Suggested motion: “I move the Resolution approving a Comprehensive Sinage Plan for 701 East High Street be adopted.” RESOLUTION APPROVING COMPREHENSIVE SIGNAGE PLAN FOR 701 East High Street WHEREAS, the City staff reviewed the Comprehensive Signage Plan proposed for 701 East High Street, and recommended approval of the plan if certain modifications were to be made such that only one (1) directory sign shall be permitted for each entrance/exit into the parking garage and will be installed perpendicular to the street at that location; and WHEREAS, when approved those modifications shall be incorporated into a revised Comprehensive Signage Plan on 701 East High Street for review and approval; and WHEREAS, in accordance with City Code Sec. 34-1045(c), City Council has determined that: (1) There is good cause for deviating from a strict application of the requirements of Section 34-1020, et seq. (City Code Chapter 34, Article IX, Division 4 – Signs), and (2) The comprehensive signage plan, as proposed, with the modifications provided by staff, will serve the public purposes and objectives set forth within City Code Section 34- 1021 at least as well, or better, than the signage that would otherwise be permitted for the subject development; now, therefore; BE IT RESOLVED by the Council for the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that this Council hereby approves the Comprehensive Signage Plan for 701 East High Street subject to the modifications referenced herein as to the number of directory signs (one per entrance/exit) and the placement of such signs perpendicular to the street.