City Council Special Meeting April 13, 2021 5:30 p.m. Virtual/electronic meeting via Zoom (Register at, watch on Charlottesville TV10 or other City streaming platforms) AGENDA 1. Resolution establishing 2021 tax year Tax Relief Percentage (1 reading) nd 2. Ordinance adopting Annual Tax Levy for 2021 (2 reading) nd 3. Ordinance adopting Annual Budget Appropriation for FY 2022 (2 reading) NOTE: Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. Page 1 of 30 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: April 13, 2021 Action Required: Approval of Resolution Presenter: Todd D. Divers, Commissioner of the Revenue Staff Contacts: Todd D. Divers, Commissioner of the Revenue Jason Vandever, City Treasurer Lisa Robertson, Acting City Attorney Rosalind Collins, Deputy Commissioner of the Revenue Servilla Kidd, Deputy Commissioner of the Revenue Christopher Harper, Deputy Commissioner of the Revenue Title: Establishing 2021 Tax Year Tax Relief Percentage Background: The City of Charlottesville receives a fixed annual grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia to be used to apply Personal Property Tax Relief (PPTR). The program is governed by the Code of Virginia (58.1 Chapter 35.1) and gives the locality a pool of funds, the proceeds of which must be used to provide relief to the owners of qualifying vehicles. The Commonwealth of Virginia’s obligation is capped and made certain; localities distribute the relief amount as determined by local ordinance. Discussion: The method for computing the relief percentage is to subtract the tax year’s total tax on eligible vehicles valued $1,000 or less (that receive 100% relief) from the total PPTR grant amount ($3,498,256) and divide the result by the total tax on the rest of the eligible vehicles’ portion of value that is $20,000 or less. Based on 2021 tax year early book and projections for the tax year, staff recommends setting the relief percentage of tax on up to $20,000 value for vehicles valued over $1,000 at 40% for tax year 2021. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: Establishing the Personal Property Tax Relief percentage, like establishing tax rates, is one of the functions of a well-managed local government, which would put this under Goal 5. The first objective is most applicable: “Integrate effective business practices and strong fiscal policies”. If the Page 2 of 30 percentage is set too high, the City may not have the full revenue it would from the tax rate set by Council. If the percentage is set too low, the owners of qualifying vehicles may over pay their share of the local tax burden. Therefore, this resolution applies directly to Council’s vision of a “Smart, Citizen-Focused Government”. Community Engagement: Not applicable Budgetary Impact: None anticipated based on forecast of vehicle levy. Recommendation: Approve resolution setting the relief at 40% for tax year 2021. 2021 Formula: 1. Tax Levy on all qualifying vehicles = $9,400,000 2. PPTR used on 100% relief vehicles = $ 61,000 (vehicles valued $1,000 and under) 3. PPTR total ($3,498,256) Minus line 2, leaves remaining = $3,437,256 4. Levy on up to $20,000 value = $8,500,000 (of qualifying vehicles valued over $1,000) Divide 3 by 4 = (.4044) 40% Alternatives: N/A Attachments: Resolution Page 3 of 30 RESOLUTION Establishing 2021 Tax Year Tax Relief Percentage NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the personal property tax relief percentage on up to $20,000 value for vehicles valued over $1,000 is set at 40% for tax year 2021. Page 4 of 30 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: April 5, 2021 Action Required: Approval of Tax Rate/Tax Levy Ordinance Staff Contacts: Chip Boyles, City Manager Presented By: Chip Boyles, City Manager Ryan Davidson, Sr. Budget and Management Analyst Khristina Hammill, Sr. Budget and Management Analyst Title: Tax Rate/Tax Levy Ordinance for Calendar Year 2021 Background: As part of the budget process for each fiscal year, Council reviews its tax rates and levies for the calendar year (also known as the “Tax Year”). This will be the first reading of the Tax Rate/ Tax Levy Ordinance to establish the City’s local tax rates for the 2021 Tax Year. Discussion: The budget for the 2021-22 fiscal year does not change any tax rates or levies. Adopting the ordinance will provide a formal recognition of Council of the rates as set forth in the Ordinance. These rates will become effective at midnight on January 1, 2021 and continue through December 31, 2021. The second reading and final approval of this Ordinance will be on April 13, 2021. Community Engagement: Tonight’s meeting includes a public hearing on the Proposed Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022, continuing a series of public engagement opportunities around the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: This Ordinance aligns with Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan as set forth in the Proposed Budget. Budgetary Impact: This is the first of two readings of the attached Ordinance, the purpose of which is to set the local tax rates for Tax Year 2021. Recommendation: Approval of Ordinance (1st reading) Alternatives: N/A Attachment (1): 1. Tax Levy Ordinance Page 5 of 30 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY ON VARIOUS CLASSES OF PROPERTY FOR THE PAYMENT OF INTEREST AND RETIREMENT OF THE CITY DEBT, FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT AND CITY SCHOOLS, AND FOR OTHER PUBLIC PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that for the tax year beginning on January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2021, and for each tax year thereafter during which this ordinance continues in effect, the taxes on property in the City of Charlottesville shall be as follows: Section 1. Real Property and Mobile Homes On tracts of land, lots or improvements thereon and on mobile homes the tax shall be $.95 on every $100 of the assessed value thereof, to pay the general operating expenses of the City and to pay the interest and retirement on the City debt. Section 2. Personal Property On all automobiles, trucks, motorcycles and other motor vehicles; boats and aircraft; and on all tangible personal property used or held in connection with any mining, manufacturing or other business, trade, occupation or profession, excluding furnishings, furniture and appliances in rental units, the tax shall be $4.20 on every $100 of the assessed value thereof, to pay the general operating expenses of the City and to pay the interest and retirement on the City debt. Section 3. Public Service Corporation Property (a) On that