CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 18, 2022 at 4:00 PM In person: Council Chamber, 605 E. Main Street Virtual/electronic: Zoom The Charlottesville City Council met in regular session using a hybrid meeting format with limited public seating in Council Chamber and full electronic access via Zoom on Monday, April 18, 2022, in accordance with a local ordinance amended and re-enacted on March 7, 2022, to ensure continuity of government and prevent the spread of disease during the coronavirus State of Emergency. Mayor Lloyd Snook called the meeting to order and Clerk of Council Kyna Thomas called the roll, noting the following members present: Mayor Lloyd Snook, and Councilors Sena Magill, Michael Payne and Brian Pinkston. Vice Mayor Juandiego Wade had an excused absence. On motion by Pinkston, seconded by Magill, Council voted 4-0 to ADOPT the meeting agenda (Ayes: Magill, Payne, Pinkston, Snook; Noes: none). REPORTS 1. Presentation: UVA Law class presentation on tax relief Members of the UVA School of Law State and Local Government Policy Clinic presented a report on “Expanding Property Tax Relief in Charlottesville, Virginia.” Presenters were Scott Chamberlain and Maggie Woodward, who were accompanied by Professor Andy Block. The presentation concluded with seven proposals: • Change Current Program Criteria • Eliminate the Net Worth Limitation on Real Estate Tax Relief • Amend the Real Estate Tax Relief Ordinance for Consistency • Consider a Property Tax Deferral Program • Conduct More Outreach on Available Opportunities • Include Charlottesville in the Communities of Opportunity Tax Credit • Amend the State Constitution 2. Discussion: Climate Action discussion Kristel Riddervold, Environmental Sustainability and Facilities Development Manager led a presentation on the Climate Protection Plan including current and ongoing activities, joined by Susan Elliott, Climate Protection Program Manager and Stacy Smalls, Public Works Director. Upcoming next steps included: • Increased Staff Capacity – July 2022 • Climate Vulnerability Assessment – Anticipated completion Sept. 2022 • Climate Action Plan – Anticipated completion before end of 2022 • Climate Adaptation Plan – Anticipated completion in 2023 • Ongoing delivery of Climate Action work • Plan Progress & Updates to City Council BUSINESS SESSION Having established quorum with all councilors present with the excused absence of Vice Mayor Wade, Council observed a moment of silence. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Snook noted a busy time in Charlottesville with several local festivals and events. RECOGNITIONS/PROCLAMATIONS • Proclamation: Charlottesville Band 100th Anniversary Mayor Snook proclaimed April 24, 2022 as Charlottesville Band Day and will present the proclamation at the season’s inaugural concert on April 24. • Proclamation: Fair Housing Month Councilor Payne proclaimed April 2022 as Fair Housing Month. Alex Ikefuna, Interim Director for Community Solutions provided remarks. CONSENT AGENDA* Clerk of Council Kyna Thomas read the following Consent Agenda items into the record: 3. MINUTES: March 7 Council meeting; March 10 Budget Work Session 4. RESOLUTION: Appropriating funding received from the Virginia Department of Social Services for Driving and Transportation Assistance for Foster Care Youth -$13,877 (2nd reading) RESOLUTION Appropriating Funding Received from the Virginia Department of Social Services for the Driving and Transportation Assistance for Foster Care Youth, in the amount of $13,877 WHEREAS, the Charlottesville Department of Social Services has received an allocation in the amount of $13,877 in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget from the Virginia Department of Social Services to be used for Driving and Transportation Assistance for youth in, and formerly in, foster care. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $13,877, upon receipt by the City, is hereby appropriated for expenditure for a period running through August 31, 2022, in the following manner: Revenue – $13,877 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 9900000000 G/L Account: 430080 $13,877 Expenditures - $13,877 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3333006000 G/L Account: 540060 $13,877 5. RESOLUTION: Appropriating additional funding received from the Virginia Department of Social Services for the Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program - $16,435 (2nd reading) RESOLUTION Appropriating Additional Funding Received from the Virginia Department of Social Services for the Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) Program in the amount of $16,435 WHEREAS, the Charlottesville Department of Social Services has received an allocation of $16,435 in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget from the Virginia Department of Social Services to be used for the Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) program. