CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT Entrance Corridor Review Board review of proposed Comprehensive Signage Plan for 920 E. High Street PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: July 12, 2022 Project Planner: Matt Alfele Zoning: Downtown North Corridor Entrance Corridor Overlay District: Section 34-307(a)(10) East High Street/9th Street from Long Street to East Market Street, Sub-area C Tax Parcels: 530273000. Site Acreage: 1.228 acres Current Usage: Multi--story, medical office building (under construction). Staff report prepared by: Jeff Werner, AICP, Preservation & Design Planner, and Read Brodhead, Zoning Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relevant Code Section Section 34-309(a)(3). Planning Commission serves as the entrance corridor review board (ERB) responsible for administering the design review process in entrance corridor overlay districts (EC). Section 34-1045. Applicants for a development that is subject to Site Plan review and design review may request approval of a Comprehensive Signage Plan (CSP). The ERB reviews such requests and makes a recommendation to City Council to either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the CSP. Council may approve a comprehensive signage plan, upon a determination there is good cause for deviating from the sign ordinance and the CSP will serve the public purposes and objectives at least as well, or better, than signage allowed by-right. Background On June 12, 2018, the Entrance Corridor Review Board (ERB) approved a Certificate of Appropriateness for a three-story medical office building and a two-story rear parking deck. Application Request for approval of a Comprehensive Signage Plan for the medical office facility at 920 E. High Street. The requested CSP is necessary to permit the installation of three monument signs (N01, N05, and N06): • Three monument signs exceed the maximum one allowed. CSP for 920 East High Street - ERB Staff Report (Final June 29, 2022) 1 • The area of each monument sign exceeds the maximum 24 square feet allowed per sign: o N01 will be 70.07 square feet. o N05 and N06 will each be 28 square feet. • The aggregate signage area [of the monument signs] of 126.07 square feet exceeds the maximum 75 square feet allowed. • Two of the monument signs (N05 and N06) will be 7’-0” in height, exceeding the maximum 6’-0” allowed. Note: The area of a monument sign is measured on one side only, regardless if there is signage on both sides. This medical office facility is located at a corner lot with access from both East High Street and 10th Street NE. The primary and largest monument sign (N01) is located at this corner and prominently identifies the facility. The two, smaller monument signs (N05 and N06)—one on East High and one on 10th Street—each provide direction at the two entrances to the facility’s parking structure. Information submitted (attached): Comprehensive Signage Plan for [Sentara] 920 E. High Street: • Sign Application and Permit forms for signs N01, N05, and N06 (3 sheets, signed by applicant only) • City GIS zoning map of parcel and immediate area (1 sheet), dated 11/21/2020 • Narrative (3 pages), dated June 17, 2022 • AGI drawings and renderings, dated 5/27/2020 revised 2/16/2022: o Cover sheet o Page 2: Rendering of locations for signs N01, N02, N03, N04, N05, and N06. o Page 3: Rendering for sign N01. (large monument) o Page 4: Details for sign N01. (large monument) o Page 5: Location for sign N01. (large monument) o Page 6: Location and details for signs N02. (building address*) o Page 7: Location and details for sign N03. (building address*) o Page 8: Location and details for sign N04. (building address*) o Page 9: Rendering and details for signs N05 and N06. (small monuments) o Page 10: Location for signs N05 and N06. (small monuments) o Page 11: Lighting cut sheet • Collins Engineering 10th & High Street Final Site Plan Amendment #3 o Sheet 3 – Site Plan, Revised April 19, 2022 o Sheet 4 - Grading and Utility Plan, Revised April 19, 2022 o Sheet 7 – Landscaping Plan, Revised April 19, 2022 o Sheet 17 – Sign Details, revised April 19, 2022 Note: Location of signs N01, N05 and N06 will be