Albemarle CPMT Charlottesville CPMT Joint Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 16, 2019 County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Second Floor Room 235 Present: Katie Ralston, Hope Robinson, Lisa Beitz, Suzanne Fladd, Misty Graves, Kaki Dimock, Erin Callas, Diane Kuknyo, Phyllis Savides, Pattye Leslie, Jennifer Wells, Mary Stebbins, Christa Galleo and Lori Allshouse Absent: Quorum: Albemarle: Yes Charlottesville: Yes Kaki Dimock called the meeting to order at 3:29 Agenda Item: Review & Approval of the Agenda/ Acceptance of Consent Agenda Presenter: Chair Discussion/Summary: Kaki asked if there were any changes, questions and/or additions to the Agenda. After introductions around the table, she asked for motions from Albemarle and Charlottesville to approve the consent agenda. Documents/Resources: January 2019 Agenda, December 2018 Minutes, December 2018 Financial Reports sent by email. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Phyllis made a motion to approve the consent agenda for Albemarle, which was seconded by Erin. Erin then made a motion to approve the consent agenda for Charlottesville, which was seconded by Misty. Both motions passed. Agenda Item: Action: CSA Provider Agreement Revisions for January Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary. None for January Documents/Resources: Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: N/A Agenda Item: Action: Revised CANS Policy Approval Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: The local policy revision is basically adopting what OCS put out. This new policy should make it easier for compliance in meeting the CANS requirements. It will allow case managers to use either version of the tool. People have been having trouble with comprehensive or reassessment versions when the annual CANS is due. Now this allows either version to be acceptable. This should allow case managers to do CANS half as much as it will only be due annually instead of every 6 months. We want to come up with a reminder system because CANS does not currently have an automatic alert. This will change what is currently in local policy. The CSA Coordinators asked CPMT to approve. Documents/Resources: Document sent by email. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Kaki asked for motions from Charlottesville and Albemarle. Diane made a motion to approve the CANS policy for Charlottesville, which was seconded by Christa. Phyllis made a motion to approve the CANS policy for Albemarle, which was seconded by Suzanne. Both motions passed. Agenda Item: Action: Community Practice Model Approval Presenter: Mary Stebbins Discussion/Summary. Program reviewed the CSA Systems of Care Community Practice Model and recommends adoption of the revised document sent to CPMT. Changes are noted on the document in red. Under “Approach” and under “…being committed to being culturally proficient and linguistically accessible to all families and to valuing family perspectives, goals and plans”, several bullet points were added based on Program’s input to clarify what the providers should be striving to ensure in their work with families. Program suggested that including language such as “whenever feasible” as recommended from CPMT leaves room for the providers to not meet certain basic expectations, such as providing interpreter services to clients. Mary said our perspective is if you are unable to offer services in the client’s language, then you should be referring the client elsewhere. Under “Continuous Improvement”, Program recommends adding language that includes trauma informed and evidence-based, which is the direction the state is moving towards. Kaki asked what the consequences are for failure to meet the standards. The language in the provider agreement does state that provider agrees to abide by the community practice model. At the end of the day, consequences would be no longer sending clients to a provider that is not compliant. How do we verify that the provider will ensure? Phyllis said it is the honor system. The provider signs the provider agreement and agrees to abide by the practice model. We as the purchaser can choose to stop using them. Kaki asked for motions to approve the CSA Systems of Care Community Practice Model. Documents/Resources: Document sent by email Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Phyllis made a motion to approve the changes for Albemarle, which was seconded by Hope. Erin made a motion to approve for Charlottesville, which was seconded by Diane. Both motions passed. Agenda Item: Presentation-Quarter II Financials Presenter: Kevin Wasilewski for Albemarle and Diane Kuknyo for Charlottesville Discussion/Summary: Albemarle is up about 3.5% in spending and caseloads. Local dollars are up but not as much as expenditures which is a good thing. This means we are continuing to use services at the lower match rate, with the exception of private day placements which are at the neutral match rate. Charlottesville has a number of parental placements, which add onto the congregate care costs, which are the highest costs. The city continues to have higher numbers for special education. It used to be 24% of budget but is currently at 38%. Documents/Resources: Financial reports sent by email and Kevin handed out a corrected Albemarle CSA Expenditures through 2nd Quarter chart at the meeting. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: informational Agenda Item: FAPT Update Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: The quarterly FAPT survey results are shared with FAPT and Program Committee. The question on the table is whether this information is still useful. When Program Committee addresses the family engagement topic, they will talk about whether this continues to be helpful. Kaki asked if there has ever been anything that came up from these surveys that prompted action. Katie said that sometimes there was feedback that the parents didn’t have time to review the IFSP prior to the meeting. Caseworkers have been reminded to provide the IFSP to parents prior to the meeting. Diane asked about the response rates compared to how many people actually attend. Jennifer noted that almost all, if not all, of the parents who attend the FAPT complete the survey afterwards. Parents who attend by phone are mailed a survey and the response rate for that is much lower. Katie said the issue is more attendance at the meeting, as most already attend other meetings and Charlottesville parents frequently participate by telephone. Phyllis wonders