Community Development Block Grant/HOME Taskforce Wednesday, February 16th, 2022 4-5PM Virtual Meeting (Zoom) Meeting Minutes 1. Introductions/Housekeeping/Minutes Grants Coordinator, Erin Atak (EA), took Roll Call. Name Attendance Nancy Carpenter Present Helen Sporkin Present Matthew Gillikin Present Connor Brew Present James Bryant Present Kem Lea Spaulding Present Howard Evergreen Present Emily Cone Miller Absent Taneia Dowell Absent All Taskforce members introduced themselves and their neighborhood designation/role on the CDBG/HOME Taskforce 2. CDBG/HOME Background EA shared the CDBG/HOME introductory technical assistance PowerPoint for the Taskforce. The PowerPoint serves as the training slideshow that all CDBG and HOME applicants are required to sit through in a mandatory 30-45 training session with the grants coordinator prior to applying for CDBG and HOME. EA walks through the following topics with the Taskforce: a. 2022-2023 CDBG/HOME Priorities selected by City Council b. Three CDBG/HOME HUD National Objectives Staff Contact: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator (, (434) 970-3093 c. CDBG/HOME program income guidelines posted on the City of Charlottesville website that all CDBG/HOME applicants adhere to. d. The updated CDBG/HOME Priority Neighborhood Map on the City Website: Priority-Neighborhood-Map e. The HOME HUD Program Definition, eligible activities, and ineligible activities. f. Projected HOME allocation for FY2022-2023 g. Federal and Local requirements subrecipients are required to adhere to (submitting quarterly reports, getting environmental reviews done, spending requirements, documentation requirements for invoices, etc.) h. And submitting an internal controls checklist required by HUD as listed in the City’s CDBG Guidelines by application date: current annual audit, policies and procedures manual, financial statements, Evidence of 501(c)3, etc. EA explained to the Taskforce that there was a total of six technical assistance meetings prior to application submittal with the following organizations: i. Piedmont Housing Alliance j. Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust k. Local Energy Alliance Program l. Literacy Volunteers of Charlottesville/Albemarle m. Virginia Supportive Housing n. Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority Two organizations submitted applications for the FY2022-2023 HOME request for proposal: - Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) - Piedmont Housing Alliance (PHA) EA explained to the Taskforce that HUD reviewed the applications and advised the City that the Piedmont Housing Alliance Application and a portion of the LEAP application would be better suited for other funding sources. The Taskforce would only be able to review one portion of LEAP’s application for funding consideration this afternoon. Nancy Carpenter (NC) asks about whether the HUD national objective #2 (blight/slum) wording can be updated. NC also brings up whether organizations submit policies on diversity, equity, and inclusion within the attachments that subrecipients were required to submit with applications. 3. Scores EA asks the Taskforce is there were any concerns reviewing the applications. No concerns were brought up. EA outlines LEAP’s performance history. No concerns were brought up with audit history, timeliness, and documentation requirements. Staff Contact: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator (, (434) 970-3093 Discussion with the Taskforce revolved around LEAP’s FY2021 financial and performance workload. EA explains that LEAP is currently performing 16-20 energy efficiency audits with the same amount of funding that is being requested in the current application. NC, Howard Evergreen (HE), and Connor Brew (CB) discuss the energy savings and impact on utility bills. The Taskforce unanimously voted on the following funding recommendation for the LEAP assisted home performance application. Funding TF Funding Applicant Average Score Request Recommendations Assisted Home LEAP 32.14 $80,100.00 $84,576.88 Performance (Only) Funding Available $ 84,576.88 4. Public Comment None Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator (434)-970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements can be made. Staff Contact: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator (, (434) 970-3093