Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. CDBG Taskforce Monday, June 15th, 2020 3:30-5:00 PM Virtual Meeting AGENDA 1. Introductions/Housekeeping/Minutes 2. Review Application Scores & Create proposal budget. 3. Other Business 4. Public Comment Staff Contact: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator (, (434) 970-3093 1|Page Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. CDBG Taskforce Meeting Minutes Monday, June 15th, 2020 3:30-5:00 PM Virtual Meeting AGENDA 1. Introductions/Housekeeping/Minutes City Staff member Erin Atak (EA), Grants Coordinator, begins meeting with CDBG Taskforce attendance. Meeting commences at 3:32 PM on Monday July 15, 2020. CDBG/HOME Taskforce Roster Attendance Howard Evergreen Present Helen Kimble Present Nancy Carpenter Present Emily Cone Miller Absent James Bryant Present Kem Lea Spaulding Present Taneia Dowell Absent Matthew Gillikin Present Olivia Gabbay Absent Other City Staff members present: Symia Tabron, Brenda Kelley, John Sales. EA begins to explain the CDBG-CV program to Taskforce members and viewers at home: The main goal of the CDBG-CV grant is to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus. HUD priorities are to fund activities towards infectious disease response. The City of Charlottesville was awarded $246,699 in CDBG-CV funds authorized by the CARES Act. The CDBG-CV award is divided into three funding categories. All qualifying applicants are able to apply for public services and economic development funds. The Administrative/Planning portion of the CDBG-CV grant is 2|Page Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. designated for City of Charlottesville to cover all grant related expenses (ex: Davis Bacon, Section 3, Environmental Reviews, Citizen Participation, etc.) a. Public Service: $98,679.60 b. Economic Development: $98,679.60 c. Administrative/Planning: $49,339.80 On June 11, 2020 the economic development CDBG taskforce subcommittee, the Strategic Action Team (SAT), convened discussed one application the City received applying for the econ funds. The SAT made a funding recommendation to award the application all $98,679.60 to the one economic development CDBG-CV applicant. The job of the CDBG/HOME Taskforce is to create a funding recommendation for the public services fund of the CDBG-CV grant. 2. Review Application Scores & Create proposal budget. EA shares CDBG/HOME Taskforce Score Spreadsheet on screen. Average score rankings: Thomas Jefferson Health District (TJHD): 33.33 Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless (THACH): 30 Charlottesville Redevelopment Housing Authority (CRHA): 28 Office of Economic Development (OED): 25.17 Taskforce opens for discussion: Taskforce member Matthew Gillikin begins meeting with clarification question for city staff member Erin Atak. Question concerns Staff Organization Capacity scores for all applicants and the relation to COVID-19 situation. City Staff Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator, clarifies to Taskforce members that Staff Organizational Capacity Scores for all organizations is not included in the final score averaging. Staff Organizational Capacity scores review previous audits, how previous invoices were processed, quarterly reports, and whether organizations were able to follow HUD protocol. With COVID-19, jurisdictions were more lenient with grading, however, City Staff cannot overlook HUD procedures and paperwork requirements. Scores were given accordingly. Taskforce member Matthew Gillikin request additional information on CRHA’s staff organizational capacity score. 3|Page Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. City Staff Erin Atak explains that detailed explanation is written on staff sheet of the Taskforce binder, however the CRHA applicant had to repay the City HOME and CDBG funding back to HUD in the past. The concern with the applicant is focused on the inability to spend funds in a timely manner. The concern was raised during the CRHA technical assistance meeting with CRHA staff, and was not addressed in the CDBG-CV application. Additionally, CRHA received a copy of the last CDBG/HOME audit to address concerns. Said concerns were not addressed in the application. Taskforce member Nancy Carpenter states that CDBG-CV and CDBG funding is meant for low income people. Ms. Carpenter recounts listening to weekly calls with the National Low-Income Housing Coalition during the months of April and May. She adds that CRHA has the infrastructure to provide rental assistance as 22-23% of rental households nationwide will face risk of eviction starting July. CRHA wanting to provide housing stability for families outside of public housing is an important cause. Staff Member Erin Atak comments to Taskforce Member Nancy Carpenter stating that CRHA application was not marked down from the lack of subject importance, but concern for administration. She reminded all taskforce members