Council Amendment Considerations Council Approval Date April 12, 2022 Anytime November/December 2022 FY 2023 CIP PROJECTED FY 2022 Amendments Contingency Revenue Budget Surplus Potential Funding Available (assumes NO change in current tax rates) $ 3,750,026 $ 11,433,191 $ 12,440,304 Remaining Balance ‐ after allocations noted below $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 670,271 Tax Changes Small Increase in lodging Tax ‐ Council Action Required ‐ did not advertise therefore this would be a future consideration Personal Property Tax Rate ‐ No Change ‐ASSUMED ‐ $2M already included in $3.75M above Personal Property Tax Rate Change ‐ $1M revenue increase ‐ Council Action Required to reduce the rate, $1M Budget Amendment reducing $3.75M above Personal Property Tax Rate Change ‐ Equalized as budgeted ‐ Council Action Required to reduce the rate, no budget amendment needed Increased Real Estate Tax ($0.01 to $0.03) ‐ Council Action Required ‐ would allocate a portion of the $9.2M currently unallocated currently in the budget and reduce the total General Fund Budget by any amount not allocated. No change for Column B and an increase for the expected surplus amount in Column D. (925,000) Increased Meals Tax ‐ Council Action Required ‐ would increase $3.75M in Column B by $1.2M for a total $4.95M that could be used to amend the FY 2023 budget (1,250,000) Institution of a plastic bag tax ‐ future consideration Agency and VCF Changes AHIP ‐ additional funding 75,000 PHAR Internship Program ‐ additional funding 10,050 Jefferson School African American Hertitage Center ‐ add'l funding 0.00 Piedmont CASA ‐ additional funding 3,500 C4K ‐ additional funding 0.00 C4K ‐ additional funding using ARPA 0.00 Tree Commission ‐ additional funding ‐ xfer to CIP 25,000 CRHA ‐ additional funding 0.00 Need for declared use/designation of each increase 0.00 Public Defender ‐ Additional Funding 20,000 Additional Funding for ReadyKids Early Education Program 25,946 Reimbursing CRHA for PILOT paid to the City ‐ $20k 20,000 Fully Fund Drug Court and Therapeutic Docket and make contractual 27,892 Council Amendment Considerations Council Approval Date April 12, 2022 Anytime November/December 2022 FY 2023 CIP PROJECTED FY 2022 Amendments Contingency Revenue Budget Surplus Potential Funding Available (assumes NO change in current tax rates) $ 3,750,026 $ 11,433,191 $ 12,440,304 Remaining Balance ‐ after allocations noted below $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 670,271 City Manager Amendments to FY 2023 Budget The Paramount Theater 7,500 Festival of Cultures (2,160) Housing Coordinator Position Upgrade 55,514 Procurement ‐ Restore Funding for 1 FTE ‐ Buyer 81,355 Sheriff ‐ Vehicle Replacement (1) 46,500 City Manager One‐Time Considerations ‐ FY 2022 Surplus Potentials DSS ‐ Software Replacement ‐ Foster Care Payments ‐ City Match 150,000 Procurement eSourcing Software 100,000 2 Additional Buses ‐ Route 6 Equity Initiative 1,000,000 SAFER Grant Match ‐ Adjusted for FY 22 Mid‐year and FY 23 Proposed Merit 2,109,000 CIP Considerations $68.8M School Reconfiguration with $54M Bonds $68.8M School Reconfiguration with $50M Bonds $68.8M School Reconfiguration with 3 year Debt Service Increase $68.8M School Reconfiguration with 1 time tax increase for Debt Service Increase Meadow Creek Trail ‐ ARPA potential? Inflationary Increases for the cost of CIP City Manager Presented Scenario ‐ March 31st School Reconfiguration ‐ $54M Bond Scenario (1st year of Add'l Debt Service) 1,947,112 School Reconfiguration ‐ $54M Bond Scenario (Cash Contribution ‐ FY 2021 Surplus) 6,700,000 School Reconfiguration ‐ $54M Bond Scenario (Additional Cash Needed to get to $68.8M) 600,000 School Reconfiguration ‐ $54M Bond Scenario (Years 2 of Add'l Debt Service) 1,947,112 School Reconfiguration ‐ $54M Bond Scenario (Years 3 of Add'l Debt Service) 1,947,112 PHA Projects ‐ Cash Funded 4,733,191 216,809 Meadowcreek Trail ‐ Section 3 700,000 Internal Capacity CAT ‐ additional funding 30 minute routes 2,000,000 Council Amendment Considerations Council Approval Date April 12, 2022 Anytime November/December 2022 FY 2023 CIP PROJECTED FY 2022 Amendments Contingency Revenue Budget Surplus Potential Funding Available (assumes NO change in current tax rates) $ 3,750,026 $ 11,433,191 $ 12,440,304 Remaining Balance ‐ after allocations noted below $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 670,271 Addition of 1 FTE as a Grants/IG Specialist ‐ ? ARPA funding potential 120,000 Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ‐ Additional Funding 300,000 Commissioner of Revenue ‐ Tax Specialist I 60,528 Climate Action Planning 150,000 Affordable Housing Administrative Capacity 175,000 Budget Office Capacity including additional Analyst 126,822 MARCUS Alert system/other criminal justice reform 100,000 Collective Bargaining 0 Wage & Compensation study 0 City Manager Fund 1,000,000 PW Engineering 325,000 Tax Relief ‐ additional funding 250,000 Transfer to CIP Contingency 1,974,467 Continued Capacity Building ‐ Future Initiatives Revisit VCF process and reporting Future Funding needs for CAT, Housing and Climate Action Planning Future phases of public housing redevelopment Reconfiguration for Walker Project Additional Funding to support Homelessness efforts and a defined housing obligation in terms of AMI Solutions and Measurements