CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: October 3, 2022 Action Required: Approval and Appropriation Presenter: Misty Graves, Director of Human Services Staff Contacts: Misty Graves, Director of Human Services Title: Blue Ridge Area Coalition for the Homeless (BRACH) reimbursement of funds for staff costs to support the Homeless Information Line - $15,381.60 (2nd reading) Background Blue Ridge Area Coalition for the Homeless (B.R.A.C.H) and the Department of Human Services in coordination with other service providers in Charlottesville participate in the areas Coordinated Entry System for Homelessness Services. The US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that each community receiving federal funds for homeless assistance programs must include a network of homeless service providers participating jointly to coordinate the access to and provision of homeless services. This Coordinated Entry System must be accessible, fair, and provide a consistent experience for all households seeking to access homeless services. Discussion Human Services will provide to the Charlottesville area Continuum of Care (C.o.C) and B.R.A.C.H in operating the phone entry point for the Coordinated Entry System. Human Services will provide staffing of the phone-line entry point for the Coordinated Entry System from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday each week. The Human Services Community Resource Navigator staff member will utilize the local Homeless Management Information System (H.M.I.S) provided by B.R.A.C.H to document each call received and to provide electronic referrals for homeless assistance. B.R.A.C.H will provide $15,381.60 annually to Human Services to support the Community Resource Navigator position staffing the phone line for 15 hours per week. Disbursements will be made quarterly to Human Services in the amount of $3,845.40. Alignment with City Council's Vision and Strategic Plan This grant advances the City of Charlottesville's Strategic Plan Goal #1 of enhancing the self sufficiency of our residents. Community Engagement The Homeless Information Line number is posted on the City website and flyers are distributed throughout the community. Service providers who are currently working with people experiencing homelessness refer them to the Homeless Information Line. The Community Resource Navigator attends regular coordination meetings to provide updates and feedback to the Coalition and its partners. Budgetary Impact Funds will be posted as revenue to the Department of Human Services. Recommendation Staff recommends approval and appropriation of funds. Suggested Motion: “I move the RESOLUTION Appropriating the Amount of $15,381.60 Received from Blue Ridge Area Coalition for the Homeless, as reimbursement of Homeless Information Line Staff Costs” Alternatives If funds are not approved and appropriated, the Homeless Information Line will operate and this would be detrimental to the Coordinated Entry System, its partners and most importantly, our community's most vulnerable citizens. Attachments 1. RESOLUTION BRACH reimbursement Appropriation 9.19.22