CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: February 6, 2023 Action Required: Approval Presenter: Samuel Sanders, Jr., Deputy City Manager Staff Contacts: Samuel Sanders, Jr., Deputy City Manager James Freas, Director of NDS Title: Appropriating funds for appraisal services at 0 East High Street - $3,800 (1 of 2 readings) Background Discussion The appraisal will provide an estimated market value for the parcel at 0 East High as well as associated parcels - parcel ids 500144000, 500143100, 500143000 and 500133100. The appraisal will include sufficient information to understand the basis for the provided value taking into account market value for undeveloped land, the allowed uses of the property under zoning, and the costs associated with the necessary improvements to the property in order for it to be developable. The appraisal will be completed in 6 to 8 weeks from project initiation. Alignment with City Council's Vision and Strategic Plan The proposed expenditure aligns with the Council vision to be a Green City and with Goal 3 of the Strategic Plan for a "A Beautiful and Sustainable Natural and Built Environment." Community Engagement None Budgetary Impact The appraisal will cost $3,800 drawn from previously appropriated funds in the Council's Strategic Initiatives Fund. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the expenditure. Alternatives If Council does not approve the use of the funds from the Council Strateg Attachments 1. East High Appraisal Appropriation