the design of the site, including the potential for tree plantings and the possibility of mitigating the impact of the garage opening on the sidewalk. The staff report and supporting documentation presented to the Planning Commission can be found starting at page 80 at the following link: Planning Commission Packet from June 14, 2022 Alignment with City Council's Vision and Strategic Plan The City Council Vision of Economic Sustainability states that “the City has facilitated significant mixed and infill development within the City.” The City Council Vision of Quality Housing Opportunities for All states that “Our neighborhoods feature a variety of housing types, including higher density, pedestrian and transit-oriented housing at employment and cultural centers.” Community Engagement Per Sec. 34-41(c)(2), the applicant held a community meeting on March 17, 2022. (A City Planner was able to attend as a NDS representative). The Planning Commission held a joint public hearing with City Council on this matter on June 14, 2022. No members of the public spoke on the application. Budgetary Impact No direct budgetary impact is anticipated as a direct result of this Special Use Permit. Recommendation Staff recommends the application be approved. The Planning Commission voted 5-1 to recommend the application be approved with an additional condition that the building be similar to the Exhibits submitted with the SUP application dated March 15, 2022. Suggested Motion: “I move the RESOLUTION Granting a Special Use Permit for Property Located at 923 Harris Street (City Tax Map 35, Parcel 112) Alternatives 1. By Motion, Council may vote to deny the Special Use Permit 2. By Motion, Council may vote to defer action on the Special Use Permit. Attachments 1. Resolution_SUP 923 Harris St