located as shown on the numbered, referenced, and dated sheets of the Collins Engineering Final Site Plan noted above. These four site plan sheets are referenced/attached to this CSP only to memorialize the locations of signs N01, N05 and N06 and the landscaping proximate to those signs and to provide construction details for sign N01 (Sheet 17). Any later amendments or changes to these CSP for 920 East High Street - ERB Staff Report (Final June 29, 2022) 2 sheets are irrelevant to this CSP, unless the changes alter the referenced sign locations and landscaping, in which case amendment of the CSP may be required. * Re: N02, N03, and N04. Address numbers are not regulated by ordinance; however, because they are components of a building subject to design review, inclusion in the CSP will serve as design review approval. Proposed Signage • N01: Monument sign, externally illuminated (from ground level). Located at corner of East High Street and 10th Street NE. • N02, N03, and N04: Wall signs, non-illuminated channel letters (building address). • N05 and N06: Monument signs, externally illuminated (from ground level). Located at the East High Street and 10th Street NE entrances to the parking. Review of the signage types proposed by the CSP Note: Except for what is permitted under Section 34-1027, the following will apply to this CSP. Signage types as currently defined by City Code Division 4, Section 34-1038 (a) through (i). (a) Awning or canopy. Not included in proposed CSP; therefore, not permitted. (b) Freestanding signs. Not included in proposed CSP; therefore, not permitted. (c) Marquee signs. Not included in proposed CSP; therefore, not permitted. (d) Monument signs. Three (3) monument signs in proposed CSP: N01, N05, and N06 CSP for 920 East High Street - ERB Staff Report (Final June 29, 2022) 3 N01: • Monument sign, black letters on white, non-illuminated • 4’-2” h x 14’-5” w • Height to top of sign: 4’-2” above grade. • Area: 70.07 square feet • Comparison to by-right signage: ▪ Height is within the maximum 6’-0” allowed. ▪ Individual sign area exceeds the 24 square foot maximum. N05 and N06: • Monument sign, black letters on white, non-illuminated • 7’-0” h x 4’-0” w • Height to top of sign: 7’-0” above grade, excluding the 6” concrete base and 6” extension of the decorative post. (Top of monument structure will be 8’-0” above including the base and post extension.) • Area per sign: 28 square feet • Comparison to by-right signage: ▪ Height exceeds maximum 6’-0” allowed. ▪ Individual sign area exceeds the 24 square foot maximum. (g) Sandwich board signs.* • Not included in CSP, therefore not permitted. (* Defined in the EC Design Guidelines as Temporary Signs, which differs from the Code definition; however, neither are permitted by the CSP.) (h) Temporary signs. • Not included in proposed CSP; however, they may be permitted by reference as currently defined in Section 34-1038(h) of the City Code. (i) Wall signs. • Not included in CSP, therefore not permitted. Review of the aggregate signage area proposed by the CSP Per Section 34-1032 - Maximum sign area and Section 34-1044 - Entrance corridor districts— Special regulations. N01, N05 and N06: • Aggregate area: 126.07 square feet • Comparison to by-right signage: ▪ Aggregate area exceeds the maximum 75 square feet allowed. (Within an Entrance Corridor, the aggregate area of all signs allowed on a parcel shall not exceed 75 square feet, unless as otherwise approved within a CSP.) Note: N02, N03, and N04 are not included in the aggregate signage area. CSP for 920 East High Street - ERB Staff Report (Final June 29, 2022) 4 Review of the EC Design Guidelines for Signs (from Chapter III. Guidelines for Sites) 1. Place signs so that they do not obstruct architectural elements and details that define the design of the building. Staff Comment: CSP complies. 2. Respect the design and visibility of signs for adjacent businesses. Staff Comment: CSP complies. (See photos of nearby signage.) 3. Use colors and appropriate materials that complement the materials and color scheme of the building, including accent and trim colors. Staff Comment: CSP complies. 