CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL January 14, 2021 EMERGENCY MEETING Virtual/electronic meeting 2:00 P.M. EMERGENCY MEETING Pursuant to Charlottesville City Code Section 2-42(a), the Charlottesville City Council met on Thursday, January 14, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. for an emergency meeting. Notice was given to all members of City Council and to the public within guidelines of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. The meeting was held electronically over the Zoom platform pursuant to local ordinance #O-20-156 to ensure the continuity of government and prevent the spread of disease during the coronavirus pandemic. The meeting was conducted in the form of a press conference. Mayor Walker called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and Clerk of Council Kyna Thomas recorded the following members present: Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Vice Mayor Sena Magill, and Councilors Heather Hill, Michael Payne, and Lloyd Snook. Mayor Walker announced the intent for City Council to appoint Chip Boyles as the City Manager. Councilor Michael Payne read a joint statement on behalf of City Council. The announcement acknowledged a notice of resignation from Acting City Manager John Blair effective February 12, 2021, and the appointment of Mr. Boyles with a start date of February 15, 2021. The statement advised that there would be a full public search for a City Manager sometime in 2022, expressing that Council would need to address its role in the current state of the city. Councilors made statements in support of the joint letter. Mr. Boyles shared remarks about serving in the city manager role and about his experience, with his most recent role as Executive Director for the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission. Credentialed media representatives were allowed two opportunities to ask questions. The following members of the media participated: • Riley Wyant, NBC29 • Nolan Stout, The Daily Progress • Sean Tubbs, independent journalist • Charlotte Woods, Charlottesville Tomorrow • Carly Haynes, CBS19 • Joe Thomas, WCHV talk radio host • Brielle Entzminger, Cville Weekly On motion by Councilor Hill, seconded by Vice Mayor Magill, Council APPROVED by a vote of 5-0 (Ayes: Hill, Magill, Payne, Snook, Walker; Noes: none), the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Charlottesville City Council desires to elect and appoint Charles P. Boyles, II, as Charlottesville City Manager, pursuant to the Charlottesville City Charter (1946) as amended; and WHEREAS, Mr. Boyles has agreed to accept election and appointment as City Manager, upon certain terms and conditions set forth in writing and accepted by Mr. Boyles on January 13, 2021. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the offer of employment given by City Council to Charles B. Boyles, II, on January 12, 2021 (“Offer”), which Offer was accepted by Mr. Boyles on January 13, 2021, is hereby ratified and approved, and City Council hereby appoints, elects and employs Mr. Boyles as City Manager upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Offer. Mr. Boyles will make arrangements to qualify for office in accordance with the City Charter. BY Order of Mayor Nikuyah Walker BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council Approved by Council February 1, 2021 Kyna Thomas, CMC Clerk of Council