| Call to Order/Roll Call |
| Agenda Approval |
![[Collapse]](https://charlottesvilleva.civicclerk.com/Web/DXR.axd?r=1_37-DMqLp) | Reports |
| | 1. Move2Health Equity |
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| CLOSED SESSION pursuant to Sections 2.2-3711 and 2.2-3712 of the Virginia Code (Boards and Commissions) |
| Moment of Silence |
| Announcements |
| Recognitions/Proclamations |
![[Collapse]](https://charlottesvilleva.civicclerk.com/Web/DXR.axd?r=1_37-DMqLp) | Consent Agenda* |
| | 2. December 5 minutes |
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| | 3. Private drainage easements (2) 2100 Avon Court (2nd reading) |
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| | 4. Temporary Aerial Easement 1223-1225 Harris Street (2nd reading) |
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| | 5. Resolution of Appropriation to Amend the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget (2nd reading) |
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| | 6. Designation of Park Street site as a Revitalization Area (1 reading) |
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| | 7. Resolution of Support for the Virginia America 250 Commission (VA250) (1 reading) |
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| | 8. Critical Slope Waiver Application request at 0, 208-210, 228 Monte Vista Avenue, and 0 Belleview Street (Azalea Springs Subdivision) (1 reading) |
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| City Manager Report |
| Community Matters |
![[Collapse]](https://charlottesvilleva.civicclerk.com/Web/DXR.axd?r=1_37-DMqLp) | Action Items |
| | 9. Approving a Lease Agreement with McGuffey Arts Associates, Inc. for the lease of 201 2nd Street NW (1 reading) |
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| | 10. Establishing days, times and places of Regular Meetings of the Charlottesville City Council during Calendar Year 2023 (1 reading) |
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| | 11. Adopting the Amendment and Re-enactment of the November 15, 2021 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Charlottesville, as amended (1 of 2 readings) |
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| | 12. Initiating a Zoning Text Amendment - Planned Unit Development (1 reading) |
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| | 13. Extending the Dockless Mobility Sharing System Permit for Veo Ride, Inc. (1 reading) |
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| | 14. Expressing support for the TJPDC Allocation Plan for HOME – American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding (1 reading) |
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| General Business |
| Other Business |
| Community Matters (2) |
| Adjournment |