portion of the real estate and tangible personal property of public service corporations which has been equalized as provided in section 58.1-2604 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, the tax shall be $.95 on every $100 of the assessed value thereof determined by the State Corporation Commission. (b) The foregoing subsections to the contrary notwithstanding, on automobiles and trucks belonging to such public service corporations the tax shall be $4.20 on every $100 of assessed value thereof. (c) Such taxes are levied to pay the general operating expenses of the City and to pay the interest and retirement on the City debt. Section 4. Machinery and Tools On machinery and tools used in a manufacturing or mining business the tax shall be $4.20 on every $100 assessed value thereof, to pay the general operating expenses of the City and to pay the interest and retirement on the City debt. Page 6 of 30 Section 5. Energy Efficient Buildings (a) On energy efficient buildings the tax shall be $.475 on every $100 of the assessed value thereof, to pay the general operating expenses of the City and to pay the interest and retirement on the City debt. (b) This tax rate is subject to the limitations in Chapter 30, Article V, Division 4 of the Charlottesville City Code, 1990, as amended, and applies only to buildings and not the real estate or land on which they are located. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the ordinance adopted April 8, 2019 establishing local tax rates for the year beginning January 1, 2019 and ending on December 31, 2019 is hereby repealed, effective at midnight on January 1, 2021. Approved by Council: ___________________ Page 7 of 30 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: April 13, 2021 Action Required: Second Reading and Approval of Appropriation Staff Contacts: Chip Boyles, City Manager Presented By: Chip Boyles, City Manager Ryan Davidson, Sr. Budget and Management Analyst Khristina Hammill, Sr. Budget and Management Analyst Title: Second Reading and Approval of FY 2022 Budget Appropriation Background: The FY 2022 Budget Appropriation reflects the City Manager’s Proposed Budget and amendments made by Council since the original presentation by the City Manager on March 1, 2021. This will be the second reading and final approval of the FY 2022 Budget Appropriation. Discussion: The appropriation sets forth the budget for the FY 2021-22 Fiscal Year. The amounts included reflect the City Manager’s Proposed Budget and amendments that have been discussed and requested by Council as part of the budget development process. Community Engagement: A public hearing on the budget was held on April 5, 2021 and a series of public engagement opportunities around the budget have been held throughout the month of March. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: This budget aligns with Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan and is detailed in the budget document. Budgetary Impact: This is the second reading to adopt the final budget for Fiscal Year 2022. Recommendation: Approval and Appropriation Alternatives: N/A Attachments: 1. Amendments to the FY 2022 City Manager’s Proposed Budget 2. FY 2022 Budget Appropriation Page 8 of 30 Amendments to the FY 2022 Proposed General Fund Budget Manager's Recommended FY 22 Revenue Estimates $ 190,689,839 Amendments to FY 22 Revenue Estimates Decrease Revenues Designated Revenues City/County Revenue Sharing - Transfer to Capital Improvement Program (255,000) Increase Revenues Licenses and Permits Business and Professional Licenses 950,000 Reimbursement for Constitutional Officers 73,004 City/County Revenue Sharing City/County Revenue Sharing - Operations 255,000 Transfers from Other Funds Landfill Reserve Fund 500,000 Total Revenue Amendments $ 1,523,004 Total Amended FY 22 General Fund Revenue Estimates $ 192,212,843 Manager's Recommended FY 22 Expenditures $ 190,689,839 Amendments to FY 22 Expenditures Increase Expenditures Employee Compensation and Training Employee Cost of Living Adjustment - 2% 1,060,000 Non Departmental Citywide Reserve - Performance Management/Strategic Planning 190,041 Contribution to Ivy Landfill 500,000 Outside and Nonprofits Agencies Contractual Agencies Jefferson Madison Regional Library 35,000 Public Defender's Office 1,191 Virginia Cooperative Extension 1,852 Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Center 4,844 Vibrant Community Fund Agencies Computers 4 Kids (C4K) 13,025 Legal Aid Justice Center 57,500 Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) 55,518 Public Housing Association of Residents (PHAR) 21,000 City Departments City Manager's Office - Deputy City Manager Salary and Benefits Restoration 59,271 Director of Human Rights - Salary and Benefits Adjustments 32,550 Public Works - Personnel to help with the Climate Action Plan 125,000 Decrease Expenditures City Departments Police Budget Reduction for School Crossing Guards transitioned to CCS (55,307) Outside and Nonprofits Agencies Albemarle/Charlottesville Regional Jail (323,481) Designated Expenditures Transfer to the Capital Improvement Program (255,000) Total Expenditure Amendments $ 1,523,004 Total Amended FY 22 General Fund Expenditures $ 192,212,843 Page 9 of 30 Designation of Council Discretionary Funds for FY 2022 For FY 2022, a total of $11,000 will be designated from the current balance of the Council Strategic Funds to be used for Council discretionary funds. Councilors will be allotted the following amounts to spend from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Individual Councilor expenditures will be itemized as follows: Nikuyah Walker, Mayor Categories: Speaker Honorarium $1,000 Meetings and Events ‐ food/refreshments $500 Meetings and Events other $500 Constituent Communications and Outreach $200 Total $2,200 Sena Magill, Vice Mayor Categories: Speaker Honorarium $1,000 Meetings and Events ‐ food/refreshments $500 Meetings and Events other $500 Constituent Communications and Outreach $200 Total $2,200 Heather Hill, Councilor Categories: Speaker Honorarium $1,000 Meetings and Events ‐ food/refreshments $500 Meetings and Events other $500 Constituent Communications and Outreach $200 Total $2,200 Lloyd Snook, Councilor Categories: Speaker Honorarium $1,000 Meetings and Events ‐ food/refreshments $500 Meetings and Events other $500 Constituent Communications and Outreach $200 Total $2,200 Michael Payne, Councilor Categories: Speaker Honorarium $1,000 Meetings and Events ‐ food/refreshments $500 Meetings and Events other $500 Constituent Communications and Outreach $200 Total $2,200 Grand Total $11,000 Page 