The recommendations 1) Make an official task force and then the task force is recommended to do the following. 2 ) Engage the community, focus on people who have historically had poor interactions with policing and mental health. 3 ) Recommendations for the makeup of the official work group members and leaders of the group (see below)- Additionally we recommend that the chair of this group be a member of our minority community. 4) Design a survey and enlist groups already engaged in the community to help get it out, this needs to be active not passive. 5) Whoever gives surveys must be trained in motivational interviewing, the survey should be short 5-10 questions with a mix of open ended and definitive answers. The survey needs to 6) Beyond Marcus Alert Plan think about how we could have a on 24/7 crisis center that is not jail or hospital- ctac 7) Because we are regional we recommend that we also try and work with the county and uva. 8) Coming at the beginning of the budget season, where should it live, who has ownership? The city needs to decide the most appropriate department for this to live as it will need staff support and continual support. We recommend the members to include (1) Region Ten (1) Charlottesville Police Department (1) Charlottesville Fire Department (1) ECC (1) Crisis Intervention Team (1) Charlottesville Department of social services or human services or human rights (1) University of Virginia (1) Local Clergy (1) Member who resides or works in the city and who represents a mental health organization that seeks racial or social justice on behalf of historically disadvantaged communities; (1) Family members or close friends of someone with a mental health diagnosis (1) Family members or close friends someone with a mental health diagnosis who comes from historically disadvantaged communities that have traditionally experienced mental health disparities (2) Members who identify as having/had lived experience with mental health challenges (including peer support specialists) and/or individuals who have engaged with police before during a mental health crisis.