Carrie Rainey City of Charlottesville 610 East Market Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: ZM22-00002 MOUNT VIEW PUD PROFFER MODIFICATIONS | COVER LETTER Dear Carrie, Attached with this cover letter is the revised proffer statement for ZM22-00002 “Mount View PUD”. Please note the following proffer revisions since the Planning Commission public hearing on September 13, 2022:  Proffer 1 Affordable Housing: o Revised rent limit from HUD FMR and 125% HUD FMR to 60% AMI o Revised income limit from 80% AMI to 60% AMI o Revised affordability term from 10 to 20 years • Further Revision since December 5, 2022 Council Meeting: Revised affordability term from 20 to 99 years o Incorporated marketing plan provision ( o Incorporated unit break-down of affordable units (1.b.ii) o Removed 90-day limit on income restriction o Revised due date of annual report from January 1 to January 10 o Revised trigger for completion of affordable units from the 55th dwelling unit to proportionally be constructed at a rate of 10% provided that all units are constructed by the issuance of certificate of occupancy of the 59th dwelling unit (1.b.iv)  Proffer 3 Screening Fence: o Included additional language that if an adjacent owner prefers their existing fence over a new fence to be constructed by the Owner, that preference must be expressed in writing (3.c.)  Proffer 4 Sidewalk Improvements: o Included additional proffer to complete sidewalk network along southern portion of River Vista between the project’s entrance to River Vista and the intersection of River Vista and St. Clair If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at Best regards, Kelsey Schlein Shimp Engineering, P.C.