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $16,435, upon receipt by the City, is hereby appropriated for expenditure within the FY22 budget in the following manner: Revenue – $16,435 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 9900000000 G/L Account: 430080 $16,435 Expenditures - $16,435 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3343008000 G/L Account: 540060 $16,435 6. RESOLUTION: Appropriating Virginia Tourism Corporation American Rescue Plan Act supplemental funds for the Charlottesville Albemarle Convention and Visitors Bureau - $280,000 (2nd reading) RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDS for Charlottesville Albemarle Convention and Visitors Bureau Budget Supplemental Appropriation of Virginia Tourism Corporation American Rescue Plan Act Funds - $280,000 WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County jointly fund the efforts of the Charlottesville Albemarle Convention and Visitors Bureau (CACVB); and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia has chosen to allocate a portion of its American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to the Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) in support of enhancing the impact of tourism throughout the state; and WHEREAS, VTC has determined a mechanism for distributing these funds by locality and the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County working with the CACVB to develop a coordinated plan to increase awareness of the Charlottesville and Albemarle markets; and WHEREAS, this plan has been approved by VTC; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $280,000 is hereby appropriated as a supplemental appropriation in the following manner: Revenue - $280,000 Fund: 209 Internal Order: 1900462 G/L Account: 430120 $280,000 Expenditures - $280,000 Fund: 209 Internal Order: 1900462 G/L Account: 540100 $260,000 Fund: 209 Internal Order: 1900462 G/L Account: 530670 $20,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is conditioned upon the receipt of $280,000 from Virginia Tourism Corporation's ARPA funding and shall hereby be considered a continuing appropriation and shall not be deemed to expire unless further altered by Council. 7. RESOLUTION: Authorizing a refund of $12,866.44 to a taxpaying entity or business, for business license taxes paid in error for 2020 (2nd reading) RESOLUTION Authorizing a refund of $12,866.44 to a taxpaying entity or business, for business license taxes paid in error for 2020 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Revenue has determined that a taxpaying entity or business paid 2020 Business License Tax to the City of Charlottesville in error; and WHEREAS, that taxpaying entity or business has requested a refund of the amount paid in error; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Revenue has certified that a refund of taxes paid is due in the amount of $12,866.44; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 30-6(b) requires City Council approval for any tax refund exceeding $2,500.00; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council for the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the City Council hereby authorizes the City Treasurer to issue a refund of $12,886.44, payable to that taxpaying entity or business. 8. RESOLUTION: Appropriating state funds for the State of Good Repair Program project account for Dairy Road Bridge Replacement - $7,210,664.00 (2nd reading) RESOLUTION Appropriating State of Good Repair Funding in the amount of $7,210,664.00 Awarded by the Commonwealth of Virginia for Costs of Replacement of the Dairy Road Bridge WHEREAS the City of Charlottesville has been notified that the Commonwealth has awarded state funding in the amount of $7,210,664.00 from the Commonwealth’s State of Good Repair Program (“SGR Funding”), for a locally-administered transportation construction project to replace the Dairy Road Bridge (“Project”), and the awarded funding covers one hundred percent (100%) of the costs of engineering, design, project administration and construction; and WHEREAS the Department of Public Works is prepared to commence work on the Project, using a design-build procurement process; therefore, the award of this funding allows the Project to be promoted to an active Capital Project within the City’s Capital Improvements Plan, beginning in Fiscal Year 2023; and WHEREAS the SGR Funding will be payable to the City on a reimbursement basis, and the Department of Public Works expects to submit reimbursement applications periodically over the course of the Project; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that, upon receipt of each reimbursement payment from the Commonwealth for the Project, the SGR Funding received shall be appropriated to the following accounts: Revenues $7,210,664 Fund: 426 WBS: P-01068 G/L Account: 430110 Expenditures 7,210,664 Fund: 426 WBS: P-01068 G/L Account: 599999 9. RESOLUTION: Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) Award Recommendations a. RESOLUTION: Allocating CAHF funds for Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (CRHA) South First Phase Two - $425,000 (2nd reading) RESOLUTION Allocation of Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) for Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (CRHA) South First Phase Two - $425,000 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $425,000 be allocated from previously appropriated funds in the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) to Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (CRI-IA) for the purpose of providing funds for the South First Phase Two project. Fund: 426 Project: CP-084 G/L Account: 530670 Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (CRHA) $425,000 b. RESOLUTION: Allocating CAHF funds for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville Equity Homeownership Initiative 2022 Down Payment Assistance - $75,000 (2nd reading) RESOLUTION Allocation of Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville Equity Homeownership Initiative 2022 Down Payment Assistance - $75,000 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $75,000 be allocated from previously appropriated funds in the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville for the purpose of providing funds for the Equity Homeownership Initiative 2022 Down Payment Assistance program. Fund: 426 Project: CP-084 G/L Account: 530670 Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville $75,000 c. RESOLUTION: Allocating CAHF funds for Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) Charlottesville Critical Repair Program - $100,000 (2nd reading) RESOLUTION Allocation of Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) for Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) Charlottesville Critical Repair Program - $100,000 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $100,000 be allocated from previously appropriated funds in the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) to Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) for the purpose of providing funds for the Charlottesville Critical Repair program. Fund: 426 Project: CP-084 G/L Account: 530670 Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) $100,000 d. RESOLUTION: Allocating funds from the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund for Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) Assisted Home Performance and Electrification Ready – Owner Occupied - $50,000 (2nd reading) RESOLUTION Allocation of Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) for Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) Assisted Home Performance and Electrification Ready (AHP) - Owner Occupied - $50,000 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $50,000 be allocated from previously appropriated funds in the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) to Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) for the purpose of providing funds for the Assisted Home Performance and Electrification Ready (AHP) - Owner Occupied program. Fund: 426 Project: CP-084 G/L Account: 530670 Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) $50,000 e. RESOLUTION: Allocating funds from the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund for Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) Assisted Home Performance and Electrification Ready – Renter Occupied - $100,000 (2nd reading) RESOLUTION Allocation of Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) for Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) Assisted Home Performance and Electrification Ready (AHP) - Renter Occupied - $100,000 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $100,000 be allocated from previously appropriated funds in the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) to Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) for the purpose of providing funds for the Assisted Home Performance and Electrification Ready (AHP) - Renter Occupied program. Fund: 426 Project: CP-084 G/L Account: 530670 Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) $100,000 10. ORDINANCE: Amending, reenacting and reordaining Chapter 30 of the City Code, Section 30-283, to increase the meals tax (2nd reading) ORDINANCE AMENDING, REENACTING AND REORDAINING CHAPTER 30 OF THE CITY CODE, SECTION 30-283, TO INCREASE THE MEALS TAX 11. REPORT: Calendar Year 2020 Annual Report for Human Rights Commission and Office of Human Rights (written report only) 12. REPORT: Rivanna Authorities Quarterly Report (written report only) Mayor Snook opened the floor for public comment on the consent agenda. Rory Stolzenberg, spoke in opposition to Item #10. On motion by Pinkston, seconded by Payne, Council by the following vote Adopted the Consent Agenda: 4-0 (Ayes: Magill, Payne, Pinkston, Snook; Noes: none). CITY MANAGER REPORT Michael C. Rogers, Interim City Manager introduced the quarterly city financial report, advising that it is available on the city website's Budget Explorer. Krisy Hammill, Senior Budget and Management Analyst presented a review of data on the Budget Explorer, including General Fund revenues and expenses. Jason Vandever, City Treasurer, shared the Cash and Investment Report for the quarter ending March 31, 2022. COMMUNITY MATTERS Mayor Snook opened the floor for public comment. 