Attachment 7 - 507 Ridge Street - BAR appeal Werner, Jeffrey B From: Murphy, Mollie Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 3:31 PM To:; Cc: Werner, Jeffrey B Subject: BAR # 22-11-03 Certificate of Appropriateness BAR # 22-11-03 507 Ridge Street, TMP 290141000 Ridge Street ADC District Owner/Applicant: Kimberly and Clayton Lauter Project: Demo backyard shed/cottage Mr. Lauter: The CoA request for the above referenced project was reviewed by the City of Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review on December 20, 2022. The following action was taken: Mr. Zehmer moved: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including the ADC District Design Guidelines, I move to find that the proposed demolition at 507 Ridge Street does not satisfy the BAR’s criteria and guidelines for demolitions and that for the following reasons the BAR denies the application as submit ted because the proposal is incompatible with the historic, cultural or architectural character of the district in which the property is located that is the subject of the application Mr. Whitney second. Motion passed 4– 2. CoA was denied. For specifics of the discussion, the meeting video is on-line at: Per city Code Sec. 34-285 (Approval or denial of applications by BAR) and Sec. 34-286 (City council appeals), following the denial of a CoA request, the applicant may appeal the decision to City council by filing a written notice of appeal within ten working days of the date of the decision. [Note: Due to the holidays and City Hall closures, ten working days allows an appeal to be filed by January 6, 2023.] The appeal shall “set forth, in writing, the grounds for an appeal, including the procedure(s) or standard(s) alleged to have been violated or misapplied by the BAR, and/or any additional information, factors or opinions he or she deems relevant to the [appeal].” The fee to submit an appeal of BAR decision is $125. Link to City Code: ADC Districts - City Code Section If you have any questions, please contact me at Please remove the notice sign posted at the site. Sincerely, Jeff Werner, AICP Historic Preservation and Design Planner City of Charlottesville Neighborhood Development Services City Hall | P.O. Box 911 610 East Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 1 Phone: 434.970.3130 Email: 2