CHARLOTTESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT & HOUSING AUTHORITY P.O. BOX 1405 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 TELEPHONE/TTY/711: (434) 326-4672 FAX: (434) 971-4797 Charlottesville Supplemental Rental Assistance Program (CSRAP) Status Update – as May 12, 2021 A. 70 families enrolled in the CSRA program. B. 68 families are receiving supplemental rental assistance payments. C. 2 family is currently within their 90-day search period within Charlottesville. D. 0 family is currently within their extended 90-day search period within City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County. E. 36 of 68 families receiving supplemental assistance are living within the City of Charlottesville (57%). F. 32 of 68 families receiving supplemental assistance are working within the City of Charlottesville and are living in Albemarle County and (43%). G. Waiting list for CSRA program: 122 H. No new families are being processed for eligibility for the CSRAP program at this time due to the increase of CSRAP funds during the COVID-19 to ensure funding is available for the current participants. I. July and August Annual Recerts letters have been mailed out and expected to be returned between May 1, 2021. J. 12-month Annual Spend to date: $719,136 K. Annual Funding Committed: $791,049.60 CSRA Program Tiers Per the terms of CSRA program funding agreement with the City of Charlottesville, the following are the minimum participation requirement thresholds and current service levels for the CSRA program: Tier Min. Required Current Pending Total Self Sufficiency 40 26 0 26 Homeless 15 35 1 36 HCV Waitlist 45* 7 1 8 Totals: 100** 68 2 70 * There is no minimum HCV participation threshold. Non-Self Sufficiency and Non-Homeless participants may only be served via the CRHA HCV wait list. **The program anticipates a total participation of at least 100 families, although additional families may be enrolled as funding allows. Residents FIRST! Residents FIRST! is grounded in the belief that those we serve have the knowledge, experience and power to drive the systemic change needed to sustain healthy communities and build bright futures. CRHA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or union affiliations in any of its federally assisted programs and activities.