1. Cabell Marshall, city resident, made design and funding proposals related to development at 240 Stribling Avenue. 2. Alice Washington, city resident, spoke about the need to keep the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls for the benefit of the elderly population. 3. Susan Kruse, Community Climate Collaborative Director, spoke about climate action planning, reaching climate targets, and in support of keeping the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls. 4. Caetano de Campos Lopes spoke about the Climate Action Planning process and thanked staff for the presentation earlier in the meeting. 5. John Marshall, city resident, expressed safety concerns about the proposed project at 240 Stribling Avenue. He spoke about sidewalk financing and asked that the financing agreement be amended. 6. William Mendez, Chair of the Police Civilian Oversight Board (PCOB), speaking as an individual city resident, asked for approval of the Charlottesville PCOB operating procedures. 7. Judy Sandridge, city resident, spoke in support of keeping the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls. 8. Brandon Collins, city resident and employee of the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (CRHA), spoke about Transit and CRHA redevelopment, requesting to keep the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls. 9. Shelby Edwards, Executive Director of the Public Housing Association of Residents (PHAR), spoke in support of keeping the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls and bringing it to ADA standards. She spoke about having diverse voices on committees and requested a seat for PHAR on the Housing Advisory Committee and CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) Task Force. 10. Joy Johnson, Chair of PHAR and employee of CRHA, spoke in support of keeping the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls. 11. John Sales, Executive Director of CRHA, spoke in support of keeping the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls. He also advised that CRHA will be negatively impacted by the change in transit, with a new site plan being reviewed. 12. James Groves, city resident, spoke about the climate presentation from earlier in the meeting. He provided data related to Dominion Energy and other efforts to reduce carbon emissions. 13. Don Gathers, city resident, spoke in support of keeping the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls and in support of public input before making changes to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). He encouraged payment to board and commission participants and requested funding for support of commemoration of August 12 and urged Council to maintain the commitment to Affordable housing. 14. Paola Covarrubias, community organizer with PHAR, spoke in support of keeping the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls. 15. Jane Mills, Executive Director of Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, spoke in support of maintaining an accessible, equitable and ADA-compliant bus stop in front of Crescent Halls. 16. Nancy Carpenter, city resident, spoke in support of keeping the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls. She stated that transit is a component of fair housing. ACTION ITEMS 13. PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Citizen Participation Plan Amendment a. ORDINANCE*: Amending and reenacting Sections 2-417, 2-418 and 2-419 of the Code of the City of Charlottesville to establish a new CDBG and HOME Taskforce (1 reading) b. BY MOTION: Approving the proposed amendments to the 2016 Citizen Participation Plan for the City’s CDBG and HOME Investment Partnership Act programs Alex Ikefuna, Community Solutions, made the presentation, advising that a condition of receiving funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development is to have a citizen participation program. He noted timeliness issues with completing certain projects. After staff answered clarifying questions from Council, Mayor Snook opened the public hearing. • John Sales stated that timeliness issues have been a result of the types of projects selected and not the process. He added that the Priority Neighborhoods have drastically changed since Council first designated them as Priority Neighborhoods. • Joy Johnson shared historical context for the intent of CDBG funding. She recommended redefining Priority Neighborhoods. • Don Gathers recommended focusing on the process to fix issues with CDBG project timeliness and he recommended sharing more information with citizens regarding proposed changes. Mayor Snook closed the public hearing. After Council discussion and feedback from Sam Sanders, Alex Ikefuna and Erin Atak, no motion was made and Council agreed to DEFER the recommendations for at least 30 days, awaiting direction from the City Manager’s Office. 