NOTICE OF EMERGENCY/ SPECIAL MEETING CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT PURSUANT TO CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE SECTION 2-42(a), AN EMERGENCY MEETING OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL HAS BEEN CALLED AND SHALL BE HELD: DATE: Thursday, January 14, 2021, 2:00 PM LOCATION: Virtual/ Electronic Meeting. Register at AGENDA: The proposed agenda for this emergency/special meeting is as follows: OPEN MEETING in the form of a press conference to: 1) make important organizational announcements, 2) take questions from the media, and 3) vote on a resolution to elect and appoint a City Manager. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to