CHARLOTTESVILLE/ALBEMARLE CPMT CSA PROGRAM SUBCOMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2018 ROOM C; COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. MEETING NOTES Present: Jennifer Wells, Mary Stebbins, Garrett Jones, Crystal Lantz, Suzanne Fladd, Jenny Jones, Hope Robinson, Jodie Murphy, Katie Ralston, Anna Elzey (intern) Absent: Neta Davis, Martha Carroll I. Call to Order – Chair G. Jones called the meeting to order at 2:00pm. II. Introductions/ Addition of Critical Items/Approval of Agenda – Chair None. III. Approval of Meeting Notes and Agenda from June 6, 2018 IV. Updates A. FAPT – Christa Galleo & Jim Gross/ Julia Rubarth The FAPTs are collecting examples of well written IFSPs and addendums to use for training purposes and plan to meet with partner agencies to review the IFSP, CANS, etc. the City is working on developing a web-based system for posting FAPT documents. This has been put on hold due to the CSA audit. B. CSA Coordinators – Katie Ralston & Jennifer Wells The City is undergoing a self-assessment audit due at the end of November. C. Partner Agency Updates The women’s center is now open at Region Ten. CSU is in the process of hiring new probation officers. CDSS is working with the IRC to offer some additional community- based services. V. CPMT Retreat – Follow-up Discussion CPMT identified four areas in which Program’s work should focus – service gaps and recommendations, data review, family engagement, and case manager/provider input. CPMT asks Program to meet at least quarterly with a different area to be addressed at each meeting. Meetings can happen more frequently as needed; as it is likely Program would need to be working on the four areas for more than one quarter. To help narrow the focus, Program will come up with a question or goal for each area. Program can develop workgroups for each area and then workgroups can check-in during the quarterly Program meetings. The workgroups can meet as often as needed. Program will meet in November to start tackling the data report. Jennifer/Katie will send the final data report to Program after the CPMT meeting. Program will then start looking at the next area at the next quarterly meeting. VI. Service Gaps A. Trauma Informed Services (report out from partner agencies) Trauma Informed Leadership Teams (TILT) are being selected through the TICN. Only four teams are being chosen, each team will have their own project to work on within their organization for one year. Trainers are providing basic trauma informed ACES information in an effort to build awareness and saturate this information throughout the community. B. Multicultural Service Gap CDSS has been working with IRC to start providing community-based services. VII. Family Engagement FAPT Survey Results (FY19, Q1) – Results continue to be positive overall. Program will discuss whether to continue this particular survey or develop another tool when addressing the area of family engagement. VIII. Other/New Business Select New Chair for FY19 – Jenny Jones and Mary Stebbins will share the chair responsibility. Mary will cover the first half of the year and Jenny will cover the second. IX. Messaging Out/Responses for CPMT or Others Mary Stebbins will attend the CPMT meeting and report out a plan for addressing the four identified focus areas. X. Adjournment-Chair Meeting adjourned by G. Jones at 3:15.