10 of 30 City Council Amendments to the FY 2022 Proposed Capital Improvement Program Budget Manager's Recommended FY 22 Revenue Estimates $ 27,866,913 Amendments to FY 22 Revenue Estimates Decrease Revenues Transfer from the General Fund (255,000) Total Revenue Amendments $ (255,000) Total Amended FY 22 Capital Improvement Fund Revenue Estimates $ 27,611,913 Manager's Recommended FY 22 Expenditures $ 27,866,913 Amendments to FY 22 Expenditures Decrease Expenditures Police Mobile Data Terminals (255,000) Total Expenditure Amendments $ (255,000) Total Amended FY 22 Capital Improvement Fund Expenditures $ 27,611,913 Page 11 of 30 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2021 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 AND PROVIDING FOR THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR. I. ADOPTION OF BUDGET WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 19 of the City Charter and Section 15.2-2503 of the Code of Virginia, the City Manager has caused to be prepared and presented to City Council a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022; and WHEREAS, a synopsis of such proposed budget has been published in the Daily Progress, a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and notice duly given in such newspaper and public hearings held thereon on March 16, 2020 and April 5, 2021, and the estimates of revenues and expenditures therein debated and adjusted by City Council in open public meetings, all as required by the City Charter and Section 15.2-2506 of the Code of Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that such document, the statements of fiscal policy set forth therein, and the estimates of revenues and expenditures therein proposed by the City Manager and debated and adjusted by the City Council, are hereby adopted as the annual budget of the City of Charlottesville, for informative and fiscal planning purposes only, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022; and that a true and correct copy of the same, as adopted, shall be kept on file in the records of the Clerk of the Council. II. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that: A. The sums hereinafter set forth are estimated as General Fund revenues for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021. Local Taxes Real Estate Taxes $80,277,442 Personal Property Tax 9,741,000 Public Service Corporation Tax 1,542,930 Penalty/Interest on Delinquent Taxes 415,000 Utility Services Consumer Tax (Gas, Water, Electric) 4,500,000 Virginia Communications Sales and Use Tax 2,400,000 Tax on Bank Stock 1,200,000 Tax on Wills and Deeds 725,000 Sales and Use Tax 12,000,000 Rolling Stock Tax 18,040 1 Page 12 of 30 Transient Occupancy (Lodging) Tax 5,000,000 Meals Tax 10,700,000 Short-Term Rental Tax 60,000 Cigarette Tax 550,000 Vehicle Daily Rental Tax 82,500 Total Local Taxes $129,211,912 Licenses and Permits Business and Professional Licenses $7,000,000 Vehicle Licenses 890,000 Dog Licenses 6,000 Electrical and Mechanical Permits 330,000 Building and Plumbing Permits 550,000 Temporary Parking Permits 375,000 Site Plans 75,000 Other Permits 150,000 Total Licenses and Permits $9,376,000 Intergovernmental Revenue Revenue from State Agencies PPTRA Revenue (State Personal Property Tax) $3,498,256 State Highway Assistance 4,263,654 Reimbursement/Constitutional Offices 1,833,737 State Aid for Police Protection 2,238,352 Trailer Title 1,200 DMV Select Office Commissions 35,000 Other State Assistance: Misc. Rev 50,000 Revenue from Other Intergovernmental Sources Regional Library Administrative Fee 117,144 Crisis intervention Team Revenue 105,910 Fire Department Ops (Albemarle County) 200,000 Fire Department Ops (UVA) 353,000 Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court (Albemarle County) 60,944 Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court Building Maint. (Albemarle County) 66,825 Magistrate's Office (Albemarle County) 4,575 Payments In Lieu of Taxes (Housing Authority) 25,000 Service Charge (UVA) 74,476 Property Maintenance (UVA) 63,801 Total Intergovernmental Revenue $12,991,874 Charges for Services Property Transfer Fees $1,000 Zoning Appeals Fees 1,100 Court Revenue (Circuit/General District Courts) 400,000 Circuit Court - Online Land Records Subscription Revenue 30,000 Internal City Services 1,855,079 2 Page 13 of 30 Utility Cut Permits 185,000 Recreation Income 1,665,859 Reimbursable Overtime/Public Safety 331,579 Payment in Lieu of Taxes: Utilities 6,137,858 Indirect Cost Recovery 125,000 Waste Disposal Fees 1,115,000 Emergency Medical Services (Ambulance) Revenue Recovery 1,000,000 Other Charges for Services 149,000 Total Charges for Services $12,996,475 Miscellaneous Revenue Interest Earned $580,000 Rent 175,000 Refund of Prior Years’ Expenditures 50,000 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 463,000 Total Misc. Revenue $1,268,000 Transfers from Other Funds Landfill Reserve 500,000 Risk Management Fund 250,000 Healthcare Fund $250,000 Parking Enterprise Fund 750,000 Total Transfers from Other Funds $1,750,000 City/County Revenue Sharing: Operating Budget $8,330,993 Total Operating Revenue $175,925,254 Designated Revenue City/School Contracts: Pupil Transportation $2,945,564 City/School Contracts: School Building Maintenance 4,043,184 City/County Revenue Sharing: Transfer to Capital Improvement Fund 6,880,841 Transfer to the Capital Improvement Fund - Mall Vendor Fees 78,000 City/County Revenue Sharing: Transfer to Facilities Repair Fund 200,000 Transfer to Debt Service Fund: Meals Tax Revenue 2,140,000 Total Designated Revenue $16,287,589 Total General Fund Revenue $192,212,843 3 Page 14 of 30 B. The sums hereinafter set forth are hereby appropriated from the General Fund of the City for the annual operation of the City departments, other agencies and non-departmental accounts so set forth, beginning July 1, 2021. Operating Expenditures Management Mayor and City Council $537,529 Office of the City Manager/Administration 1,739,873 Office of the City Manager/Communications 617,696 Office of the City Manager/Economic Development 1,145,969 Office of the City Attorney 1,060,210 Office of General Registrar 650,688 Contributions to Organizational Memberships and Workforce Development Programs Virginia Municipal League 16,820 Chamber of Commerce 2,000 Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission 86,372 Virginia Career Works - Piedmont Region 7,971 Virginia Institute of Government 2,500 Alliance for Innovation 2,550 Virginia First Cities Coalition 18,000 Central Virginia Partnership for Economic Development 24,590 Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District 