CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION June 22, 2021 Virtual/electronic meeting via Zoom 3:00 PM WORK SESSION Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3712, the Charlottesville City Council met in work session on Tuesday, June 22, 2021. The meeting was held electronically pursuant to a local ordinance amended and re-enacted on April 19, 2021, to ensure the continuity of government and prevent the spread of disease during the coronavirus State of Emergency. CALL TO ORDER and ROLL CALL Mayor Walker called to order at 3:00 p.m. and Clerk of Council Kyna Thomas called the roll, noting the following members present: Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Vice Mayor Sena Magill, and Councilors Heather Hill, Michael Payne, and Lloyd Snook. REPORTS 1. Vibrant Community Fund (VCF) Kaki Dimock, Director of Human Services shared that the discussion would be instrumental in providing guidance for how to create the 2023 fiscal year process for non-profit agencies in order to launch the process in Fall 2021. She gave an introduction and background on continuous improvement efforts. The city has been granting money to outside agencies since 1984 and has adapted over the years. Many community members have helped to review applications to add additional layers of objectivity and varied perspectives. She shared opportunities for improvement to address points of tension from the last several years: Point of Tension Proposed Solution Does not allow for investments in start-ups Create limited start-up funding pool Does not allow for investments in solutions to Create emerging needs funding pool emerging needs Council has limited faith/trust/confidence in Establish an orientation to the VCF process for staff or process council Does not prioritize equity needs sufficiently Prioritize Equity Does not include or prioritize consumer Create mechanism for consumer feedback feedback Priority categories are broad Identify broad AND specific funding priorities No mechanism for considering agency need for Include agency need in application process funding Requests for funding are made throughout the Manage out of cycle requests year Does not have baked in process for evaluating Create multiple methods for ongoing outcomes evaluation Does not allow for multiple year commitments Create mechanism for making two-year awards Essential services are subject to competition Create an essential service category for funding Ryan Davidson, Senior Budget and Management Analyst, and City Manager Chip Boyles helped to answer questions for Council. Council discussed capacity building, timelines, criteria for supporting established non-profits and startup non-profits, sharing resources, strategy for supporting agencies based on specific community needs, application scoring and equity. Council gave support of the direction of the process and gave feedback for measures and types of data to include moving forward. Councilors also suggested moving some services to a regular budget line item instead of having them compete for funds annually. 2. REMOVED - Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT) Title VI City Manager Boyles advised that this item would come before Council at a future date. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Walker opened the floor for comments from the public. There were no speakers. Mayor Walker adjourned the work session at 5:33 p.m. BY Order of City Council BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council Approved by Council July 19, 2021 Kyna Thomas, MMC Clerk of Council