if the survey could be used to look at our child specific teaming services. Given FAPT’s UR responsibilities, should FAPT be more geared towards provider attendance and parental attendance at FPM meetings? Documents/Resources: FAPT survey results emailed Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: informational Agenda Item: Review of Routine Foster Care Expenses/IFSP/Addendum Expenses Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Kaki asked if there are any questions. There was none. Documents/Resources: Albemarle documents sent by email Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Informational Agenda Item: CSA Coordinator Update Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: The OCS auditor is coming February 11th to go over the results from the Charlottesville audit. CSA Coordinators will start planning for next year’s provider agreements in a couple of weeks. Documents/Resources: none Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Katie will give an update to CPMT at the February meeting regarding the audit results. Agenda Item: OCS Communications Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Administrative Memo #19-01 was shared with CPMT with notice that the CSA policy manual has been updated. Documents/Resources: none Next Steps/Action(s) taken: informational Agenda Item: Program Committee Update-PSSF Community Needs Assessment Presenter: Phyllis Savides Discussion/Summary: Phyllis stated that CPMT needs to formally ask Program to conduct a needs assessment survey for the Promoting Safe and Stable Families grant. Funding comes from VDSS but requires a community approach. CPMT approves the funding needs. FEDS require that 40% of the funding go towards reunification. The community thru a needs assessment decides how to utilize funding. CHIP used to handle this. Around 2010, CPMT asked Program to conduct the needs assessment that is done every 4-5 years. There have been changes in how CSA money can be spent. We took the money from CHIP and gave it to DSS to fund CPS ongoing and more of a family support services (Family Support for County and for City for services for kids entering kindergarten but had not been to preschool.) The next needs assessment will be due in March. Phyllis would like to recommend that Program conduct the needs assessment and come back to CPMT in March which will give us time to submit the application prior to the deadline. Historically, Program has managed this. They will meet next the first week of February. Diane would like to see the proposal prior to the February CPMT meeting. Application would be due to the state by March 22nd. Jenny Jones is still on Program and was involved in the last assessment. Phyllis has offered help to Mary in this process as well. The money can also be used for post adoption services. Documents/Resources: Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Mary will update CPMT on Program Committee’s progress at the February and March CPMT meetings. CPMT agrees that Program should take this on. Agenda Item: Legislative Updates Presenter: Phyllis Savides Discussion/Summary: There are several bills in process related to special education, largely asking for certain localities to run a pilot. There is a potential to allow local school districts to use CSA dollars in the schools. It may allow kids with an IEP in the public- school system to receive services paid for by CSA dollars. Albemarle schools would be supportive of using CSA money to avoid having to send kids to private day or residential programs. Phyllis will send both school representatives the information she has on this legislation. Individual senators are putting the Bills forward. The League CSA committee believes this legislation may be helpful but struggles because members are also on CPMT and the CPMT perspective influences their opinion on the matter. Documents/Resources: none Next Steps/Action(s) taken: Phyllis will send legislative updates to Kevin Kirst and Suzanne Fladd for Albemarle and Katrina Lee for Charlottesville. Agenda Item: Agency Presentation vs Agency Updates as an Agenda Item Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: For about three years, we have been having CPMT members give agency presentations on a rotating schedule. In Program, they do agency updates every meeting and the agencies can share anything relevant. Would CPMT like to do this or continue with the agency presentations? The Agency Presentations were originally an opportunity for folks to share hot topics and give information on what their agencies are doing. Phyllis would like to have the Agency Update as an agenda item, allowing anyone to give updates at each meeting, which can be more meaningful and timely. CPMT agrees, effective for February, there will be an agenda item as opposed to a presentation rotation schedule. The City Schools are now off the hook for next month. Documents/Resources: none Next Steps/Action(s) taken: Agency Updates will be a standing agenda item Agenda Item: Other Business from CPMT Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: Agency update- JLARC (Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee) from state legislature completed a study focusing on improving the foster care system. The summary report is scathing about what is going on across the state. Diane read the summary and then the whole report and shared with CPMT some of the information. CDSS had three investigators come to CDSS because they had been highlighted for the number of kinship placements, which is much higher than the national average. They came to see what was going on with that. CDSS is called out numerous times for the good work that is going on in the City of Charlottesville. She just wanted to share there are good things going on in the community. Kaki said today it was announced a task force is going to be formed to talk about solutions. Kaki would encourage everyone who is asked to participate to say yes. It is good to pay attention to a system of care. You never know what might happen. There is a potential for the community to be impacted. Lisa announced that Region Ten is at the beginning of their strategic plan. They have a facilitator that will be asking for feedback from community stakeholders. Lisa asks that anyone who is asked for feedback please provide the full story. Documents/Resources: n/a Next Steps/Action(s) taken: informational Kaki Dimmock adjourned the meeting early at 4:25. Next scheduled meeting: February 20, 2019 Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Jordan