CHARLOTTESVILLE/ALBEMARLE CPMT CSA PROGRAM SUBCOMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 2018 ROOM C; COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. MEETING NOTES Present: Garrett Jones, Jenny Jones, Tim Breedlove, Cheryl Lewis, Katie Ralston, Hope Robinson, Christa Galleo Absent: Susan Bressack, Martha Carroll, Jodie Murphy, Mary Stebbins, Neta Davis, Crystal Lantz, Jennifer Wells I. Call to Order- Chair T. Breedlove called the meeting to order at 2:00pm. II. Introductions/Addition of Critical Items/Approval of Agenda-Chair None. III. Approval of Meeting Notes and Agenda from January 3, 2017 IV. Updates A. FAPT- Both FAPTs are looking for well-written IFSPs to use as examples for training purposes, as a recommendation from the cost containment/quality control workgroup. Results from the most recent quarterly report of FAPT caretaker surveys were reviewed. Overall, the feedback is very positive. One concern was that a parent was not aware how many people would be in the room. This feedback was taken back to FAPT and as a result, the FAPT Chair and Parent Representative now try to prepare the family about who is in the room. B. CSA Coordinators- Katie Ralston & Jennifer Wells The FY19 CSA Provider Agreements are scheduled to be approved at the CPMT meeting on April 18th. Program developed a list of multicultural expectations for providers and would like this information to go out with the provider agreements, not as part of the contract but as an informational attachment. CSA Coordinators will take this to the CPMT meeting. The County received feedback from OCS regarding their self-assessment audit. Recommendations included making slight changes to the IFSP (“representative” of the child specific team versus child specific team “participants” on the signature page) and that child specific expenditures approved by FAPT go to CPMT to review. There were no financial errors. C. Partner Agency Updates None V. 2018 Service Gap Survey A service gap survey is no longer required every year. For even numbered years, localities can instead choose to provide an update to the survey completed the prior year. Given that Program continues to work on those service gap identified in the 2017 survey, Program chose to submit an update to OCS and will continue to work on the service gaps already identified. VI. Service Gaps A. Trauma Informed Services A grant was approved to allow Dr. Sampson-Jackson to provide more in depth training for five agencies. A train-the-trainer program is also being implemented and will start in May. B. Multicultural Service Gap Program will finalize the list of multicultural expectations for Providers and send it out via email for Program members to review in time for the CPMT meeting on April 18th. VII. Family Engagement None. VIII. Other/New Business None. IX. Messaging Out/ Responses for CPMT or Others The CSA Coordinators will submit responses to the gap survey to OCS. The CSA Coordinators will take the list of multicultural expectations to CPMT for review and inclusion with the FY19 CSA Provider Agreement packet. X. Adjournment-Chair Meeting adjourned by T. Breedlove at 3:15pm.