14. RESOLUTION: Approving the issuance by the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority of its up to $23,000,000 multifamily revenue bonds for Standard Midway Manor Venture LP Michael Graff, Jr. with McGuire-Woods made the presentation. Steven Kahn of Standard Communities, in response to a request from Councilor Pinkston, explained the developer’s plans, which included: • Ensuring that the property continues to provide affordable housing for at least the next 30 years; and • Undergoing a substantial renovation of the property. On motion by Pinkston, seconded by Magill, Council by the following vote Approved the resolution: 4-0 (Ayes: Magill, Payne, Pinkston, Snook; Noes: none). RESOLUTION Approving the issuance by the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority of its up to $23,000,000 multifamily revenue bonds for Standard Midway Manor Venture LP WHEREAS the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (the “Authority”) is authorized to advertise and hold public hearings relative to the issuance of private activity bonds; and WHEREAS the Authority has considered the application of Standard Midway Manor Venture LP, a Virginia limited partnership (the “Applicant”) requesting that the Authority issue up to $23,000,000 of its revenue bonds (the “Bonds”) to assist the Applicant or an entity affiliated with and controlled by, or under common ownership with, the Applicant (the Applicant or such resulting ownership entity hereinafter referred to as the “Borrower”) in acquiring, constructing, renovating, rehabilitating and equipping an age restricted multifamily residential rental housing project to be known as Midway Manor Apartments, to consist of 94 one-bedroom units and 4 two- bedroom units, to be located on approximately 2.32 acres of land located at 100 Ridge Street in Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (the “Project”), including the financing of reserve funds as permitted by applicable law and the costs of issuance incurred in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. Based on representations of the Applicant, the Project is structured to meet the requirements of a qualified residential rental project within the meaning of Section 142(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”). The Applicant has represented that the Project will be owned by the Borrower; and WHEREAS the facilities related to the Project to be financed or refinanced with the Bonds are located in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, Virginia is the geographic jurisdiction that contains the site of the Project to be financed or refinanced with the Bonds (“Host”) the City Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia (the “City Council”) constitutes the governmental unit having jurisdiction of the Project Site, and Section 147(f) of the Code requires the City Council, as the governmental unit, to approve the issue; and WHEREAS a copy of the Authority’s resolution authorizing the issuance of the Bonds, a certificate of the public hearing (including a summary of statements expressed at the hearing) and a fiscal impact statement have been filed with the City Council; and WHEREAS the Authority has recommended that the City Council approve the issuance of the Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, THAT: 1. The City Council approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Borrower, to satisfy the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Code, to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project. 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds does not constitute City Council’s endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds or the creditworthiness of the Project or the creditworthiness of the Borrower. 3. The Bonds shall provide that the City of Charlottesville, Virginia shall not be obligated to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon, or other costs incident thereto, and neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia is pledged to payment of the principal of the Bonds, or the interest thereon, or other costs incident thereto. 4. The Bonds shall provide that the Authority shall not be obligated to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and monies pledged thereto and that full faith and credit of the Authority shall not be pledged to the payment of the principal of the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto. 5. In adopting this resolution, the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, including its elected councilors, representatives, officers, employees and agents, shall not be liable for, and hereby disclaim all liability for, any damages to any person, direct or consequential, resulting from the Authority’s failure to issue the Bonds for any reason. 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. The undersigned Clerk of the City Council of Charlottesville, Virginia certifies that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council on April 18, 2022. 