CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: July 7, 2021 Action Required: First Reading of Resolution to Appropriate Funds Presenter: Chip Boyles, City Manager Staff Contacts: Chip Boyles, City Manager Title: Resolution Appropriating Funds from the American Rescue Plan for Eligible Local Activities - $1,986,100 Background and Discussion: On March 11, 2021, United States President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (the Act) to provide additional relief for individuals and businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The Act includes funding for state, local, and tribal governments as well as education and COVID-19-related testing, vaccination support, and research. The City of Charlottesville is to receive direct funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) in two tranches: $9,804,854 in May, 2021 and $9,804,854 in May, 2022 for a total of $19,609,708. These funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024. City staff have begun the process to identify first urgent community needs resulting from the impacts of the COVID-19 virus. Further program development will allow additional agency and community requests for eligible funding needs. An eligible use of the ARP funds, replacement of loss local government revenues during the pandemic, is a priority for the ARP funds, and will be brought before Council at a future Council meeting. However, the first use of ARP funding by the City of Charlottesville is for urgent financial needs of the City and community, including community safety, housing assistance, business recovery and city operations. Community Support Peace in the Streets $95,000 Mentoring at Lugo-McGinnis Academy $153,500 Legal Aid Justice Center Eviction Prevention $300,000 Emergency Relief and Community Assistance $811,100 Department of Human Services COVID Related Assistance $176,500 Business Support Department of Economic Development Recovery Roadmap $250,000 City Staff Support City Hall Access Reconfiguration $200,000 Per City Code 2-42(b) City Council may, by unanimous consent, add the introduction and first reading of this resolution to the agenda for its July 7, 2021 special meeting. City Council cannot vote on the Resolution until a second reading is conducted. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: The usages and projects proposed to be funded with the ARP funds contributes to Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan, to be an inclusive community of self-sufficient residents; Goal 2 to be a healthy and safe City; Goal 4 to have a strong, creative, and diversified community; and Goal 5 to be a well managed and responsive organization. Community Engagement: There will be a public hearing conducted at the July 19, 2021 City council meeting related to the usage of the ARP funding as outlined in this memo. Further community engagement and review for the full ARP Program will be conducted during program development over the next 12 months. The current requests are emergency in nature with community input limited to the July 19th public hearing and written comment to City Council prior to that meeting. Budgetary Impact: The amount of the ARP funds was unknown during the development of the FY 2022 City Budget and not included. The approval of this resolution has no immediate impact on the FY 2022 General Fund budget. However should these funds not be appropriated, the usage of previously appropriated funding may be necessary to fund these activities resulting in reduced funding for previously approved usages. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Resolution and appropriation of ARP funds. Alternatives: City Council may elect not to appropriate funding for these purposes at this time or may elect other ARP eligible program expenditures. Attachments: Resolution for the Appropriation of funds. RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDING FOR American Rescue Plan for Eligible Local Activities $1,986,100 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $1,986,100 from American Rescue Plan funding is hereby designated to be available for expenditure, at the discretion of the City Manager, for costs associated with eligible ARP expenditures for the following purposes and amounts: Community Support Peace in the Streets $95,000 Mentoring at Lugo-McGinnis Academy $153,500 Legal Aid Justice Center Eviction Prevention $300,000 Emergency Relief and Community Assistance $811,100 Department of Human Services COVID Related Assistance $176,500 Business Support Department of Economic Development Recovery Roadmap $250,000 City Staff Support City Hall Access Reconfiguration $200,000 Revenues - $1,986,100 Fund: XXX 1111 Cost Center: XXXXXXXX G/L Account: 430120 Expenditures $95,000 Fund: XXX I/O: XXXXXXX G/L: 599999 $153,500 Fund: XXX I/O: XXXXXXX G/L: 599999 $300,000 Fund: XXX I/O: XXXXXXX G/L: 599999 $811,100 Fund: XXX I/O: XXXXXXX G/L: 599999 $176,500 Fund: XXX I/O: XXXXXXX G/L: 599999 $250,000 Fund: XXX I/O: XXXXXXX G/L: 599999 $200,000 Fund: XXX I/O: XXXXXXX G/L: 599999