13,049 Central Virginia Small Business Development Center 19,200 Rivanna Conservation Alliance 11,000 National League of Cities 5,000 Community Investment Collaborative 10,610 Center for Nonprofit Excellence 600 Non Departmental Activities City Strategic Plan/P3: Plan, Perform, Perfect 105,000 Participatory Budgeting 15,000 Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (Local Match) 108,415 Citizen Engagement Opportunities 15,000 Food Equity 155,000 Citizen Review Board (CRB) 350,000 Innovation Fund 20,000 Performance Agreement Payments 250,000 Citywide Reserve - Performance Management/Strategic Planning 190,041 Ivy Landfill 500,000 Transfer to Debt Service Fund 8,560,788 Transfer to Fund Balance Target Adjustment Fund 481,905 Employee Compensation and Training 844,950 Internal and Financial Services 4 Page 15 of 30 Finance Department - Administration/Purchasing/Assessor 2,532,872 Human Resources 1,330,892 Commissioner of Revenue 1,382,632 Treasurer 1,424,669 Information Technology 3,196,544 Healthy Families and Community Transfer to Children's Services Act Fund 2,004,722 Transfer to Social Services Fund 3,602,777 Transfer to Human Services/Community Attention Fund 641,280 Neighborhood Development Services 2,604,764 Office of Human Rights/Human Rights Commission 274,092 Parks and Recreation 11,914,086 Transfer to Convention and Visitors' Bureau 946,848 Community Events and Festivals Virginia Film Festival 11,400 Virginia Festival of the Book 12,413 Charlottesville Festival of Cultures 3,000 City Supported Events (Other) 16,728 Creciendo Juntos 4,000 Contributions to Children, Youth, and Family Oriented Programs Virginia Cooperative Extension Program 54,149 Blue Ridge Health Department 627,312 Computers 4 Kids 13,025 MACAA 28,500 Sexual Assault Resources Agency (SARA) 26,250 Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) 213,750 Region Ten Community Services Board 1,180,092 Jefferson Area Board for Aging (JABA) 319,192 United Way - Thomas Jefferson Area 192,504 ReadyKids 140,846 Free Clinic 101,120 Home Visiting Collaborative 304,163 Abundant Life Ministries 12,000 Boys and Girls Club 97,500 Foothills Child Advocacy Center 35,775 The BridgeLine 42,900 Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless 200,300 Women's Initiative 47,500 On Our Own 8,000 PHAR Internship Program 20,000 Emergency Assistance Program Support 84,516 Local Food Hub 21,350 Piedmont Family YMCA 64,600 5 Page 16 of 30 Sin Barreras 16,570 Partner for Mental Health 18,300 Contributions to Education and the Arts Jefferson Madison Regional Library 2,050,037 City Center for Contemporary Arts 48,148 Piedmont Virginia Community College 12,564 McGuffey Art Center 29,685 Virginia Discovery Museum 4,000 Literacy Volunteers 17,990 Historic Preservation Task Force 5,000 The Paramount Theater/Arts Education Program 10,000 Jefferson School Heritage Center 33,750 Lighthouse Studio 12,000 New City Arts 22,500 Contributions to Housing Programs Rent Relief for Elderly, a sum sufficient estimated at 33,000 Rent Relief for Disabled, a sum sufficient estimated at 188,000 Tax Relief for Elderly, a sum sufficient estimated at 438,000 Tax Relief for Disabled, a sum sufficient estimated at 196,000 Homeowners Tax Relief Program 965,000 Stormwater Fee Assistance Program 20,000 Public Housing Association of Residents (PHAR) 21,000 Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) 187,500 Piedmont Housing Alliance (PHA) 96,151 Habitat for Humanity 48,750 Infrastructure and Transportation Public Works: Administration, Facilities Development, Facilities Maintenance 3,545,453 Public Works: Hedgerow Properties 98,044 Public Works: Public Service 8,986,392 Transfer to Charlottesville Area Transit Fund 2,513,651 JAUNT Paratransit Services 1,715,729 Public Safety and Justice City Sheriff 1,432,114 Commonwealth's Attorney 1,200,603 Clerk of Circuit Court 762,402 Circuit Court Judge 92,559 General District Court 22,593 Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court/Court Services Unit 383,655 Magistrate 9,150 Fire Department 12,964,074 6 Page 17 of 30 Police Department 18,854,661 Contributions to Programs Supporting Public Safety and Justice Piedmont Court Appointed Special Advocates 4,000 Legal Aid Justice Center 97,500 Regional Jail 3,841,689 Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Center 586,716 Emergency Communications Center 1,678,378 Offenders Aid and Restoration 303,415 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 280,816 Public Defender's Office 60,703 Local Contribution to Public Schools Operational Support 58,709,623 Total Operating Expenditures $175,925,254 Designated Expenditures City/School Contracts: Pupil Transportation $2,945,564 City/School Contracts: School Building Maintenance 4,043,184 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund 6,880,841 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund - Mall Vendor Fees 78,000 Transfer to Facilities Repair Fund 200,000 Transfer to Debt Service Fund - Meals Tax Revenue 2,140,000 Total Designated Expenditures $16,287,589 Total General Fund Expenditures $192,212,843 C. Of the sum of $15,411,834 to be received in the General Fund from the County of Albemarle under the revenue sharing agreement of May 24, 1982, $200,000 shall be transferred to the Facilities Repair Fund. D. The amounts hereinabove appropriated for salary accruals, education, training and employee benefits, or portions thereof, may on authorization from the City Manager, or his designee, be transferred by the Director of Finance or the Deputy City Manager to any departmental account, and notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution to the contrary, be expended for salaries or employee benefits in such account in the manner as sums originally appropriated thereto. E. The portions of the foregoing appropriations to individual departments or agencies intended for motor vehicles and related equipment shall be transferred to the Equipment Replacement Fund for expenditure as hereinafter provided. F. The amount above appropriated for Debt Payment shall be transferred to the Debt Service Fund. In addition, an amount equivalent to 1 percent of the meals tax rate will be deposited into the Debt Service Fund. 7 Page 18 of 30 G. Any amounts above appropriated as Council Strategic Initiatives shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuring fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. For FY 2022, a total of $11,000 will be designated from the current balance to be used for Council discretionary funds. Councilors will be allotted the following amounts to