again that the staff organizational capacity score is not included into the final average score of each organization. City Staff Housing Coordinator John Sales introduces himself to the Taskforce and provides additional information concerning the housing related applications (CRHA and TJACH). Mr. Sales also discusses the four housing initiatives being proposed for City Council on June 15, 2020. Mr. Sales notes the funding request for CRHA CDBG-CV application may not be able to serve three months’ worth of rent for 50 families, and is similar to city’s housing proposal. Taskforce member Nancy Carpenter highlights the importance of housing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Housing Coordinator provides a hypothetical breakdown of three months’ worth of rent using CRHA’s funding request. Grants Coordinator explains to the Taskforce that even with partial funding awarded to an organization, she would need to use the total goal amount written on the application for HUD reporting purposes. Taskforce member Matthew Gillikin poses Housing Coordinator a question on TJACH’s application and whether the applicant would be able to achieve their goal for the funding amount requested. 4|Page Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. Housing Coordinator replies “yes” as TJACH is proposing to partner CDBG-CV funds with outside sources. Mr. Sales elaborates and states all program proposals submitted for the CDBG- CV program appear to be important needs for the community. Discussion continues around fair market rent prices and three-months’ worth of rent. Taskforce member Howard Evergreen notes that many residents that would be receiving assistance through the CRHA program would be living outside the fair market rate rental prices. Taskforce members note the concerns for applicant CRHA meeting the conditions of the grant. City Staff member Symia Tabron raises a question of whether CRHA would undergo or submit another audit. Grants Coordinator Erin Atak explains that CRHA has not submitted an audit for the CDBG- HOME program since 2015. Taskforce member Nancy Carpenter states the importance of funding housing initiatives over other priorities such as health initiatives currently. Taskforce member James Bryant agrees and proposes to divide the $98,679.60 among all applicants. Taskforce member Howard Evergreen reminds the committee that the discussion on scoring is repeated each year. Scores are overlooked and there is never enough CDBG money. Mr. Evergreen reminds everyone that health priorities were included with the CDBG-CV funds specifically with the new release of the funds as an equal priority to housing. Mr. Evergreen continues and states that the scoring method cannot be disregarded. Taskforce member Mattew Gillikin makes funding recommendation #1: Not funding OED, not funding CRHA due to hurdles identified by City Staff, fully funding TJACH to support housing initiatives at $60,000, and give TJHD the remaining $38,678.60. Taskforce member Helen Kimble reminds the rest of the committee that the TJHD community health worker salary was around $44,000 in addition to supervisory fees added on. Funding recommendation #1 would not support the cost of one community health worker. Potentially a part-time community health worker. Ms. Kimble asks City Staff whether they would be able to guarantee the living wage contract to community workers if TJHD was awarded funds. City Staff Erin Atak states the CDBG program would not be able to dictate salary contracts for community health workers but could hold TJHD accountable for having provided a salary for community health workers in accordance to the program application. 5|Page Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. Taskforce member Howard Evergreen offers a counter funding recommendation #2, to either flip the recommendation #1 or give TJHD 2/3 of the funding and give TJACH 1/3 of the CDBG-CV funding in accordance to the application scores. Taskforce member Nancy Carpenter states that Mr. Evergreen makes a point about rubric indexing. Taskforce member Matthew Gillikin proposed funding recommendation #3 to award TJHD 50% ($49,661.78) of the funding request and award TJACH ($49,017.82) the remaining CDBG-CV funds. Taskforce members agree with funding proposal #3. Public Services CDBG-CV: $98,679.60 (Breakdown of Funding Recommendation #3) Thomas Jefferson Health District: $49,661.78 Thomas Jeffrson Area Coalition for the Homeless: $49,017.82 Office of Economic Development: $0.00 Charlottesville Redevelopment Housing Authority: $0.00 Funding Recommendation Approval – CDBG/HOME Taskforce Roll Call CDBG/HOME Taskforce Roster Vote – Funding Recommendation of Award 3 Howard Evergreen Approve Helen Kimble Approve Nancy Carpenter Approve Emily Cone Miller James Bryant Approve Kem Lea Spaulding Approve Taneia Dowell Matthew Gillikin Approve Olivia Gabbay 3. Other Business None 4. Public Comment None Meeting Adjourned. 6|Page