Charlottesville City Council and Planning Commission Joint Work Session Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. CitySpace Main Conference Room (100 5th Street NE) The Charlottesville Planning Commission held a joint work session with the Charlottesville City Council to review Module 1 of the Zoning Ordinance Update. Call to Order/Roll Call Planning Commission Chair Lyle Solla-Yates called the work session to order at 5:00 p.m., noting a quorum of Planning Commissioners. Mayor Lloyd Snook confirmed quorum with the following City Council members present: Brian Pinkston, Leah Puryear, Lloyd Snook and Juandiego Wade. Work Session Missy Creasy, Deputy Director of Neighborhood Development Services stated that public comment was being accepted in writing at the meeting or by emailing comments to during the meeting. James Freas, Director of Neighborhood Development Services, summarized the purpose of the meeting and began the presentation which followed the following agenda outline. Councilor Michael Payne joined the meeting at 5:04 p.m. 1. Topics of Review in Association with Zoning Ordinance Update a. Module One Module 1 of the draft Zoning Ordinance covers the proposed zoning district rules, the use table, and the zoning map. The outline for the work session was based on discussion from the February 14 Planning Commission meeting. Part 1: Explanations 1. Setbacks for odd-shaped lots. 2. Height – how and why height is measured in feet and stories. 3. Where/how are stacked townhomes allowed Part 2: Policy Discussions 4. Front yard parking prohibition 5. Reduced height in the R-A district as compared to current zoning 6. Expanding the density bonus for preservation of existing structures into the R-B and R-C Districts. 7. Ground floor elevation in the Residential Districts Part 3: The Zoning Map 8. Mapping Logic – How were the zoning districts applied to the map? 9. Proposed changes to the draft zoning map There were several other questions and topics raised by the Commission that will be taken up as part of the work sessions on Modules 2 and 3 including questions around affordable housing, sensitive communities, and process questions related to plans currently under review. Public comments were received in writing during the meeting from the following individuals: • Lee Scott • Benjamin Heller • Vicki Metcalf • Anthony Artuso • Danny Yoder • Kimber Hawkey • Cliff Fox • Bob Bakalian • Josh Krahn • John Hossack • Charles Gendrot • Tracy Carlson • Lester Wilson • Catherine Kane • Alexander Hendrick • George Carter • Cordelia Gelly • Deborah Cohn • David Lehman • Tara Kreider • Ellen Tully • Bill Emory The meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. BY Order of City Council BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council