RESOLUTION Granting a Special Use Permit for a Small Brewery at 522 2nd Street SE Application SP22-00011 WHEREAS Three Notch’d Brewing Company, LLC (“Applicant”) represents the owners of certain land identified within the City of Charlottesville real estate records by Real Estate Parcel Identification No. 280208100 (the “Subject Property”), which has frontage on 2nd Street SE and Monticello Avenue; and WHEREAS the Subject Property is located in the Downtown Extended Mixed Use Corridor zoning district, and according to the Use Matrix set forth within City Code 34-796, small breweries are a permissible use of the Subject Property only if authorized by City Council by special use permit; and WHEREAS the proposed small brewery is described in more detail within the application materials dated September 21, 2022, submitted in connection with SP22-00011, as required by City Code 34-158 (the “Application Materials”); and WHEREAS the City Council and the Planning Commission conducted a joint public hearing on January 10, 2023, following public notice given in accordance with applicable law; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission considered and recommended approval of this application at their January 10, 2023 meeting, subject to conditions recommended within the Staff Report; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council for the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that a Special Use Permit is hereby granted to allow a small brewery to be established on the Subject Property subject to the following conditions: 1. No expanded brewery production (beyond 15,000 barrels per year) is permitted on the subject property until: a. The Utilities Department confirms existing sanitary sewer facilities can adequately handle the increased biological oxygen demand generated by the expansion in brewery production, or b. Facilities on the subject property are upgraded to address the increased biological oxygen demand, and the Utilities Department confirms the upgraded facilities will adequately handle the increased demand.