spend from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. City Council Expenditures should be in accordance with the Council Rules and Procedures adopted on April 5, 2021. Individual councilors will also be responsible for ensuring that each expenditure complies with Virginia Code Sec. 15.2- 2503 and that any “grant” complies with Va. Code 15.2-953 All persons and entities receiving payment must complete a W-9 and City vendor form. Individual Councilor expenditures will be itemized as follows: Nikuyah Walker, Mayor Categories: Speaker Honorarium $1,000 Meetings and Events ‐ food/refreshments $500 Meetings and Events other $500 Constituent Communications and Outreach $200 Total $2,200 Sena Magill, Vice Mayor Categories: Speaker Honorarium $1,000 Meetings and Events ‐ food/refreshments $500 Meetings and Events other $500 Constituent Communications and Outreach $200 Total $2,200 Heather Hill, Councilor Categories: Speaker Honorarium $1,000 Meetings and Events ‐ food/refreshments $500 Meetings and Events other $500 Constituent Communications and Outreach $200 Total $2,200 Lloyd Snook, Councilor Categories: Speaker Honorarium $1,000 Meetings and Events ‐ food/refreshments $500 Meetings and Events other $500 Constituent Communications and Outreach $200 Total $2,200 Michael Payne, Councilor Categories: Speaker Honorarium $1,000 Meetings and Events ‐ food/refreshments $500 Meetings and Events other $500 Constituent Communications and Outreach $200 Total $2,200 Grand Total $11,000 8 Page 19 of 30 H. The amount above appropriated as Ivy Landfill Remediation shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year, and any unspent funds are hereby transferred to the Landfill Reserve account in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. Further, any amount in the Landfill Reserve may be immediately appropriated for use to cover costs associated with the landfill remediation budget in the current fiscal year. I. The amount above appropriated as Hedgerow Properties shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but is hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. J. The proceeds of the sale of any real property shall be appropriated to the Strategic Investment Fund. K. The amount received for $4-For-Life revenue shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year and will be appropriated into the Fire Department budget, unless altered by further action of City Council. L. Of the above amount of funding appropriated to the Fire Department budget for Emergency Medical Services (EMS), $450,000 is the City’s contribution to the Charlottesville Albemarle Rescue Squad (CARS). In addition, a 10% contingency for the EMS System shall be set aside per the agreement between the City and CARS. Any contingency funds remaining unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall be transferred into a separate Emergency Services account to be used for future needs to support emergency services delivery in the City of Charlottesville. M. The amount above appropriated as Historic Resources Task Force shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but is hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. N. The amount received as drug forfeitures and seizures revenue collected by the Police Department and Commonwealth Attorney’s Office shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but is hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. O. The amount received as Courthouse Security Revenue is hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year and appropriated into the Sheriff Office budget to be used for court security related expenses (personnel and equipment) per the Code of Virginia. Further, any unspent funds in the Court House Security account shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless further altered by Council. P. Funds from the Citywide Reserve account may be transferred to other funds at the discretion of the City Manager for the purpose of addressing unforeseen expenditures in those funds. Any amount remaining in the Citywide Reserve account shall not be 9 Page 20 of 30 deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but is hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. Q. The amount above appropriated as Corporate Training Fund, within the Employee Compensation and Training funds, shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year, but is hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. R. The amounts received for donations and grants in the General Fund received for specific purposes that are unspent shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year and hereby are appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year. S. The amounts above appropriated as Sister City Commission shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. T. Sums appropriated for the Stormwater Assistance Program shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. U. The amounts above appropriated funds for the City Strategic Plan - P3: Plan, Perform, Perfect shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year, but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. V. The amounts above appropriated funds for the Innovation Fund shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. W. The amounts above appropriated funds for the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. X. Sums appropriated in the General Fund which have not been encumbered or expended as of June 30, 2022, shall be deemed to revert to the unassigned balance of the General Fund, unless Council by resolution provides that any such sum shall be a continuing appropriation. Y. Sums appropriated in the General Fund which have not been encumbered or expended as of June 30, 2022 and are in excess of 17% of General Fund expenditures for the next fiscal year shall be deemed to revert to the Capital Fund contingency account for future one-time investments in the City’s infrastructure as part of the year-end appropriation, unless further altered by Council with year-end adjustments. III. SCHOOL OPERATIONS APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville: 10 Page 21 of 30 The sums hereinafter set forth are hereby appropriated for the annual operation of the school operations, effective July 1, 2021; the City contribution to the School operations having hereinabove been appropriated from the General Fund. School Budget (All Funds) Local Contribution $58,709,623 State Funds 21,047,706 Federal Funds 10,605,261 Fund Balance 720,649 Misc. Funds 3,167,089 Total School Operations Budget $94,250,328 A net increase in the School Operations general