4. Use a minimal number of colors per sign where possible. Staff Comment: CSP complies. 5. Exterior illumination of signs shall comply with the City’s outdoor lighting requirements. Exterior neon is discouraged. Staff Comment: CSP complies. 6. Illumination of any sign shall not be directed toward any residential area or adjacent street. Staff Comment: CSP complies. 7. Consider using a comprehensive signage plan for larger developments. Staff Comment: Applicant has proposed a CSP. 8. Encourage the use of monument signs (rather than freestanding signs) with accent landscaping at the base along corridors. Staff Comment: CSP complies. 9. Internally lit signs should use an opaque background so only letters are lit. Staff Comment: CSP complies. Signs are not internally lit. 10. Flashing lights are prohibited. CSP for 920 East High Street - ERB Staff Report (Final June 29, 2022) 5 Staff Comment: CSP complies. Review of the requirements for a comprehensive signage plan Per City Code Section 34-1045(e) (1) A written narrative description of the overall plan, including, without limitation: a tally of the total number of signs included within the coverage of the plan, and a summary of how the applicant believes the comprehensive signage plan will serve the objectives set forth within Section 34-1021; Staff Comment: Information submitted. From applicant’s narrative: ▪ Adequate signs promote the general health, safety and welfare and help to create an attractive and harmonious environment. The property has two street frontages with a partially elevated parking lot and a below ground parking lot. Signs are necessary to identify the citizens searching for parking and entrances. Signs are necessary for this medical facility to be identifiable on both street frontages. ▪ Patients and citizens traveling here need to be able to identify their destination and adequate signs help to protect the public investment in the creation, maintenance, safety and appearance of its streets, highways and other public areas by eliminating motorist confusion. The signs provided are the minimum necessary for this location to be visible from all lanes of travel under existing treescapes etc. ▪ The signs proposed will help to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety by avoiding saturation and confusion in the field of vision that could otherwise result if signs were not regulated as provided herein. There are three wall mounted signs that are appropriately sized for the façade and visible to motorists and pedestrians from their patterns of approach. The signs will not produce clutter and are aesthetically appealing. ▪ There are two street frontages and three parking lot entries that need to be identified. It's important to protect and enhance the city's attractiveness to residents, tourists and other visitors as sources of economic development. The signs here will provide for adequate notice of this destination to prevent stacking of cars on the street while informing motorists when approaching of their destination. ▪ This is the minimum necessary to accomplish the above objectives. (2) A color illustration or photograph of each sign included within the plan. For signs with multiple faces, an illustration or photograph shall be provided for each face. For monument and pole signs, an illustration or photograph of proposed landscaping shall be provided; Staff Comment: Color illustrations provided. Installation of the monument signs will conform to the landscape plan. (3) A written description of the type, size (dimensions), materials, and proposed location of each sign; CSP for 920 East High Street - ERB Staff Report (Final June 29, 2022) 6 Staff Comment: Information submitted. (4) A map or other written identification and description of all existing signs on the property comprising the proposed development; Staff Comment: New project. No existing signs. (5) Color illustrations or photographs of signage existing on adjacent properties; Staff Comment: Staff reviewed adjacent signage. (6) A written description (and illustration or photograph) of proposed lighting (for illuminated signs). Staff Comment: The three (3) monument signs will be externally lit. Applicant provided fixture and lamping spec. Staff