Albemarle CPMT Charlottesville CPMT Joint Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 20, 2019 County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Second Floor Room 235 Present: Lisa Beitz, Phyllis Savides, Martha Carroll, Erin Callas, Jennifer Wells, Katie Ralston, Mary Stebbins, Katrina Lee, Kevin Kirst, Hope Robinson, Misty Graves, Kaki Dimock, Diane Kuknyo, and Lori Allshouse. Absent: Guests: Eric Ng, Thyra Jemsen, and Ricardo Diaz-Nursing Students and Michael Costanza- citizen. Quorum: Albemarle: Yes Charlottesville: Yes Kaki Dimock called the meeting to order at 3:32 and had everyone in the room introduce themselves, as there were guests in attendance. Agenda Item: Review & Approval of the Agenda/ Acceptance of Consent Agenda Presenter: Chair Discussion/Summary: Kaki asked if there were any changes or additions to the agenda. Phyllis advised Kaki that we should remove item VI.a. from the agenda. Kaki asked for approval of consent agenda with that change. Documents/Resources: March 2019 Agenda, January 2019 Minutes January/February Financial Reports for Albemarle and January Financial Reports for Charlottesville. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Phyllis Savides made a motion to approve the agenda for both Albemarle and Charlottesville, which was seconded by Erin Callas. Diane Kuknyo made a motion to approve the January financial reports for Charlottesville, which was seconded by Katrina Lee. Phyllis made a motion to approve the January/February financial reports for Albemarle, which was seconded by Martha Carroll. All motions passed. Agenda Item: Action: CSA Provider Agreement Revisions for March Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Jennifer passed out a revision agreement for IRC, which was approved by the County Attorney. Kaki asked if there were questions, comments or discussion. Hearing none Kaki asked for a motion from Albemarle to approve. Documents/Resources: Provider Revision for IRC Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Phyllis Savides made a motion to approve the IRC Provider Agreement revision, which was seconded by Erin Callas. Motion passed. Agenda Item: Action: Local Policy Revision- Case Conferencing Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: This change in the local policy pertains to Community Based Service Providers. Case Conferencing time will be paid at the provider’s hourly service rate unless the service rate exceeds $60 per hour. This was originally only for outpatient therapists, but it will now be for all service providers who provide this service. This policy update is for Charlottesville and Albemarle CPMT. Kaki asked for motions from Albemarle and Charlottesville. Documents/Resources: Document sent by email Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Martha Carroll made a motion to approve the case conferencing policy change for Albemarle, which was seconded by Phyllis Savides. Erin Callas made a motion to approve the case conferencing policy change for Charlottesville, which was seconded by Lisa Beitz. Both motions passed. Agenda Item: Action-PSSF Grant Presenter: Mary Stebbins Discussion/Summary: The Community Needs Assessment portion is for both localities, but separate grant applications are being submitted for each locality. Kaki asked if there were any questions about Albemarle’s or Charlottesville’s applications. Kaki and Phyllis will need to sign the documents. Kaki asked for motions to approve the Grant Applications. Phyllis wants to recognize the Program Committee for all their work on this grant. Diane asked what Albemarle is going to use the grant for. Phyllis said Family Preservation and Reunification, same as last year. Documents/Resources: sent by email for Charlottesville and Albemarle Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Lisa Beitz made a motion to approve the PSSF Grant Application for Charlottesville. Misty Graves seconded. Martha Carroll made a motion to approve the PSSF Grant Application for Albemarle. Erin Callas seconded. Both motions passed. Agenda Item: Action-FY20 CSA Provider Agreements Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Jennifer has an update. There were two changes to the Licensed provider agreement regarding the 2% rate increase for private day placements. Part of the discussion with the county attorney was to allow adjustments when legislation changes. A sentence was added saying buyer can adjust or cancel if state legislation affects the agreement. This change was added to both the Licensed and Non-licensed agreements. Jennifer said nothing else changed but updating the fiscal year. Katie said typically County Attorney reviews first then Charlottesville. CPMT can approve the agreements or wait until April, once feedback is received from both attorneys. Since it is March, do we really want to wait until the April meeting to approve? The change has been approved