CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: November 7, 2022 Action Required: Resolution Presenter: Alexander Ikefuna, Director of Community Solutions Staff Contacts: Alexander Ikefuna, Director of Community Solutions Title: Amending Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2022-2023 Substantial Action Plan - $178,394.34 (1 of 2 readings) Background This agenda item includes a resolution for the FY22-23 substantial action plan amendment for Community Development Block Grant funds received by the City of Charlottesville from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In Fall 2021, the City of Charlottesville advertised a Request for Proposals (RFP) based on the priorities set by Council on September 21, 2021. The priorities were for affordable housing (including but not limited to low-income housing redevelopment), workforce development (including but not limited to efforts to bolster Section 3 training opportunities and partnerships with the City’s GO programs), microenterprise assistance, access to quality childcare, homeowner rehabilitation, and down payment assistance. The CDBG/HOME competitive Request for Proposals was based on the 2022-2023 City Council’s CDBG/HOME priorities, the 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan, Charlottesville Affordable Housing Plan, and HUD’s CDBG/HOME national priorities. Discussion The CDBG Substantial Action Plan Amendment totals $178,394.34 for the 2022-2023 program year. It is important to note that all requests for proposals went through an extensive review by the CDBG/HOME Taskforce because of a competitive RFP Process. The Taskforce selected two programs which were reviewed and recommended for funding by the City’s Planning Commission on September 13, 2022. Priority Neighborhood – On September 21, 2021, Council approved Ridge Street to be the Priority Neighborhood. The Taskforce recommended the Department of Parks and Recreation Pollocks Branch Trail Bridge at Jordon Park. Estimated benefits include the construction of a bicycle and pedestrian ADA accessible bridge to connect Jordon Park to the developing Moores Creek trail between Avon Street and 5th Street. CDBG Housing Programs – The Taskforce recommended the Arc of the Piedmont for a HVAC replacement of their Shamrock Group Home. Estimated benefits include the replacement of a 30- year-old HVAC system in the Shamrock Road Group Home benefitting up to seven developmentally disabled individuals. Alignment with City Council's Vision and Strategic Plan Approval of this agenda item aligns directly with Council’s vision for Charlottesville to have Economic Sustainability. It contributes to variety of Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives including: Goal 1: Inclusive, Self-sufficient Community; Goal 3: Beautiful Environment; Goal 4: Strong, Diversified Economy; and Goal 5: Responsive Organization. It also complies with several provisions in the 2021 Comprehensive Plan. Community Engagement The original CDBG and HOME budget approval was part of the Action Plan that was advertised for a thirty-day comment period (March 30th – April 30th 2022) before being sent to HUD for approval in the Daily Progress. The Action Plan was also sent to Charlottesville Neighborhood community members and Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC) Housing Directors Council for public comment. Comments received were incorporated into the Action Plan. HUD approved the Action Plan on August 10, 2021. The CDBG Taskforce reviewed the budget recommendations on March 21, 2022 during a public meeting where public comments were received. City Council approved the final budget on May 16, 2022. If council approves the request, then an approval will be submitted to HUD as a Substantial Action Plan Amendment for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The full action plan can be viewed on the City Website through the following link. Budgetary Impact None. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Substantial Action Plan Amendment for FY2022-2023. Alternatives None. Attachments 1. CDBG/HOME Taskforce Minutes 2. CDBG/HOME Taskforce Scores 3. Resolution_CDBGAmendment-$178,394.34