Land Use and Environmental Planning Committee Semi-Annual 2022 Report The Land Use and Environmental Planning Committee (LUEPC) was established to replace the Planning and Coordination Council (PACC) by the County of Albemarle, the City of Charlottesville, and the University of Virginia in 2019. The Committee is intended as a vehicle to share and coordinate land use and development plans and projects; consider environmental and infrastructure issues facing the community; and, from time to time, advance ideas and solutions that support the mutual advantage of these entities. As part of its charge, the Committee shall, not less than twice each year, submit a report summarizing the group's work. The County, City and the University face similar environmental planning and project challenges. The committee, by its nature, creates opportunities to address these shared challenges by coordinating community messaging and institutional practices. The first half of 2022 has focused on project discussions and coordination. The agendas for the monthly meeting are formed around themes - either geographical areas or specific topics. This report will focus on some of the key themes under discussion. The Committee's meeting agendas, minutes and presentations are posted on the LUEPC website which is hosted by the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC): Charge Statement The Land Use and Environmental Planning Committee is established as a vehicle to share and coordinate land use and development plans and projects; consider environmental and infrastructure issues facing the community; and, from time to time, advance ideas and solutions that support our mutual advantage. The LUEPC may also serve as an advisory committee to the City, County, and UVA. The Committee will meet regularly to discuss timely issues from each entity and share that information with the public and each entity's senior leadership at biannual updates of all three entities. Through its work, the Committee further seeks to ensure that the actions, policies, and processes of the Committee are reflective of an ongoing commitment by the entities to support an equitable and inclusive community. The Committee defines equity as all community members having access to community benefits and opportunities needed to reach their full potential and to experience optimal well-being and quality of life; inclusion means that all peoples shall be respected and valued as members of this community. The Three-Party Agreement dated May 5, 1986, remains in effect as to land use planning between the City, County and UVA. Land Use and Environmental Planning Committee First Half yearly report for 2022 (Virtual Meetings due to COVID-19) January 21, 2022: Discussion & Update on UVA Grounds Plan Julia Monteith, UVA Presentation link: LUEPC UVA Grounds Presentation January 21, 2022 Discussion & Update on UVA Housing Alice Raucher, UVA Presentation link: LUEPC UVA Housing Presentation January 21, 2022 March 18, 2022: Discussion & Update on RWSA’s Clean Fill Project at Ivy Landfill Phil McKalips, RWSA Presentation link: LUEPC Large Clean Fill Project Presentation (3-18-2022) Discussion & Update on Albemarle County’s FY23 Community Work Program Jodie Filardo, Albemarle County Presentation Link: FY23 Work Program - SUMMARY FOR LUEPC 3-18-22 May 20 2022: Discussion & Update on RAISE grant application status Jodie Filardo & Jessica Hersh-Ballering, Albemarle County Presentation link: RAISE grant application briefing - Three Notch'd Trail Discussion & Update on City Zoning Rewrite-Approach Report James Freas, City of Charlottesville Discussion & Update on Downtown Crozet Project Lance Stewart, Albemarle County Presentation link: Downtown Crozet Public/Private Development June 17, 2022: Discussion & Update on UVA 2030 Grounds Plan Julia Monteith and Alice Raucher, UVA; Urban Strategies Presentation link: UVA 2030 Grounds Plan Discussion & Update on Urban Finished Water Master Plan Jennifer Whitaker, RWSA Presentation link: Urban Finished Water Master Plan LUEPC Membership City of Charlottesville Neighborhood Development Services Director Director of Public Works Director of Utilities Representative from the City Planning Commission Albemarle County Community Development Director Facilities and Environmental Services Director Representative from the County Planning Commission University of Virginia Architect for the University Director of Facilities Management Operations Director of Real Estate and Leasing Services University of Virginia Foundation Director of Design and Development Director of Real Estate Asset Management Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Executive Director