CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: February 21, 2023 Action Required: Resolution Approval Presenter: Samuel Sanders, Jr., Deputy City Manager Staff Contacts: Jack Dawson, City Engineer Stacey Smalls, Director of Public Works Title: Authorizing Signature Authority for Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) (1 reading) Background The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the City of Charlottesville (City) entered into an agreement allowing the City to locally administer certain state-funded projects over multiple fiscal years. The agreement further requests the City of Charlottesville to provide assurance of its commitment to funding its local share of preliminary engineering, right-of-way and construction, as applicable, for the project(s) administered under agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation. The certification of commitment is executed through signature of the City Manager or designee on all documents pertaining to projects that fall under this agreement. Discussion The current authorizing signature authority for the City manager or designee was executed in March 2019. The three-year period of approval terminates in March 2023, which is why this item appears before council at this time. As the City of Charlottesville remains a recipient of Virginia Department of Transportation funds under various grant programs for transportation-related projects, the Virginia Department of Transportation requires each locality by resolution, to provide assurance of its commitment to funding its local share, it is necessary to confirm the City manager or designee authorization to sign all project documents on behalf of the City of Charlottesville for another three-year period ending March 2026. Alignment with City Council's Vision and Strategic Plan Community Engagement n/a Budgetary Impact n/a Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Resolution to authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the relevant documents pertaining to funding arrangements in support of infrastructure projects in the city funded by or through VDOT. Alternatives Attachments 1. VDOT Resolution2023