CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: August 1, 2022 Action Required: Approval and Appropriation Presenter: Christopher Carr, Management Specialist II Staff Contacts: Christopher Carr, Management Specialist II Victor Garber, Deputy Director Title: Appropriating Funds for the Virginia Department of Education Special Nutrition Program Summer Food Service Program - $250,000 (2nd reading) Background The City of Charlottesville, through the Parks and Recreation Department, has received approval for reimbursement of up to $250,000 from the Virginia Department of Education Special Nutrition Program to provide free breakfast and lunch to children attending summer camp programs, and dinner to our community housing centers. Discussion Charlottesville Parks and Recreation will operate five Summer Camp programs and four community housing centers (Westhaven, Friendship Court, South First, and Greenstone) throughout the City of Charlottesville. These sites serve children in Pre K-9th grades, for eight weeks during the summer, June 22-August 12. Various activities are planned from 9:00am-4:00pm, Monday through Friday. This summer we will be sponsoring the Girls and Boys Club and the YMCA. The reimbursement will cover the costs of nutritious meals at these locations, which also have an educational/enrichment component. The Virginia Department of Education Special Nutrition Program provides a free, nutritious breakfast and lunch for these children, and the community housing centers will provide a free, nutritious dinner. Most of the children served receive free or reduced meals during the school year. The Parks & Recreation Camp has almost 2,000 enrollees this summer. The $250,000 appropriation covers the cost of the food and administration of the summer food service program. The breakfast and lunches are purchased through the City of Charlottesville School Food Service and the dinners will be purchased through Pearl Island Foods, LLC. The Parks and Recreation Department pays the bills to the City of Charlottesville Food Service and Pearl Island Food, LLC, and is then reimbursed by the Virginia Department of Education Special Nutrition Programs. Alignment with City Council's Vision and Strategic Plan Approval of this agenda item aligns directly with Council’s vision for Charlottesville to be America’s Healthiest City and it contributes to Goal 2 of the Strategic Plan to be a safe, equitable, thriving, and beautiful community. Children will receive nutritious breakfast, lunch and/or dinner, hopefully replacing a meal that did not exist or providing a healthier balanced option for them. Community Engagement N/A Budgetary Impact This has no impact on the General Fund as there is no local match required. The funds will be expensed and reimbursed to a Grants Fund. Recommendation Staff recommends approval and appropriation of funds. Alternatives If money is not appropriated, the free breakfast and lunch program will not be offered to youth, most of whom receive free or reduced meals during the school year. Attachments 1. SFSP Resolution