fund balance at June 30, 2022 shall be deemed to be allocated as follows:  Surplus operating budget up to $100,000 will be allocated to the School Facility Repair Fund, however Charlottesville City Schools will be required to commit $100,000 of their annual budget to the Facility Repair Fund  Funds in excess of $100,000 up to $200,000 will be retained by the City of Charlottesville School Division  Funds over $200,000 will be shared equally (50/50) between the City and Charlottesville City Schools IV. HEALTH BENEFITS FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville: There is hereby appropriated from the Health Benefits Fund sums received by said Fund from individual departments and agencies for the payment of health and medical benefit program costs, and for insurance covering such costs, and in addition, for the accumulation of a reserve for future expenditures to pay for such health and medical benefit program costs. This appropriation shall be effective during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 and shall not be deemed to expire at the end of that year. Instead, it shall continue in effect unless altered by further action of City Council. V. RETIREMENT BENEFITS FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville: There is hereby appropriated from the Retirement Benefits Fund sums received by said Fund from individual departments and agencies for the payment of retirement benefit program costs, and for insurance covering such costs, and in addition, for the accumulation of a reserve for future expenditures to pay for such retirement benefit program costs. This appropriation shall be effective during the fiscal year ending June 11 Page 22 of 30 30, 2022 and shall not be deemed to expire at the end of that year. Instead, it shall continue in effect unless altered by further action of City Council. VI. TRANSIT FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that there is hereby appropriated from the Transit Fund, for the operation of the transit bus system during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, the sum of $10,116,526 or the amount of revenue actually received by such fund, whichever is the greater amount. Such appropriation shall be effective July 1, 2021. Except as is otherwise expressly provided herein, the balance of any General Fund contribution to such funds not expended or encumbered as of June 30, 2022 shall be deemed to revert to the unassigned balance of the General Fund, unless the Council by resolution provides that any such sum shall be deemed a continuing appropriation. VII. RISK MANAGEMENT APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that all sums previously appropriated to the Risk Management Fund, all sums received by such fund as payment from other City funds, are hereby appropriated for the uses prescribed for such fund, pursuant to the terms of, and subject to the limitations imposed by Article V of Chapter 11 of the Code of the City of Charlottesville, 1990, as amended. VIII. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville: There is hereby appropriated from the Equipment Replacement Fund other sums received by such fund as payment from the General Fund and vehicle sales, and proceeds from vehicle loss insurance settlements for the lease, financing or purchase of motor vehicles and related equipment and for accumulation of a reserve for future equipment purchases during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022. Such appropriation shall be effective July 1, 2021; provided that such appropriations shall not be deemed to expire at the end of such fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. Of the sums received by the Equipment Replacement Fund, a sum sufficient to service the debt on any pieces of general governmental equipment obtained under a master lease, credit line, or an installment purchase agreement shall be transferred to the Debt Service Fund. IX. FACILITIES REPAIR FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville: 12 Page 23 of 30 The sum of $200,000 transferred to the Facilities Repair Fund from the General Fund, and such sums as may be transferred to the Facilities Repair Fund from other funds during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 are appropriated for carrying out the purposes of this fund during that fiscal year. However, such appropriation shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of this Council. X. JOINT HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUILDING FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville: The amounts received as Health Department Building Account revenue during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 are appropriated to the Joint Health Department Building Fund to be used for general improvements, maintenance and small capital projects related to the Thomas Jefferson Health District building. Further, any unspent funds in the Health Department Building account shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless further altered by Council. XI. DEBT SERVICE FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville: A. The Debt Service Fund shall serve as a permanent reserve for the payment of principal and interest of bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness and the cost of issuance thereof issued by the City pursuant to its Charter and/or the Virginia Public Finance Act. B. The sum of $8,560,788 transferred to such fund by Part II of this resolution, as well as the designated Meals Tax transfer (estimated at $2,140,000), or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay such debt service expenses during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022. C. Appropriations in the Debt Service Fund shall be deemed continuing appropriations, and balances remaining in such fund at the end of each fiscal year shall be carried forward to pay principal and interest due on City obligations and costs associated with the issuance of those obligations in future years. XII. