CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: August 15, 2022 Action Required: Public hearing and Appropriation Presenter: Jeanette Janiczek, UCI Program Manager Staff Contacts: Stacey Smalls, Director Jack Dawson, City Engineer Tony Edwards, Development Services Manager Jeanette Janiczek, UCI Program Manager Title: Belmont Bridge Replacement Project – Appropriation of $2,697,398 (1 of 2 readings) Background On May 16, 2005, the City entered into an agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to participate in the Urban Construction Initiative (“First Cities”) Program (UCI). Through this program, the City is responsible for administering its urban system construction program – design, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation, and construction. The Belmont Bridge Replacement project is one such project being administered under this program. The project is under construction with a contract executed with Caton Construction Group’s (CCG) on June 16, 2021. The Belmont Bridge Replacement project is currently on schedule to meet its Final Completion Date of January 25, 2024. Due to the constrained project area and the need to maintain traffic/access, the first stage of construction has been focused on preparatory activities for the reconstruction of the mainline bridge.  A temporary parking lot has been established with an entrance off of East South Street to allow for the closure of the parking lot under the bridge and on-street parking to create space for construction activities and storage of materials.  The majority of public utilities have been relocated to allow vehicular traffic to be moved to the western bridge (the first of four major traffic shifts) and demolition of eastern bridge.  Stage 1 private utility is underway and Stage 2 will begin soon to allow for stormwater/sidewalk construction along the east side of 9th/Avon Street as well as reconstruction of East South Street.  Excavation has been conducted for the southern pedestrian underpass, the extension of the northern pedestrian underpass, the staircases in the northeast quadrant and the retaining wall system. CCG has started to build the new eastern bridge – the two piers have been completed, the southern abutment/retaining wall has begun, the first of three sets of beam/girders has been placed (over Old Avon), production of the southern pedestrian underpass is underway, footers/stem walls being poured for the northern pedestrian underpass extension and the NE staircase system has begun. The eastern bridge will be opened to traffic in November 2022 and work will then begin on the western, two bridges. Discussion On June 7, 2021, Council approved an appropriation of $4,280,739 in state funds from the State of Good Repair (SGR) Local Bridge funding program bringing the total allocation to the Belmont Bridge project to $35,380,782 in federal, state, and local funds. This allowed the City to award the construction contract and provided additional funds needed to cover other necessary project expenditures such as construction engineering inspection services and contingency fund. The VDOT had pursued two funding streams to ensure the project could move forward – the State of Good Repair (SGR) Local Bridge funding program and the Demonstration Repurpose VA200 (DEMO) funding program. The City has now been notified that we have also received $2,697,398 in DEMO funds. City Council can choose to accept the funding for the Belmont Bridge project or return the funding to the VDOT. City staff recommends accepting the award based on:  the current utilization rate of the contingency fund for added work (additional waterline and duct bank work needed, full rebuild of the signal at East Market due to timing of East High Streetscape project, expenses related to resequencing activities, etc.)  current phase of construction – the first of three bridges just starting construction with bridges being a high risk, high dollar activity  current state of the economy with supply chain issues, historic inflation levels and staffing shortages. Staff will continue to mitigate these risks to both budget and schedule to ensure the City’s interests are protected and the goals of the project accomplished. At the end of the project, remaining funds will be reconciled and reported to City Council. Alignment with City Council's Vision and Strategic Plan Approval of this agenda item upholds the City’s commitment to create “a connected community” by improving upon our existing transportation infrastructure. In addition, it would contribute to Goal 2 of the Strategic Plan, Be a safe, equitable, thriving, and beautiful community; Objectives 2.3. Provide reliable and high quality infrastructure and 2.6. Engage in robust and context sensitive urban planning. Community Engagement There has been significant engagement throughout project planning process through a Steering Committee, project specific public meetings, coordination with City boards/commissions and public surveys. A Design Public Hearing was held on May 24, 2018 and the Design Concept accepted by City Council on July 16, 2018. The Board of Architectural Review granted a Certificate of Appropriateness on August 20, 2019. Prior to commencement of construction, a Citizen Information Meeting was held on August 11, 2021 to discuss maintenance of traffic for both vehicles and pedestrians, construction schedule and sequencing. Progress reports, future traffic notices as well as historical meeting information can be found on Budgetary Impact Currently, the total Belmont Bridge project funding allocation is $35,380,782 using a combination of federal, state, and local funds. With the additional award of Federal funds from the Demonstration program, the total funding allocation for the project is now $38,078,180, and the appropriation will be amended as follows: Funding Allocations (as of June 2021) Federal $3,181,234 State $19,150,933 Local $13,048,615 TOTAL $35,380,782 Funding Allocations (revised August 2022) Federal (*) $5,878,632 State $19,150,933 Local $13,048,615 TOTAL $38,078,180 (*) This amount is increased by the funds to be received through Demonstration funding. The increase in federal allocations will be reimbursed once expended. Per Va Code Section 15.2-2507, this proposed appropriation requires notice to be placed in the local newspaper seven days prior to the Council meeting. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the appropriation. Alternatives City Council could choose to not appropriate the additional Demonstration funding and return the funds to the VDOT. Attachments 1. Approp - Belmont 082022