by County Attorney. The City Attorney typically agrees with the County Attorney. Kevin Kirst says he is comfortable approving this so long as both attorneys agree. Documents/Resources: Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Kevin Kirst made motion to conditionally approve the FY20 Provider Agreements for licensed and non- licensed providers for Albemarle, pending approval by both attorneys. Martha Carroll seconded the motion. Erin made the same motion for Charlottesville. Misty Graves seconded. Both motions passed. Agenda Item: Work Plan Presenter: Phyllis Savides Discussion/Summary: Historically, the work plan has been a standing item on the agenda. The work plan does need to be reviewed to see what CPMT should continue working on. Phyllis recommend keeping this on the agenda as a standing item. The last several years the CPMT Retreat has been done in May. Jennifer asked if CPMT wanted to review and update the Work plan today in the regular meeting or agree to tackle this at the Retreat. Looking at the Work Plan, the communication plan needs to be reviewed. Is this still what we want to do? We need to fill in the other columns for Goal 4. Kaki would like to have this as a standing agenda item but does not feel that that this meeting would be the best place to work on all the items needing to be looked at. Misty said that it would be better to have hard copies and a clearer projection to make it easier to read and work on. Phyllis agrees that it makes sense to work on this work plan at the retreat. Perhaps a small work group could take on filling in some of the columns. The Communication Item would be a good retreat task. It would be easy to complete the chart for Goal 1 and fill in the gaps for the dashboard goal. The small group would give recommendations and would be a good starting point for the work at the retreat. Phyllis suggested that she, Kaki, Jennifer and Katie could be the small group. Martha said Justice Kids need to be looped in and identify what their connection is to Foster Care. Martha stated it is important to think about their issues in terms of supporting these kids. Kaki said the Data Committee could be reconvened in April to be ready for the Retreat. Phyllis asked if we could get the May retreat scheduled. Our regular date would be May 15th. The Retreat could be lunch at 12:00 with the retreat being held from 1:00-5:00. Last year the retreat was held at the Water Street Center. Phyllis and Kaki will look into places to hold the retreat. Documents/Resources: Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Kaki and Phyllis will advise CPMT where the retreat will be held. The workgroup will fill in columns of the work plan in order to get it ready for the Retreat. Agenda Item: FAPT Update Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Documents/Resources: Jennifer, Cheryl and Katie are meeting Thursday (3/21/19) regarding recruitment of private provider representatives for FAPT and CPMT. The private provider representative’s term will expire in June. CPMT also needs parent representatives for CPMT for both localities. Phyllis feels it works better if we reach out and talk to people, which may get us more applicants. Phyllis mentioned to CPMT that if anyone knows anyone who would be a good Parent Representative for CPMT please let Kaki or Phyllis know. Lisa mentioned that NAMI may be a good resource to recruit a parent representative from. She will send Phyllis the local NAMI contact person to reach out to. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: informational Agenda Item: Review of Routine Foster Care Expenses and FAPT Approved Expenses Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Kaki asked if any questions. No questions. Documents/Resources: Albemarle/Charlottesville documents sent by email Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Informational Agenda Item: CSA Coordinator Update Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Katie provided an update on the CDSS Audit Results. They had their onsite visit in January. It went well. The Auditor identified some of the same areas of improvement that CDSS already had recognized. Since they had a corrective writing plan already prepared, OCS did not ask for anything else other than some documents related to the cases. Stephanie will draft a final report. Overall, it went well and CDSS is glad it is done. Diane acknowledged Katie’s hard work on the audit. Documents/Resources: none Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: informational Agenda Item: OCS Communications Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: There were several communications. Katie said regarding the cap for private day placements, there is chatter that this cap will limit 2% increases causing localities to have to make up any difference. Katie said there will be a state CSA Coordinator meeting next week and they may get more