CHARLOTTESVILLE/ALBEMARLE CPMT CSA PROGRAM SUBCOMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 2018 ROOM C; COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. MEETING NOTES Present: Jennifer Wells, Mary Stebbins, Tim Breedlove, Garrett Jones, Martha Carroll, Crystal Lantz Absent: Jenny Jones, Hope Robinson, Jodie Murphy, Katie Ralston Guest: Tiah Cooke (UVA student) I. Call to Order- Chair T. Breedlove called the meeting to order at 2:16pm. II. Introductions/Addition of Critical Items/Approval of Agenda-Chair III. Approval of Meeting Notes and Agenda from April 11, 2018 Tim requested to revise the Agenda to today’s date and approval of the minutes from the 4/11/18 meeting. Garrett made a motion to approve, which was seconded by Mary and approved. IV. Updates A. FAPT- FAPT Chairs Martha moved to have Cheryl Parks continue as the Parent Representative for both City and County FAPT, which was seconded by Mary and approved by Program. For City FAPT, they are no longer sending out the prior funding page due to the cumbersome nature of the steps involved and FAPT did not feel it was beneficial enough for the work involved. For County FAPT, the dockets have been longer lately due to holidays. The summer has reduced FAPT meetings due to shorter dockets. B. CSA Coordinators- Katie Ralston & Jennifer Wells Jennifer advised Program that the FY19 CSA Provider Agreements were approved by CPMT to include the requirements for mentoring for both city and county. Overall feedback from Independent Mentors has been positive. Kudos to Tim for advocating at the CPMT retreat to include the Multi-cultural expectations as an additional handout to the FY19 CSA Provider Agreements with CPMT agreeing to incorporate it into the Community Practice Model for FY20. C. Partner Agency Updates Martha updated that the CSU intake has limited availability due to staffing as a member has resigned and they are working to fill the position. They are available by appointment and for emergencies. Martha also advised that there has always been a CSU representative on the SLAT; however, the person has retired. Martha has agreed to be the CSU representative on SLAT. Mary advised that ACDSS was approved for an additional CPS/Prevention Supervisor position. This will help with the current workload on the 2 supervisors. Crystal advised that Region Ten’s Wellness Recovery was closed for 90 days for renovations but will re-open on 6/30. The Women’s Center had an open house last week and should be open by 7/1. Women can bring 2 children (younger than school-age) to the facility. They are currently set up for 8, but are looking to expand capacity to 12 in the future. Tim advised that County schools received the re-allotment of SPED-WRAP funds in the amount of around $120,000. The County does an excellent job of using those funds and has continued to see increased funding due to usage. He noted that the number of private day placements has been lowering and noted that perhaps SPED-WRAP is a possible reason, in addition to the growing number of BASE programs in the public schools. V. Upcoming CPMT Retreat- Program Input Tim advised that Program will go forward after the August meeting with a quarterly meeting with a targeted focus. The Program chair will attend the CPMT meetings to close the communication gap. CPMT will set a quarterly agenda and Program can decide if it needs more meetings. The goal is to have better communication and more structure. VI. Service Gaps A. Trauma Informed Services Mary advised that Allison Sampson-Jackson came a couple of weeks ago with a great turnout. The next step from that training is starting a more targeted training for a select group. The train the trainer will begin in mid- June and includes additional training with Allison and webinars. B. Multicultural Service Gap Already discussed under the CSA Coordinator update regarding the Provider Agreement. VII. Family Engagement None. VIII. Other/New Business Program will cancel the July meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for August 1, 2018. IX. Messaging Out/ Responses for CPMT or Others None. X. Adjournment-Chair Meeting adjourned by T. Breedlove at 2:32pm.