City of Charlottesville Marcus Alert Workgroup Charlottesville City Council Work Session September 28, 2021 Current Members Workgroup Members Current Members Con’t Myra Anderson, Workgroup Co-Chair, Dr. Hezedean A. Smith, Fire Chief, Charlottesville Fire Department Mental Health Advocate, Marcus Alert Stakeholder Group, Sur-Thriver Lloyd Snook, Charlottesville City Councilor Tom von Hemert, Coordinator, Thomas Jefferson CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) Dr. Lisa Beitz, New Members Executive Director, Region Ten Community Services Board Ashley Marshall, MPA, J.D. Deputy City Manager for Devin Coles, Pastor, Member Charlottesville Clergy Collective Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) Brian Henderson, Operations Supervisor, City of Charlottesville Department of Social Services James Mooney, Assistant Chief of Police, Charlottesville Police Department Myron Johnson, Youth Development Professional, Boys and Girls Club Past Members Sena Magill, Workgroup Co-Chair, Vice Mayor, Charlottesville RaShall Brackney, PhD., Charlottesville Chief of Police Joe Powers, Deputy Fire Chief, Charlottesville Fire Department Kaki Dimock, Charlottesville Director of Human Resources Sonny Saxton, Executive Director, Emily Pelliccia, Deputy Chief of Operations Charlottesville-UVA-Albemarle County Emergency Communication Center Guest Speakers/Consultants Dr. Lisa Jobe Shields, Deputy Director of Community Services, DBHDS Daryl Washington, Executive Director, Fairfax- Falls Church Community Services Board Marcus Alert Act- Overview •Named for Marcus-David Peters, a young, Black Biology teacher who was shot and killed by Richmond Police in 2018 in the midst of a mental health crisis •Aims to ensure that the emergency response to a behavioral health crisis is a behavioral health response Marcus Alert State Components 4 level framework for urgency • Core definition exists at the state level, cross walks are used to integrate it and further specify at local level Equity at Intercept 0 Initiative • Includes network leads and coalition development Statewide training standards • Behavioral health training competencies Public service campaign focused on calling 988 • Focus on calling at first signs of a crisis Required Components for Local Implementation of Marcus Alert Protocol #2- establishing Local needs relationship integrated between local with the state LE and mobile Community Voluntary triage crisis hub coverage database framework •July 1, 2022 plans Required Protocol #1- Protocol #3- planning routing calls specialized process with to 988 response local •July 1, 2022 protocols stakeholder •July 1, 2022 group DBHDS Marcus Alert Deadlines and Deliverables July 1, 2021: voluntary database developed for locality July 1, 2021: state guidance released ~August 1, 2021: discuss “area” and form stakeholder group Conduct planning at local level using state guidance Submit application for 3 protocols Implement 3 protocols by July 1, 2022 Continue planning for Community Coverage for Statewide Implementation by July 1, 2026 RTCSB Emergency Services FY 2021 2,614 Evaluations 1,385 Prescreens 613 ECOs 439 TDOs from the ECO 65 Voluntary Admissions 109 Released Charlottesville- 38/month Current Crisis Landscape Early Pandemic Impacts on the System Executive Order 70 Decrease in State Psychiatric Hospital Beds Workforce Challenges Inadequate Community Infrastructure Individual and Community Impacts Need for Collaborative Community Solutions Marcus Alert/STEP-VA/Project BRAVO • A set of Protocols • 988 • Formalized MOUs regarding Coordination of Services Marcus Alert • Community Care Teams • Intercept 0 Initiative • Statewide Training Standards • Data Platform • Call Center • Mobile Crisis STEP-VA • CITAC • 23 Hour Beds • CSU • Medicaid Recipients Project BRAVO • Best Practices • Reimbursement