CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: March 6, 2023 Action Required: Approve Resolution for second reading Presenter: Chris Gensic, Park and Trail Planner Staff Contacts: Chris Gensic, Park and Trail Planner Title: Appropriating funding from the Virginia Land Conservation Fund for Moores Creek Parkland Acquisition - $175,000 (1 of 2 readings) Background The City of Charlottesville, through Parks and Recreation, has been awarded funding from the Virginia Land Conservation Fund (VLCF) to assist with the acquisition of an 8.6 acre property along Moores Creek adjacent to Azalea Park. The property will be used for general park use, trail development, and to support urban agriculture and community gardens. Discussion This property is being funded with a matching grant from the Land and Water Conservation Fund, so the purchase price is fully covered with grant funds. Local trail and land acquisition CIP funding has been used for the legal and appraisal work to date and will be used to record the deed. Acquisition will provide parks and recreation space as well as opportunities for stream and forest restoration work. Use of LWCF and VLCF funds will require the property to be placed in permanent open space public use status with deed language and easements. This property is located just across the city limit and is beneficial to the City as it eliminates the need for a bridge over Moores Creek to continue the Moores Creek Trail towards 5th Street, a bridge which would most likely cost more than the acquisition price of the property and would require regular maintenance. Alignment with City Council's Vision and Strategic Plan Acquisition of the property will further council goals of being a Green City by protecting the Moores Creek watershed and providing for urban forest and trail opportunities. Community Engagement The Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trail master plan and the Azalea Park Master Plans were developed through multiple public meetings and were approved by the City Council. Budgetary Impact Existing allocated CIP funds were used for legal and appraisal/title/survey fees. Recommendation Staff recommends appropriation of grant funds. Alternatives If grants funds are not appropriated, the property will not be purchased. Attachments 1. City Council Resolution - VLCF Grant Appropriation - Moores Creek Land Acq