MARCUS ALERT – THE INTERSECTION WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT / ECC CHARLOTTESVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT The Charlottesville Police Department is staffed by 98 sworn police officers. There are 19 current vacancies for police officers. CPD responded to over 36,000 calls for service in 2020, and over 27,000 CFS thus far in 2021. CPD Marcus Alert 2 MENTAL HEALTH CALLS Police are the primary, and sometimes only agency that responds to MH calls, handling the initial response, the period of custody, and the transport to facilities. CALLS FOR SERVICE CPD responded to 551 MH calls for service in 2020, and 387 so far in 2021. Of these calls, 14 in 2020 and 11 in 2021 have been “high- risk,” meaning a weapon or immediate danger was involved. ECO/TDO SERVICE 272 ECO’s and/or TDO’s were served by CPD in 2020 and 211 so far this year. Currently, service of ECO’s and TDO’s results in reduced staffing for CPD and officers spending long hours with MH consumers, sometimes up to 48 hours while patient awaits medical clearance and/or bed space becomes available at facilities. (What are the effects of long-term exposure with police officers?) COSTS Considerable overtime costs related to staffing past normal shifts/assignments, as well as supplementing other PD functions by hiring officers for overtime. CURRENT STATUS CPD Marcus Alert 3 CURRENT CPD ROLES Response to MH Calls Transport for Treatment - Voluntary transport to CRISIS - Assessment (CIT) - Officer initiated ECO - Offer Services (CRISIS) - Execution of 3rd Party issued ECO’s - Referral to Region 10 for additional services - TDO transports to facilities CPD Marcus Alert 4 CPD’s Interim Plan Support ECC’s plan to implement new protocol systems for mental health calls. - ECC plans to roll out the new protocols in December 2021 - Training already underway, 60-70 hours for dispatchers, and over 100 hours for Supervisors - Will enhance the way ECC interacts with callers, the community. - Will aid with dispatcher interactions with callers, mental health consumers, allowing for better classification of calls and more appropriate response SHORT TERM PLANS teams/efforts. CPD Requirement for all officers to receive CIT certification at or shortly after hire. UNTIL FULL STATE- Development of a mental health unit, possibly with regional partners and other WIDE agencies, consisting of officers (and others) with specialized training in response to mental health calls, with the thought of possibly integrating this unit in future Marcus Alert Local Response Teams (if Police presence is needed or desired). IMPLEMENTATION - Staffing, staffing, staffing. Current Staffing levels allow for a minimal response OF THE MARCUS - and extensive waiting periods. Funding ALERT PROGRAM IS REALIZED CPD Marcus Alert 5 MARCUS ALERT BENEFITS • Reduction in Police Involvement by limiting response to high level MH calls (Level 3 & 4) as outlined by Marcus Alert Local Response Plans • A more well-trained police officer based on required training through DCJS. (Most of which is already being integrated into Academy and In-service training requirements) •Need for higher percentage of CIT trained officers. *Not a requirement, but very likely an expectation. •Specialized training or doctrine (DT/Use of Force) when dealing with combative MH patients •Likely need for specialized, youth-based training (Policing the Teen Brain?) CPD Marcus Alert 6 • What model of response will our region use? (Co-Response, Cahoots, other?) • Once assessment is made, who determines course of action? (Response team, LE or 3rd party evaluator?) UNANSWERED • Where will we take them? (Still a shortage of bed and/or QUESTIONS treatment facilities) • Who transports to hospital or MH care facility, or other yet to be determined alternative facility? • Will Police Officers still be required to sit with MH patients? • Lack of Outline for “advanced Marcus Alert training” standards (What will these consist of?) • How will we (Dispatch/First Responders) manage the staffing needs associated with Marcus Alert? CPD Marcus Alert 7 CLOSING THOUGHTS CURRENT STATUS INTERIM PLAN MARCUS ALERT Extensive interactions between Develop local systems/models for The program and the work are worthwhile! CPD supports this effort. police and mental health future implementation as state- consumers wide Marcus Alert support We don’t have all the resources yet, we don’t know how to pay for them, but systems come into place. that should not, and cannot stop or Staffing shortages slow the work being done. Partnerships with local teams, Costly Ensures that the emergency response ECC, Region 10, and other to a behavioral health crisis, even when agencies to improve responses to involving a police officer, is a Unsuccessful outcomes, repeated behavioral health response, not a calls for service MH calls. police or enforcement response. CPD Marcus Alert 8