CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: March 6, 2023 Action Required: None Presenter: Ben Chambers, Transportation Planning Manager Staff Contacts: Ben Chambers, Transportation Planning Manager Title: Update on Transportation Planning Background The City’s Comprehensive Plan set goals and objectives for improving safety and effectiveness of a variety of transportation modes operating on City streets. In 2022, these goals and objectives were met with challenges and opportunities, including transit labor and materials shortages, expansions of the City schools’ parent responsibility zones, and overwhelming backlogs of programmed projects. City staff has stepped up to roll out quick-build improvements through school zones as part of the Safe Routes to School Program and to improve collaboration and project execution with VDOT and our regional partners. Looking at 2023 and beyond, the focus of transportation planning in the City will shift from responding to present-day concerns to more holistically aligning the City’s goals and objectives with future actions and projects. Discussion A presentation will be provided to council on the current state of transportation planning in the City, including specific discussion on: • Dockless Mobility Permit Program Update • Charlottesville Area Transit’s Alternative Fuel Study • Safe Streets 4 All Regional Study • Non-motorized Project Prioritization • Transportation Planning in Charlottesville Moving Forward Alignment with City Council's Vision and Strategic Plan Transportation planning supports the City Council’s vision statements on Economic Sustainability, Green City, America’s Healthiest City, and Connected Community. It can contribute to Goal 3 of the Strategic Plan to be a beautiful and sustainable natural and built environment, and Objective 3.3, to provide a variety of transportation and mobility options. Transportation planning in the City is guided by the goals and objectives detailed within the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Community Engagement Planning projects described within this presentation have their own elements of public and stakeholder engagement, as appropriate for the subject topic of each project. Budgetary Impact There is no impact to the General Fund. Recommendation None at this time. Alternatives None at this time. Attachments None