CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION September 30, 2020 Virtual/electronic meeting via Zoom 4:00 PM The Charlottesville City Council met in a virtual/electronic work session on Monday, September 30, 2020, pursuant to the Continuity of Government ordinance passed by the Council of the City of Charlottesville on July 27, 2020, to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, commonly referred to as COVID-19. The purpose of the work session was to hear an update and discuss the West Main Streetscape Project. Mayor Walker called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Vice Mayor Sena Magill, Councilor Heather Hill, Councilor Michael Payne, and Councilor Lloyd Snook. Acting City Manager John Blair introduced the panel of subject matter experts from the following City departments: Public Works, Utilities, Neighborhood Development Services, and Budget. Jeanette Janiczek, Urban Construction Initiative (UCI) Program Manager, reviewed the agenda and objectives for the meeting and shared project history. She gave an update on Phases 1 through 4 of the West Main Streetscape project and costs associated, including new improvements required.: • Phase 1 – Ridge Street to 6th Street NW • Phase 2 – 6th Street NW to 8th Street NW • Phase 3 – 8th Street NW to Roosevelt Brown Avenue • Phase 4 – Roosevelt Brown Avenue to Jefferson Park Avenue There was discussion about SmartScale funding and leveraging the 2018 commitment from the University of Virginia, about existing and future maintenance needs, as well as coordination of water and gas line replacement. Krisy Hammill, Senior Budget and Management Analyst, shared information about available funding. The presentation ended with a review of next steps: • Value engineering study • Statue relocation for the Lewis, Clark and Sacajawea memorial • Update Project Website • Coordinate Phase II with Phase I with the VDOT • Finalize Consultant Contract for Phase I & II • Add state requirements • Next Public Meeting – Design Public Hearing Council agreed that they would like for staff to explore options for removal of the Lewis, Clark and Sacajawea statue, giving direction that the request for proposal advertisement should include language about intent for contextualizing the statue. It was determined that the statue would not be moved as a part of the West Main project. In addition to Jeanette Janiczek, the following staff answered questions for City Council: Deputy Director of Public Works Marty Silman, City Engineer Jack Dawson, and Public Works Director David Brown. Mayor Walker opened the floor for public comment and the following participants spoke: • Mr. Peter Krebs • Ms. Kay Slaughter • Peggy Van Yahres Ms. Walker closed public comment. Councilors made final comments about the streetscape project with consideration for other historical projects and the need to have the University of Virginia participate at a higher level. The meeting adjourned at 5:36 p.m. BY Order of City Council BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council Approved by Council November 2, 2020 Kyna Thomas, CMC Clerk of Council