Recommendation Relative to the installation height and area of the three wall signs monument signs (N01, N05 and N06) staff finds the proposed CSP to be consistent with the EC Design Guidelines and the vision for the East High Street Entrance Corridor. Staff recommends the ERB find this CSP appropriate and recommend that Council approve the request. Should the ERB consider a recommendation for approval, staff suggests the following conditions: • Signs N01, N05, and N06. (Monuments) Externally lit. Lamping will be dimmable, have a Color Temperature (CT) not exceeding 3,000K, and have a Color Rendering Index (CRI) not less than 80, preferably not less than 90. • Signs N02, N03 and N04. (Building address numbers) Not illuminated. Holes for anchors will be within the mortar joints. No holes will be made into the brick and/or stone. Public Comments Received No public comments have been received relative to the design. Suggested Motion Approval: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City’s Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines, I move to find that the Comprehensive Signage Plan for 920 East High Street, satisfies the ERB’s criteria and is compatible with this Entrance Corridor and that the ERB recommends City Council approve this Comprehensive Signage Plan as submitted. … as submitted and with the following modification/conditions: CSP for 920 East High Street - ERB Staff Report (Final June 29, 2022) 7 Alternate Motion Denial: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City’s Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines, I move to find that the Comprehensive Signage Plan for 920 East High Street, does not satisfy the ERB’s criteria and is not compatible with this Entrance Corridor, and that for the following reasons the ERB recommends City Council deny this Comprehensive Signage Plan. Attachments: • Attachment 1: Proposed Comprehensive Signage Plan for 920 East High Street o Summarized in Information submitted on page 2, above • Attachment 2: East High Street Entrance Corridor (from EC Design Guidelines) • Attachment 3: Nearby signage in the East High EC CSP for 920 East High Street - ERB Staff Report (Final June 29, 2022) 8 for Sentara CSP June 17, 2022 (sign NO1) for Sentara CSP June 17, 2022 (sign NO5) for Sentara CSP June 17, 2022 (sign NO6) Sentara CSP TMP 530273000 June 17, 2022 - 1 of 3 Sentara CSP Narrative June 17, 2022 - 2 of 3 Sentara CSP Narrative Jun 17, 2022 3 of 3 Sentara CSP Narrative WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  )HEUXDU\ 5(9,6,21  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ 1 N05 N06 1 1 1 1 Note: Locations are approximate. Specific locations per pages 5 and 10. 1 1RVLJQVZLOOEHDGGHGWRWKHEXLOGLQJFDQRSLHV $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  5(9,6,21  '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ (;,67,1* ¶´  ´´ ´ ¶´ ´´ ´ ´ ´   352326(' ¶´ 14'-5" ¶´  ¶´ 13'-11" ¶´  ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ¶´   ¶´ ¶´ There will be no signage on the canopy 1&8672002180(17 $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  5(9,6,21  '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ ¶¶ ¶´ 7KHPRQXPHQWVLJQGHVLJQZLOOFRQIRUP JHQHUDOO\WRWKHVFKHPDWLFVKRZQEHORZ ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ´ 0RQXPHQWVLJQERG\ZLOOQRWH[FHHGDKHLJKW RI¶LQFOXGLQJWKH´EDVHDZLGWKRI¶DQG ´ ´ DGHSWKRI´ ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ´ ´ $OOOHWWHULQJDQGORJRVDSSOLHGWRWKHVLJQERG\ PXVWEHLQGLYLGXDOO\FXWOHWWHUV$FU\OLFSDQHOV DQGDOXPLQXPRYHUOD\VDUHQRWSHUPLWWHG ,QWHUQDOLOOXPLQDWLRQLVQRWSHUPLWWHG$OOOHWWHULQJ ¶´ ¶´ DQGORJRVPXVWPDLQWDLQDPLQLPXP´FOHDU VSDFHDURXQGWKHHGJHVRIWKHVLJQERG\ ¶ 14'-5" ¶´ $3DLQWHGDOXPLQXPVLJQFDELQHWSUH¿QLVKHGFRORUWR PDWFK$OSROLF%*<*UH\3DQHOVRQEXLOGLQJ %3UHFDVWFRQFUHWHFDSVVPRRWK¿QLVKQRFRORUDGGHG &6WRQHYHQHHUSLHUVXVLQJ³%RUDO&RXQWU\ ¶´ 1'-4" /HGJHVWRQ$VSHQ´WRPDWFKWKHEXLOGLQJ '´ODVHUFXWDOXPLQXPSODWHOHWWHUVPRXQWHGWR´ DOXPLQXPEDFNHUSDLQWHGWRPDWFKVLJQERG\UHFHVVHG LQWRVWRQHYHQHHUDQGJURXWHGLQWRSODFH (/RJRLV´ODVHUFXWDOXPLQXPSODWHOHWWHUV VWXGPRXQWHGWRVLJQFDELQHWSDLQWHGWRPDWFK306& ¶´ 14'-5" DQG:KLWH)RQWLV3DODWLQR )/RJRLV´ODVHUFXWDOXPLQXPSODWHOHWWHUV VWXGPRXQWHGWRVLJQFDELQHWSDLQWHGWRPDWFK306& $ ¶´ ´  ¶´ 13'-11" ¶´ ¶  DQG:KLWH)RQWLV*REROG ´ ¶´ ´ 0RQXPHQWZLOOEHH[WHUQDOO\LOOXPLQDWHGXVLQJ'HOWD % $UFKLWHFWXUDO'LUHFWLRQDO/('8S/LJKWV VHHVSHFL¿FDWLRQ VKHHWDWWKHHQGRIWKLVGRFXPHQW  ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ & ¶´ ¶´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ¶´   ¶´ ¶´ ¶´ ) ' ( 1&8672002180(17'(7$,/6 $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  5(9,6,21  '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ Note: Referenced Collins Engineering 10th & High Street Final Site Plan, revised April 19, 2022: Sheet 3 - Site Plan; Sheet 4 - Grading and Utility Plan; Sheet 7 - Landscaping Plan; and Sheet 17 - Sign Details. $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  5(9,6,21  '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ (;,67,1* ´ ´ $´DOXPLQXPGLJLWVSDLQWHGEODFNVWXGPRXQWHGWR IDFDGHIRQWLV)XWXUD%ROG&RQGHQVHG 352326(' $ ¶´ ´  ´[´$/80678''5,//(' 7$33(',172&873/$7($1' 6(7,1:$//:(32;< ¶´ 1$GGUHVV $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  5(9,6,21  '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ (;,67,1* ´ $´DOXPLQXPGLJLWVSDLQWHGEODFNVWXGPRXQWHGWR IDFDGHIRQWLV)XWXUD%ROG&RQGHQVHG 352326(' $ ¶´ ´  ´[´$/80678''5,//(' 7$33(',172&873/$7($1' 6(7,1:$//:(32;< ¶´ 1$GGUHVV $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  5(9,6,21  '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ (;,67,1* ¶ $´DOXPLQXPGLJLWVSDLQWHGEODFNVWXGPRXQWHGWR IDFDGHIRQWLV)XWXUD%ROG&RQGHQVHG 352326(' $ ¶´ ´  ´[´$/80678''5,//(' 7$33(',172&873/$7($1' 6(7,1:$//:(32;< ¶´ 1$GGUHVV N04 $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  5(9,6,21  '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ 7KHWUDIILFGLUHFWLRQDOVLJQVZLOOFRQIRUPJHQHUDOO\WRWKH VFKHPDWLFVKRZQEHORZ0RQXPHQWVLJQERG\ZLOOQRW H[FHHGDKHLJKWRI¶LQFOXGLQJWKH´EDVHDZLGWKRI¶ DQGDGHSWKRI´ $OOOHWWHULQJDQGORJRVDSSOLHGWRWKHVLJQERG\PXVWEH LQGLYLGXDOO\FXWOHWWHUV$FU\OLFSDQHOVDQGDOXPLQXP RYHUOD\VDUHQRWSHUPLWWHG,QWHUQDOLOOXPLQDWLRQLVQRW SHUPLWWHG$OOOHWWHULQJDQGORJRVPXVWIROORZWKHOD\RXW UXOHVVKRZQEHORZZLWKDPLQLPXP´FOHDUDURXQGWKH SHULPHWHU 1 1 ' 0HGLFDO2IÀFHV 0HGLFDO2IÀFHV ( $GYDQFHG,PDJLQJ $GYDQFHG,PDJLQJ Note: Locations are approximate. Specific locations per pages 5 and 10. /DE6HUYLFHV /DE6HUYLFHV ) &RIIHH6KRS &RIIHH6KRS $)DEULFDWHGDOXPLQXPVLJQFDELQHWSDLQWHGZKLWHRQDOOH[SRVHGVXUIDFHV $ %)DEULFDWHGDFFHQWXVLQJ5,0(;µ&DPEULGJH¶VDWLQVWDLQOHVVVWHHO % &´5DLVHGFRQFUHWHIRXQGDWLRQ¿QLVKHGVPRRWKXQFRORUHG (DVW+LJK (DVW+LJK '/RJRLV0WUDQVOXFHQWYLQ\Oµ0DULJROG¶2YHUODLGRQZKLWHRSDTXHYLQ\O DSSOLHGWRVXUIDFHWRFDELQHW 6WUHHW 6WUHHW * :RUGPDUNLV$YHU\RSDTXHYLQ\O$%ODFN¶DSSOLHGWRVXUIDFHRIFDELQHW)RQWLV3DODWLQR & ($UURZLVDSSOLHGWRYLQ\OWRPDWFK306&µ5R\DO9LROHW¶ )&RS\LV$YHU\RSDTXHYLQ\O$µ%ODFN¶DSSOLHGWRVXUIDFHRIFDELQHW)RQWLV)XWXUD&RQGHQVHG%ROG *&RS\LVVXUIDFHDSSOLHGYLQ\OWRPDWFK306&µ5R\DO9LROHW¶)RQWLV$ULDO5HJXODU 7UDIILF'LUHFWLRQDO6LJQVZLOOEHH[WHUQDOO\LOOXPLQDWHGXVLQJ'HOWD$UFKLWHFWXUDO'LUHFWLRQDO/('8S/LJKWV 352326(' 1 167'6 VHHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVKHHWDWWKHHQGRIWKLVGRFXPHQW  $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  5(9,6,21  '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ Note: Referenced Collins Engineering 10th & High Street Final Site Plan, revised April 19, 2022: Sheet 3 - Site Plan; Sheet 4 - Grading and Utility Plan; Sheet 7 - Landscaping Plan; and Sheet 17 - Sign Details. N05 N06 $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  5(9,6,21  '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ $''5(66 WK +LJK6WUHHW_&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ '$7(  5(9,6,21  '5$:1%< &$URFKR 3$*(  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUNZD\ 9LUJLQLD%HDFK9$ Attachment 2: CSP for 920 East High Street - ERB Staff Report July 12, 2022 East High Street Entrance Corridor (from EC Design Guidelines) Overall Description High Street is the traditional downtown entry corridor from I-64 and Route 250 east and the growth areas of the eastern part of Albemarle County. Its character changes as one goes up the hill west towards downtown. The lower parts of the corridor have older, small retail and auto-oriented service establishments with no streetscape improvements. Small scale dwellings