info from Scott Reiner. Phyllis asked about a parent wanting to send their children to a provider that has higher rates. She asked if the schools have any discretion in provider selection. The schools would ask what programs could provide the student the education that would be most beneficial. Kevin said he would rank the facilities and let the parents know what choices are available. It would be who could provide an appropriate education. Kevin asked about the wrap around services and wondered if you had to apply for that funding. Katie said that if they do not hear from a locality, OCS would assume that locality does not want those funds and makes it available for other localities to use. This is how it was done last year. Phyllis asked about the house bill that Katrina mentioned regarding using SPED WRAP funds in the school but was not clear on if it was SPED WRAP funds or CSA funds. Kaki said there are FY2019 funds (reallocation) still available to apply for. Documents/Resources: documents sent in email Next Steps/Action(s) taken: informational Agenda Item: Program Committee Update Presenter: Mary Stebbins Discussion/Summary: Program has the CSA service gap survey to complete at the next meeting. Focus has been on the PSSF needs assessment for the past two meetings. Documents/Resources: Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: informational Agenda Item: Agency updates Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: Phyllis said that clearly there has been an increase in local dollar spending. Increase in kids coming into care and Albemarle is struggling to find foster homes. Three kids came into care today and these three siblings had to be placed in separate homes out of the area. In February, Albemarle could not find a placement for an infant. Kaki asked if this increase is trending. Albemarle has 109 but had been hovering around 89 previously. Albemarle has gotten some serious substance exposed and physically abused infants. Substance abuse and homelessness is on the rise and is affecting families. Lisa said there is a new state-wide coordinator position around sex trafficking and identifying those victims and getting them services. How does this new position connect people to services? Phyllis said it is a more significant issue in other parts of the state. Lisa said there is a training coming out soon. The statistics show that this issue of human trafficking is going to exceed drugs and gun sales because a person can be sold more times than guns/drugs. Shared Hope International has been very active in training and working on legislative issues working for victims. Most of our staff in this area are not trained to recognize the person in charge of the victims. There was a facility in the area (not publicized) but it did not survive because it did not get much use. Jo Anna (Region Ten) was in charge of this facility. How does the community respond and what kind of services should we be offering? Interstate 64 is a huge corridor. White middle-class, middle school students are prime targets for victims. Erin shared that on the first Wednesday of the month a health clinic is being offered for STD testing. It is called “test and go”. The clinic is open from 5-6:30 to offer (grant) free services for STD testing. There will other services available as well including: DMV to go and environmental health will be available for birth and death certificates as well as the ability to obtain new identification... This starts April 3rd Martha informed CPMT that the District is getting an extra Judge. One judge is moving up to Circuit Court. She is not sure how this will affect delinquency dockets. Judge Barredo will want to hear both City and County related to Child Welfare. Judge Darby will be coming from Commonwealth Attorney’s office. Charlottesville is still looking for its new City Manager. Erin went to Charlottesville FAPT and thought it was impressive on so many levels. It served a purpose and it really will stay in her mind. She also would like to come to Albemarle FAPT. Martha said the pain in the room (at FAPT meetings) some days can be unbearable. It can be hard. Erin sat in the car afterwards as the emotions overwhelmed her. Kaki recognized the huge emotional and time commitment for the agencies that participate on FAPT. Documents/Resources: none Next Steps/Action(s) taken: Lisa Beitz will share any information she gets on the Human Trafficking Workshop. Phyllis will see if she can get information on what VDSS is doing regarding Human Trafficking and the new position. Kaki suggested adding this issue to the retreat agenda. Agenda Item: Other Business from CPMT Presenter: Discussion/Summary: nothing this month Documents/Resources: n/a Next Steps/Action(s) taken: informational Kaki Dimmock adjourned the meeting at 4:29 Next scheduled meeting: April 17, 2019 Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Jordan