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND APPROPRIATIONS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that the following appropriations are hereby approved for agency expenditures accounted for as separate funds of the City, for their respective programs during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022; the City contribution to each such fund having hereinabove been appropriated from the General Fund: 13 Page 24 of 30 A. There is hereby appropriated from the Human Services/Community Attention Fund, for the operation of the Community Attention Homes and related programs during such fiscal year, the sum of $6,502,780, or the amount of revenue actually received by such fund, whichever shall be the lesser amount. B. There is hereby appropriated from the Social Services Fund, for the operation of the Department of Social Services during such fiscal year, the sum of $15,339,705, or the amount of revenue actually received by such fund, whichever shall be the lesser amount. C. There is hereby appropriated from the Children’s Services Act Fund, for the operation of the Children’s Services Act entitlement program, the sum of $8,444,864, or the amount of revenue actually received by such fund, whichever shall be the greater amount. Each such special revenue fund appropriation shall be deemed effective July 1, 2021. Except as is otherwise expressly provided herein, the balance of any General Fund contribution to such funds not expended or encumbered as of June 30, 2022 shall be deemed to revert to the unassigned balance of the General Fund, unless the Council by resolution provides that any such sum shall be deemed a continuing appropriation. XIII. INTERNAL SERVICES FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that the following appropriations are hereby approved for internal services accounted for as separate funds on the books of the City, for their respective programs during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022; the payments of individual departments and agencies to each such fund having hereinabove been appropriated in the General Fund and other applicable funds: A. There is hereby appropriated from the Information Technology Fund, for the operation of the various functions within this fund during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, or the amount of revenue actually credited to such fund from other City departments and agencies, whichever shall be the greater amount: 1. For the operation and infrastructure of City Link, the sum of $1,200,000. However, such appropriation shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but is hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year into the City Link Infrastructure cost center unless altered by further action of this Council. 2. For Technology Infrastructure Replacement, the sum of $291,900. However, such appropriation shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but is hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of this Council. 14 Page 25 of 30 B. There is hereby appropriated from the Warehouse Fund, for the operation of the Warehouse during such fiscal year, the sum of $161,309, or the amount of revenue actually credited to such fund from other City departments and agencies, whichever shall be the greater amount. C. There is hereby appropriated from the Fleet Maintenance Fund, for the operation of the Central Garage, Vehicle Wash and Fuel System during such fiscal year, the sum of $1,222,486 or the amount of revenue actually credited to such fund from other City departments and agencies, whichever shall be the greater amount. D. There is hereby appropriated from the Communications System Fund, for the operation of the citywide phone system and mailroom operations during such fiscal year, the sum of $290,445, or the amount of revenue actually credited to such fund from other City departments and agencies, whichever shall be the greater amount. XIV. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND APPROPRIATIONS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that: A. The following are hereby designated as revenue of the Capital Projects Fund: 1. The sum of $6,880,841 shall be transferred from the General Fund. 2. The sum of $78,000 collected as mall vendor fees will be transferred from the General Fund and used to fund infrastructure repairs for the Downtown Mall. 3. The proceeds of the sale of any real property, as prescribed by resolution of this Council adopted November 3, 1986. 4. The proceeds of the sale of any real property to be used for housing shall be appropriated to the “Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund” account in the Capital Fund. 5. Funds received as donations and/or contributions for sidewalks shall hereby be appropriated into Sidewalks account (P-00335) to be used for the replacement, construction or repair of sidewalks. These funds shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year and shall be hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council B. The sums hereinafter set forth are hereby appropriated from the Capital Projects Fund of the City for the respective capital purchases or projects so set forth, effective for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021; provided that such appropriations shall not be deemed to expire at the end of such fiscal year, but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of City Council. C. The Capital Projects Fund Fiscal Year 2022-2026 will reflect the budget delineations set forth below for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. 15 Page 26 of 30 The Capital Projects Fund grouped by area: Revenue Transfer from General Fund $6,880,841 Transfer from General Fund - Mall Vendor Fees $78,000 Contribution from Albemarle County 90,000 Contribution from City Schools 200,000 VDOT Revenue Sharing 500,000 PEG Fee Revenue 40,000 CY 2021 Bond Issue 19,823,072 TOTAL REVENUE $27,611,913 Expenditures Education $3,520,000 Public Safety and Justice 6,634,581 Facilities Capital Projects 1,370,491 Transportation and Access 8,462,000 Parks and Recreation 865,000 Affordable Housing 6,469,841 General Government 290,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $27,611,913 XV. GAS FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that there is hereby appropriated from the Gas Fund, for the operation of the gas utility during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, the sum of $28,467,753 or the amount of revenue actually received by such fund, whichever is the greater amount. Such appropriation shall be effective July 1, 2020. However, the appropriations for the Vehicle Replacement Program, the Gas Fund Capital program, the Thermostat Program the Strategic Energy Initiatives program and the Gas Assistance Program shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year, but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of this Council. The Gas rates for our customers indicated in the Utility Rate Study are reviewed and approved by Council each year. At that time the Gas operations budget, including any new programmatic requests, and the Gas capital improvement program budget are reviewed and may be amended. XVI. WATER FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that there is hereby appropriated from the Water Fund, for the operation of the water utility during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, the sum of $17,735,261, or the amount of revenue actually received by such fund, whichever is the greater amount. Such appropriation shall be effective July 1, 2021. However, the appropriations for the Vehicle Replacement Program, Water Fund Capital program, Water Conservation 16 Page 27 of 30 Program, Water Assistance Program, Rain Barrel Program and the Toilet Rebate Program shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year, but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of this Council. The Water rates for our customers indicated in the Utility Rate Study are reviewed and approved by Council each year. At that time the Water operations budget, including any new programmatic requests, and the Water capital improvement program budget are reviewed and may be amended. XVII. WASTEWATER FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that there is hereby appropriated from the Wastewater Fund, for the operation of the wastewater utility during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, the sum of $17,628,051 or the amount of revenue actually received by such fund, whichever is the greater amount. Such appropriation shall be effective July 1, 2020. However, the appropriations for the Vehicle Replacement Program, the Wastewater Fund Capital program, and the Wastewater Assistance Program shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year, but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of this Council. The Wastewater rates for our customers indicated in the Utility Rate Study are reviewed and approved by Council each year. At that time the Wastewater operations budget, including any new programmatic requests, and the Wastewater capital improvement program budget are reviewed and may be amended. XVIII. STORMWATER FUND APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that there is hereby appropriated from the Stormwater Fund, for the operation of the stormwater utility during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, the sum of $2,850,742 or the amount of revenue actually received by such fund, whichever is the greater amount. Such appropriation shall be effective July 1, 2021. However, the appropriations for the Stormwater Fund Capital program shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of this Council. The Stormwater rates for our customers indicated in the Utility Rate Study are reviewed and approved by Council each year. At that time the Wastewater operations budget, including any new programmatic requests, and the Wastewater capital improvement program budget are reviewed and may be amended. XIX. UTILITIES FUNDS DEBT SERVICE APPROPRIATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that there is hereby appropriated from the Utilities Funds (Gas, Water, Wastewater and Stormwater) for the payment of principal and interest of bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness and the cost of issuance thereof issued by the City pursuant to its Charter and/or the Virginia Public Finance Act., during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to 17 Page 28 of 30 pay such debt service expenses during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022. However, such appropriation shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but is hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of this Council. A. There is hereby appropriated from the Gas Debt Service Fund, the sum of $133,166 as revenue (transfer from Gas Fund) to be used principal and interest payments or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay such debt service expenses during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022. B. There is hereby appropriated from the Wastewater Debt Service Fund the sum of $2,731,162 in revenue (transfer from the Wastewater Fund) and $2,997,394 in principal and interest payments or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay such debt service expenses during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022. C. There is hereby appropriated from the Water Debt Service Fund the sum of $1 in revenue (transfer from the Water Fund) and $2,406,683 in principal and interest payments or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay such debt service expenses during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022. D. There is hereby appropriated from the Stormwater Debt Service Fund the sum of $119,039 in revenue (transfer from the Stormwater Fund) and $563,488 in principal and interest payments or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay such debt service expenses during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022. XX. PARKING FUND BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that there is hereby appropriated from the Parking Fund, for parking operations the sum of $3,313,723 or the amount of revenue actually received by such fund, whichever is the greater amount. 1. The Parking Operation budget includes a budgeted transfer to the General Fund in the amount of $750,000 or the actual net revenues received from public serving parking facilities, permits, meters and fines, whichever is the lesser. 2. Revenue received for parking development contributions shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of this Council. XXI. PAY PLAN APPROVAL BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that the Employee Classification and Pay Plan for the City of Charlottesville dated July 1, 2021 and 18 Page 29 of 30 effective on that same date, which assigns salary ranges to each class or position in the City service is hereby approved pursuant to Section 19-3 and 19-4 of the City Code, 1990, as amended and a copy of the same shall be kept on file with the records of the meeting at which this resolution is approved. XXII. PAY ADJUSTMENT FOR RETIREES BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that the Retirement Plan Commission is authorized and directed to provide for the payment from the Retirement Fund of a post-retirement supplement of 1% of the current retirement pay of each eligible retired employee effective July 1, 2021. XXIII. GOLF FUND BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that there is hereby appropriated from the Golf Fund, for the operation of the golf courses during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 the sum of $1,011,143 or the amount of revenue actually received by such fund, whichever is the greater amount. 19 Page 30 of 30