begin at Gillespie Street and continue up the hill. Older, larger and more historic residences dominate the closer one gets to the downtown. Newer medical office infill structures are mixed in with residences along much of this section of the corridor due to the proximity of Martha Jefferson Hospital. Positive Aspects • Hillside corridor provides views and vistas • Proximity of Rivanna River offers opportunities for new, more intense uses • Older residential sections provide transition to downtown historic districts Vision The southeast side of High Street from Long Street to the light at Meade Avenue shares similar characteristics with the Long Street corridor. Properties here have potential to be redeveloped at an urban scale with shallow setbacks, higher density, and mixed uses. The natural character of the river should be preserved, and riverfront properties may incorporate the river as a site amenity. Future infill and redevelopment on the northwest side of High Street from Riverdale Drive to Locust Avenue and on the southeast side of High Street from Meade Avenue to 10th Street should complement the smaller scale of the abutting residential neighborhoods on either side. The retail areas of this part of the corridor will continue to provide basic service-business functions until redeveloped into a mix of uses including residential. This area may be considered for nearby offsite or shared parking in the future, due to the small parcel sizes and convenience to transit and the downtown area. From Locust Avenue to Market Street there will be opportunities for denser development. The area surrounding Martha Jefferson Hospital is a potential historic district. A pedestrian environment should be encouraged along the entire corridor with sidewalks, landscaping and transit stops. Sub-Area C: 9th Street from High to Market Street Description Ninth Street between High and Market Streets delineates the northern edge of the central downtown area. Gas stations are located at both ends of the corridor. Early-twentieth-century residences converted to professional use for either the adjacent court complex or Martha Jefferson Hospital are intermingled with offices and banks of more recent construction. • Streetscape: Mixed-use, mixed-scale, mixed-setback, concrete median, 4 lanes, overhead utilities, cobra-head lights, concrete sidewalks. • Site: Parking in front of several structures, large trees on private sites, some edge landscaping, mixed private site lighting. Tree planting and consistent sidewalks in this area have started to create a more pedestrian-oriented environment. • Buildings: 1-3 stories, several older residences, 2 gas stations. Attachment 2: CSP for 920 East High Street - ERB Staff Report July 12, 2022 Recommended General Guidelines • Provide streetscape improvements to give this section of corridor better definition as it meets the downtown • Improve edge conditions of site with plantings • Relate new infill architectural design more to existing character of older buildings Guidelines Specific to the Zoning North Downtown Corridor: The Downtown North Corridor district is the historic center of the City of Charlottesville and contains many historic structures. In more recent years, this area has also developed as the heart of the city’s legal community, including court buildings and related law and professional offices, and commercial and retail uses supporting those services. Within this area, residential uses have been established both in single-use and in mixed-use structures. Many former single-family dwellings have been converted to office use. The regulations for this district are intended to continue and protect the nature and scale of these existing patterns of development. Attachment 3: Nearby signage in the East High EC - CSP 920 E. High St., July 12, 2022 (pg 1 of 4) 10 7 4 5 1 3 8 9 6 2 920 East High Street 1 2 Attachment 3: Nearby signage in the East High EC - CSP 920 E. High St., July 12, 2022 (pg 2 of 4) 3 4 5 Attachment 3: Nearby signage in the East High EC - CSP 920 E. High St., July 12, 2022 (pg 3 of 4) 6 7 8 Attachment 3: Nearby signage in the East High EC - CSP 920 E. High St., July 12, 2022 (pg 4 of 4) 9 10