CITY COUNCIL AGENDA J. Lloyd Snook, III, Mayor February 21, 2023 Juandiego Wade, Vice Mayor Michael K. Payne, Councilor Brian R. Pinkston, Councilor (Councilor vacancy) Kyna Thomas, Clerk 4:00 PM OPENING SESSION Register at The public may view this portion of the meeting electronically by registering in advance for the Zoom webinar or on the City's streaming platforms and local government Channel 10. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. Call to Order/Roll Call Agenda Approval Reports 1. Report: Polco National Community Survey Presentation 2. Report: State of the Forest - Tree Commission 3. Report: City of Charlottesville Environmental Standards 5:30 PM CLOSED SESSION pursuant to Sections 2.2-3711 and 2.2-3712 of the Virginia Code (Boards and Commissions) 6:30 PM BUSINESS SESSION This portion of the meeting will accommodate a limited number of in-person public participants in City Council Chamber at City Hall as we employ a hybrid approach to public meetings. Registration is available for a lottery-based seating selection at Reservation requests may also be made by contacting the Clerk of Council office at or 434-970-3113. Moment of Silence Announcements Recognitions/Proclamations Board/Commission Appointments 4. Resolution: TENTATIVE: Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund Committee membership (1 reading) 5. Resolution: Appointing the membership of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Task Force, Pursuant to City Code Section 2-417 (1 reading) Consent Agenda* 6. Minutes: February 6 Council meeting, February 8 joint Council-School Board work session, February 10 and 13 special meetings 7. Resolution: Appropriating funds for Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) Non- Infrastructure Grants - $ 229,803 (2nd reading) 8. Resolution: Appropriating Supreme Court of Virginia Behavioral Health Docket Grant in the amount of $61,500 for operations of the therapeutic docket program (2nd reading) 9. Resolution: Appropriating State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) Grant for 2021 reimbursement in the amount of $7,743 (2nd reading) 10. Resolution: Appropriating funds for appraisal services at 0 East High Street - $3,800 (2nd reading) 11. Resolution: Appropriating funds for the purchase of Charlottesville Area Transit radio equipment - $237,000 (2nd reading) 12. Resolution: Considering a Special Use Permit for the Three Notch'd Brewery Expansion (1 reading) 13. Resolution: Appropriating funds for reimbursement of United Way Community Resource Hotline Staff Costs - $45,559.02 (1 of 2 readings) 14. Resolution: Authorizing Signature Authority for Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) (1 reading) 15. Resolution: Supporting redevelopment of 1025 Park Street A & B (formerly MACAA Redevelopment) (1 reading) City Manager Report Community Matters Public comment for up to 16 speakers (limit 3 minutes per speaker). Preregistration available for first 8 spaces at; speakers announced by Noon on meeting day (9:00 a.m. sign-up deadline). Additional public comment at end of meeting. Action Items 16. Appeal: 507 Ridge Street - BAR Denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness for Demolition of Cottage/Shed (BAR 22-11-03) 17. Resolution: Appropriating funds in support of BEACON’s Kitchen Project - $500,000 (2nd reading, amended) General Business Other Business Community Matters (2) Adjournment