Albemarle CPMT Charlottesville CPMT Joint Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday February 2, 2023 Present: Jennifer Wells, Mary Stebbins, Misty Graves, Ryan Davidson, Erin Callas, Alice Micklem, Sue Moffett, Martha Carroll, Katie Ralston, Andre Key, Asheley Marshall, Angela Bracey, Tayler Ellis Absent: Kevin Kirst, Neta Davis Guest: Kevin Wasilewski Quorum for Albemarle: Yes Quorum for Charlottesville: Yes Call to Order: Misty Graves, Albemarle Chair called the meeting to order at 9:03 A.M. Agenda Item: Review & Approval of the Agenda/ Acceptance of Consent Agenda including Minutes, Financial Reports including Foster Care Expense Reports & FAPT approved expenses Presenter: Chair Discussion/Summary: Misty asks for motion of approval or any questions from the city regarding December minutes and financials. Martha Carroll makes motion to approve, Erin Callas seconds, motion passed. Misty asks for motion of approval or any questions regarding January minutes and financials. Ryan Davidson makes motion to approve minutes and financials for the county, Erin Callas seconds, motion passed. Sue Moffett makes motion to approve minutes and financials for the city, Erin Callas seconds, motion passed. Next Steps/Action(s): Presentation – Financials Presenter: Kevin Wasilewski for Albemarle County Discussion/Summary: Kevin presents financials through December ’22. So far, expenditures in CSA have been up 11%. Most everything else has stayed the same. There’s a significant difference compared to where we were this time last year. There are two kids in placement out of state, which is very expensive, and depending on how long these kids are in placement, it has a direct impact on the budget. Ryan agrees and says we just need to keep an eye on it. Kevin asks for any more questions. Bob was unable to attend so the city presentation will happen next month. Next Steps/Action(s): Informational. City financial presentation is scheduled for next month. Action Item – SPED transfers Presenter: Kevin Kirst Discussion/Summary: Katie reached out to Angela, but they didn’t have time to connect with her prior to the meeting. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Tabled for next meeting due to absence of school reps. Misty mentions service provider statement to be sent out to providers now and added to provider agreement. Agenda Item- FAPT Update Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Katie says there’s no update with City FAPT. Jennifer agrees for the county but mentions there is continued housing issues. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: N/A Agenda Item- CSA Coordinator Update Presenter: CSA Coordinators Discussion/Summary: Jennifer says Michelle Busby’s parent provider rep term has expired, so county has been without a parent rep since May. She asks if any member of CPMT knows of anyone that would be suitable for the role. Katie says they’ve been dealing with the same thing for the city. Erin asks if someone can apply if they have a client that is currently receiving services. Katie says that might be difficult. Katie says the first meeting about parental copay is scheduled for later this month. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Misty will reach out to put something out on social media for recruiting parent reps, and Sue to recruit for advisory board. Jennifer to have provider review agreement for approval by March or April. Agenda Item- Program Sub Committee Update Presenter: Program Chair Discussion/Summary: Alice mentions an event taking place on March 21st – Program is in the process of inviting providers and those in the community who may be interested in becoming a provider for CSA. Asks that CPMT attend to answer provider questions, etc. Alice brings back the issue of how to get feedback on surveys – program was asked to come back to CPMT and ask what the purpose of the surveys are. If the purpose is efficacy, then program would suggest another way to retain that information. If the purpose is client satisfaction, they have exhausted all options as to getting feedback. Ryan says from past experience, getting feedback has been such a mixed bag – there’s no particular way that works better than another. It really depends on the population and how everything happens. He says he doesn’t think there’s anything better at this point. Katie – Misty asks Andre how it would feel, as a private provider standpoint, to have client feedback. Andre says it depends on what stage in the process, you’d be asking for that feedback. Andre says there’d be mixed responses. Mary says it’s complicated, especially for those clients who are receiving several services. Misty says we could potentially put something in the provider agreement about providing feedback. Katie asks Andre what seems practical. Andre says that a survey seems practical if put in the service agreement. Katie asks what we would do with that information, because we would hate to ask for this survey to be done and then not using the information. Misty asks if we are done surveying families. Jennifer says there is an expectation to provide feedback, especially when it comes time for audit. So, we have to make sure we are checking those boxes as well. Sue asks what localities are doing it well. Mary says she can ask at CSA Committee. Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Add statement to provider agreement for providers to gain feedback from their families/clients and include that feedback in their reports. Agenda Item: OCS Communications Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: N/A Next Steps/Action(s) Taken: Tabled for March meeting due to absence of Region Ten members Agenda Item: Discussion and Engagement- Non-Mandated Funds Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: Misty asks Martha what would happen if you run out of non- mandated funds, then what would happen with the services. Martha says it depends on the case and what the courts determine. Jennifer asks in worst case scenario, we ran out of funds and CSU needs to place the child, what would happen? Martha says she hasn’t seen that happen in a very long time, but the worst case she could think of would be the child coming into care so that then they would get mandated funds. Sue asks about reallocating the funds if they’re not being used. But there is some hesitations with reallocating the non-mandated funds, because they don’t want to reallocate it and then not have any money left for kids that could potentially need that funding. Martha says it is hard to figure out a solution, because every locality is different. Misty asks if there’s a way to allocate by quarter – so if the funds aren’t used by a certain quarter, then it can be opened up to the schools, etc. Alice says it might be interesting to look at the last x amount of cases that used the funding and determine why they were determined ineligible for mandated funds. Misty says in order to make some progress, we could maybe open up non-mandated funds. Mary says this could be taken to program. Alice says program needs a very clear statement of who would be eligible for the funds. Jennifer expresses concerns about opening it up, because she could see the county going through those funds quickly. If done quarterly, as Misty mentioned, there would need to be another way to monitor the funds. Mary says some research, as Alice mentioned, would be beneficial. Next Steps/Action(s): Further look at code and do some research on cases that have previously used the funds. Try to answer Alices two questions. Agenda Item: Discussion and Engagement- Review of Work Plan Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: Jennifer sending anti-racist statement around for signatures again, so we can better keep track of who has signed it. Misty mentions agenda planning meeting decided to reschedule retreat date for October – extended CPMT meeting. Next Steps/Action(s): Informational Agenda Item: Discussion and Engagement- Legislative Updates Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: Martha said she should be presenting on truancy cases but didn’t bring them. Martha to send Tayler documents to send out to everyone to look over. Misty asks if this needs to be a standing item on the agenda. Martha says it is up to us, but it won’t take a lot of time. Mary mentions the unwinding for SNAP and Medicaid renewals. There is an expectation that people will lose their Medicaid. Next Steps/Action(s): Informational Agenda Item: Discussion and Engagement- What are you looking forward to in the new year? Presenter: All Discussion/Summary: Sue mentions she’s looking forward to going to Italy and Brazil this year. Ryan got his brace off, so he’s excited to get full function back in his elbow! Angela said she’s excited about her acting – she’ll be in a movie this year and will be working on a few other projects. Martha said she’s excited about retirement and mentions that her position is posted and closes on Sunday. Tayler is getting married this year! Erin says she’s excited that she’s been doing better with her work/life balance. Asheley said she doesn’t have much to look forward to but is registered to get tickets for a Beyonce concert. Alice says she’s looking forward to being fully staffed in child welfare! She’s also excited to go see Kenny Chesney in March. Jennifer is looking forward to getting the audit behind us this year. It is also her 25th anniversary this year, so she’s looking to go on a trip! Mary is excited for the unwinding to be past us and is looking forward to warmer temperatures. Katie is looking forward to a trip with her family and work wise agrees with Jennifer about getting the audit behind them, as well as gaining new staff members. Misty is excited to see Hamilton for her birthday this year and work wise is looking forward to filling vacancies. Next Steps/Action(s): Misty Graves, Chair for Charlottesville CPMT, adjourned the meeting at: 10:35 A.M. Next scheduled meeting: March 2, 2023, at 9:00-10:30 A.M. in person meeting will be located at 5th Street County Office Building in Room 231 within Social Services area. Respectfully Submitted: Tayler Ellis