Albemarle CPMT Charlottesville CPMT Joint Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday December 1, 2022 Present: Jennifer Wells, Tayler Ellis, Neta Davis, Misty Graves, Sue Moffett, Tammy Johnston, Angela Bracey, Katie Ralston, Mary Stebbins, Erin Callas, Alice Micklem, Kevin Kirst, Martha Carroll Guest: Kera Campbell Absent: Ryan Davidson, Ashley Marshall, Andre Key, Michelle Busby Quorum for Albemarle: Yes Quorum for Charlottesville: Yes Call to Order: Misty Graves, Albemarle Chair called the meeting to order at 9:06 A.M. Introductions were made for Kera Campbell, who is new with the 16th District CSU. Agenda Item: Review & Approval of the Agenda/ Acceptance of Consent Agenda including Minutes, Financial Reports including Foster Care Expense Reports & FAPT approved expenses Presenter: Chair Discussion/Summary: Misty asked for motion of approval or any questions. No questions or discussion. Next Steps/Action(s): Martha Carroll makes motion to approve minutes and financials for the county, Erin Callas seconds, Motion passed. Sue Moffett makes motion to approve minutes and financials for the city, Erin Callas seconded, Motion passed. Agenda Item-Action Item: Local Policy Revision- Kin Gap Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: A local policy revision is needed to include the Kinship subsidy for federal and state cases. Both the county and the city have had their first cases for the state kinship subsidy. They will be handled as paper reviews and set up on an annual review by FAPT to continue authorization of the CSA funding. Next Steps/Action(s): Mary Stebbins makes motion to approve for the county, Martha Carroll seconds, Motion passed. Erin Callas makes motion to approve for the city, Neta Davis seconded, Motion passed. Agenda Item- FAPT Update Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Katie gives update for the city – Program had a discussion around how to serve elementary age kids with truancy issues. One case came to city FAPT for CHINS eligibility and have another coming next week. So, the city is starting to see those coming up more often, so we will see if this is helpful. Misty asks about what is included in CHINS eligibility check list. Katie says it’s not that strict but focuses on kids’ mental health. Case worker will write up summary that is reviewed by DSS and determine if they meet CHINS criteria. Before the case is heard at FAPT, they review the checklist and if they meet the criteria, they are then eligible for CSA funding. Schools were worried about capacity to case manage, so they are working with the kids with the most need. There is some question as to how Region Ten can help. The county already has an MDT for CHINS truancy and they are continuing to follow that model. Jennifer mentions continued requests for CSA funding surrounding housing, including rent and hotel stays. Katie advised the city is continuing to see similar requests. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Informational Agenda Item- CSA Coordinator Update Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Jennifer mentions audit plan. The state is really far behind – ours was due for this year but has been pushed back to next year. Katie mentions they asked for the city and county to be on the same audit cycle, so the same is true for the city. They are behind because of capacity issues and covid. Katie shares about the CSA conference – she sent out CSA conference materials for everyone looks over. One session Katie went to was on parent child interaction therapy (PCIT). We don’t have a provider in our community that is providing this. It’s a parent- training approach where a coach is in the parent’s ear coaching the parent on how to interact with the child to decrease oppositional behaviors. It may be something we want to think about providing for our community. Neta Davis says she would be interested, but there was some concern around costs. Tammy Johnston mentions that Elk Hill went through the training and said there’s a year long certification after the training, but they haven’t gone through with it because they lost the staff prior to completing the certification process. Neta Davis mentions that private providers might be a better target as opposed to a larger agency. Katie goes on to say she also went to a session on auditing and one on the CQI dashboard, which was more of a refresher. But they have updated it and made it a little more user friendly. So, if there’s any data CPMT wants to see in particular, we would be able to do so. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Informational Agenda Item- Program Sub Committee Update Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Alice mentions Program hasn’t met since October, so there’s no additional update. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: N/A Agenda Item: OCS Communications Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: No OCS Communications Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: N/A Agenda Item: Discussion and Engagement- Review of work plan Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: Misty says the last time we updated our workplan was August, so we need to think about if there are any revisions based on the last few months. Misty asks if there’s been any movement in regards to increasing engagement with our local judicial system. Martha Carroll mentions that there’s a new judge that is new to Charlottesville/Albemarle area. There’s another judge that may be interested in participating. Martha says we could extend the invitation to attend CPMT but not sure how realistic it is for them to do so. Misty moves on to the next goal, which is, onboarding of CPMT members – Jennifer mentions her and Katie were going through things to add into a training packet for CPMT, FAPT, and program members. Kevin Kirst asks about maybe having an upfront orientation video to intro CPMT and then do a Q&A so that people can go through it on their own time and then the Q&A can provide engagement. Katie mentions they used to have a general overview for new members and then had hot topics to review for current members – similar to what Kevin was mentioning. Misty asks Angela what she thought about the process of coming into CPMT and the orientation process. She mentions that she didn’t get much when it comes to orientation, so she feels like some sort of training/orientation information would be very helpful. Neta mentions she likes to have a hard copy, so there may be some people who would prefer that over having a video. Jennifer and Katie mention they have been stuck because they aren’t sure how much information to include or not include – they don’t want to overwhelm new members, but there’s a lot of information. Katie says there should be more help within the agency to explain what’s going on and why you are having to go to the meeting. Erin suggests maybe there should be a more upfront orientation and then getting a little bit more after that as opposed to getting everything all at one time. Katie says it might be helpful for each CPMT member to send/include something that they think would be helpful to include in an orientation packet. Sue says the one thing she struggles with the philosophy vs. how its paid for. Kevin mentions more communication/comradery with colleagues in CPMT to go over details and some things we may not understand. Neta agrees and says relationships are important in this meeting. Erin suggests that maybe some members should sit in on the agenda planning meeting to gain some further insight. Misty moves us on to next goal for legislative advocacy – Jennifer encourages everyone within their agencies to bring their advocacy issues to CPMT. Tammy mentions Elk Hill is finding that DSS workers are not familiar with the process for placing kids. Then there are issues with transferring kids because they weren’t placed properly to begin with. Qualified residential treatment provider (QRTP) – DSS workers are more apt to place in non-QRTP as opposed QRTP because there are more steps to place in QRTP. That’s been their experience in regards to advocacy because there has been more conversation around how we can prevent these placing issues. Misty moves us on to the next goal - CPMT will use outcome data for decision making. Misty asks about survey results. Katie says they have not been getting anything back from families, because it is probably not a priority for most. It’s still on programs agenda, but not sure how to start getting responses. Progress would be to find another way to gather the data or revisit the survey. Another form of progress towards this goal is more CQI training. Katie says with the refresher she took on the CQI too, we can look at data regarding race and anything else CPMT members may be interested in looking at. Misty moves on to the next goal – CSA system is fair, just, and inclusive, enabling all people who participate to reach their full potential. Misty says not much has changed since completing the Groundwater training. Misty also mentions revisiting the anti-racist statement because some new members may have not signed. Erin suggests signing annually to make sure new members are signing it. Next Steps/Action(s): Continue to look at and revise work plan. CPMT’s anti-racist statement will be brought to next CPMT meeting for members to sign. Agenda Item: Discussion and Engagement- Presentations suggestions Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: Misty asks to keep this in mind to think about what presentations might be helpful. Misty asks if there’s anything pressing to be on the January agenda. Next Steps/Action(s): CQI tool presentation for January agenda Agenda Item: Discussion and Engagement- In the spirit of Thanksgiving, what is one thing that you are grateful for that your agency is doing or that your agency provides? Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: Alice mentions that the county found some vacant positions so they are looking for another foster care supervisor. Jennifer and Katie are grateful that they have such a great collaboration. Sue had a check in with their staff and she’s grateful that their staff are still willing to help despite community violence. Mary says she is grateful for staff helping each other out and for new staff. Neta Davis is grateful for progress in building leadership relationships. Tammy mentions that Elk Hill is focused on the kids having things to do every day and she’s grateful for the community there. Kera shares that she is grateful for joining Martha’s team. Martha is grateful to have a full leadership team and for everyone that stepped up when they were understaffed. Erin mentions that they’ve had a large influx of refugees and they’ve started going to them as opposed to them going into the office. She is grateful for how this has provided more opportunities for refugees to get what they need. Angela is grateful for joining the team and the leadership support in Charlottesville. Kevin is grateful for how supportive the department is to all staff. Misty is grateful for the team. Next Steps/Action(s): N/A Misty Graves, Chair for Charlottesville CPMT, adjourned the meeting at: 10:33 A.M. Next scheduled meeting: January 5, 2023, at 9:00-10:30 A.M. in person meeting will be located at 5th Street County Office Building in Room 231 within Social Services area. Respectfully Submitted: Tayler Ellis