15. ORDINANCE: Amending the Friendship Court (Phase 1) Loan Agreement (carried) Brenda Kelley, Redevelopment Manager with the Office of Community Solutions, presented the amendment request. In November 2020 City Council approved a forgivable loan for Phase 1 of the Friendship Court four-phase redevelopment project. Council agreed to move the item to the May 2 Consent Agenda for second reading. 16. ORDINANCE*: 240 Stribling Avenue Interim City Manager Rogers summarized prior discussion and actions regarding the Stribling Avenue project and recommended approval of reenacting the Zoning Map and the funding agreement. Charlie Armstrong, developer, answered Council questions about the project. Jack Dawson, City Engineer, advised that with funding approved, the project design could begin as early as July 1, 2022. He answered questions for Council regarding sidewalks, parking, and general aspects of the project. James Freas, Director of Neighborhood Development Services, advised that he will follow up on tree canopy questions. a. ORDINANCE*: Re-enacting the Zoning Map for the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, to reclassify certain property from R-1S and R-2 to Planned Unit Development (“240 Stribling PUD”) and granting a critical slope waiver for the 240 Stribling PUD (2nd reading) On motion by Pinkston, seconded by Payne, Council by the following vote Approved the ordinance: 4-0 (Ayes: Magill, Payne, Pinkston, Snook; Noes: none). ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA, TO RECLASSIFY PROPERTY FROM R-1S AND R-2 TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE “240 STRIBLING PUD”, AND GRANTING A CRITICAL SLOPE WAIVER FOR THE 240 STRIBLING PUD b. ORDINANCE*: Consideration of a voluntary Infrastructure Funding Agreement in the amount of $2.9 Million with Belmont Station, LLC, for construction of sidewalk along Stribling Avenue (2nd reading) On motion by Pinkston, seconded by Payne, Council by the following vote Approved the ordinance: 4-0 (Ayes: Magill, Payne, Pinkston, Snook; Noes: none). ORDINANCE APPROVING A VOLUNTARY INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2.9 MILLION UPON TERMS OFFERED BY BELMONT STATION, LLC FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ALONG STRIBLING AVENUE The meeting recessed at 10:01 p.m. and reconvened at 10:08 p.m. GENERAL BUSINESS 17. DISCUSSION: Reviewing Draft Operating Procedures for the Police Civilian Oversight Board (Discussion Only; No Vote) Mayor Snook stated that councilors would not be ready for a detailed discussion of the operating procedures. He expressed concern with the Police Civilian Review Board requesting additional powers before implementing powers already in place. Hansel Aguilar, Executive Director of the PCRB/PCOB shared background information and areas for board development, including the need for additional training. Distinguish between a working board and a governing board. Bill Mendez, Chair of the PCRB, recommended moving forward with approval of the new operating procedures despite the PCRB having an outstanding/pending hearing based on current operating procedures. Mayor Snook stated that by the mid-May meeting, Councilors would send feedback to Mr. Mendez. In response to a question from Councilor Magill, Mr. Aguilar advised that he provided budget projections to the Budget Office. OTHER BUSINESS Council asked for City Manager follow up on the Crescent Halls bus stop and on the CDBG Committee. COMMUNITY MATTERS (2) Mayor Snook opened the floor for public comment. • Shelby Edwards supported Council's Midway Manor decision. She stated for the record that PHAR has reached out to Franklin Johnston and did not receive a response. She expressed concern with management responsiveness and possible willingness to be resident-centered. • Ang Conn expressed concern with the proposed removal of the bus stop in front of Crescent Halls and regarding affordable housing and rent stabilization. She stated that police violence against community members is a serious matter. • John Sales spoke about Community Development Block Grant, advising that boundaries for Priority Neighborhoods did not change, but Area Median Income levels changed. Regarding Priority Neighborhood projects, he stated that Council makes decisions based on recommendations from the Task Force, and that $1000 would provide stipends for a year for committee members. He advised that CRHA needs an answer regarding the Crescent Hills bus stop to inform the site plan review and that the Supplemental Rental Assistance Program needs long-term commitment. He stated that the Special Use Permit and proffered units should be offered first to voucher holders or CSRAP recipients. • Joy Johnson encouraged keeping the bus stop at Crescent Halls and approving the operating procedures for the PCOB. She read a section of a guide regarding CDBG, advising that lower income people are designated as the primary beneficiary. • Dave Norris gave background information on the Crescent Halls bus stop. Councilor Payne stated for the record that rent control is in the formally adopted affordable housing strategy. The meeting adjourned at 11:11 p.m. BY Order of City Council BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council