CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: February 21, 2023 Action Required: Appropriation of Funds Presenter: Garland Williams, Director of Transit Staff Contacts: Garland Williams, Director of Transit Title: Appropriating funds for the purchase of Charlottesville Area Transit radio equipment - $237,000 (2nd reading) Background In FY2022, the Regional Public Service Radio System upgraded the emergency communication system to a new Interoperable Radio Structure with expanded coverage. The update of the regional radio system required a number of city departments to replace their outdated legacy communication equipment. The radio equipment models selected for the system do not meet the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Buy America guidelines; therefore, Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT) cannot apply any federal FTA funding for the purchase or installation of new radio equipment to upgrade to the new emergency communication system. CAT is the last city department that must replace its radio equipment before the old legacy communication system stops working. Without the ability to apply federal funding to the purchase of new radio equipment, CAT is requesting local funding from the City to purchase and install new radio equipment in order for the transit system to be able to communicate with other city and regional agencies through the emergency communication system. The total funding needed to complete this communication upgrade is $237,000. Discussion Annually CAT receives federal funding for operations and for the purchase of capital items that are allowable under the FTA Buy America guidelines. The purchase of radio equipment for CAT is a special circumstance, but the ongoing maintenance of the radio equipment can be funded with federal funding. Alignment with City Council's Vision and Strategic Plan This appropriation contributes to Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents and Goal 2: A healthy and safe community of the City's Strategic Plan. Community Engagement None Budgetary Impact Funds are being requested from previously appropriated funds in the City's CIP Contingency account. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the resolution. Alternatives If the funds are not approved, Charlottesville Area Transit will not be able to purchase the compatible equipment needed to access the local emergency communication system. Attachments 1. Resolution_CIP Contingency Transfer - CAT Radios