CHARLOTTESVILLE/ALBEMARLE CPMT CSA PROGRAM SUBCOMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2018 ROOM C; COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. MEETING MINUTES PRESENT ATTENDEES: Jennifer Wells, Garrett Jones, Suzanne Fladd, Jenny Jones, Mary Stebbins, Neta Davis, Katie Ralston, Tina Sexton ABSENT ATTENDEES: Crystal Lantz, Hope Robinson, Jodie Murphy, Christa Galleo I. Call to Order – Chair II. Introductions/ Addition of Critical Items/Approval of Agenda – Chair III. Approval of Meeting Notes and Agenda from October 3, 2018 IV. Updates A. FAPT – Christa Galleo & Jim Gross/ Julia Rubarth FAPT is collecting examples of well written IFSPs and addendums to use for training purposes. B. CSA Coordinators – Katie Ralston & Jennifer Wells Coordinators attended a State Coordinators meeting discussions included the following: • CANS: Draft policy from OCS is currently open to public comment. This new guidance only requires an annual comprehensive review. • Family First: Will allow IV-E funding to be used for Foster Care Prevention cases. Details still to be worked out. C. Partner Agency Updates Region Ten: Crisis Stabilization for Youth will be hiring more staff and plans to reopen in January. D. CPMT - Data Report Review & Discussion Program committee reviewed the data dashboard from CPMT and discussed the following: • Focusing on the effectiveness of services (Do the services work?) • Collecting outcomes of Providers and/or different types of services • Outcomes as they relate to permanency • Focus on transitions from Residential Care • Program to focus on 3 to 5 questions • What resources are available to collect and analyze data V. Service Gaps A. Trauma Informed Services (report out from partner agencies) The TICN selected four Trauma Informed Leadership Teams (TILT) including UVA Emergency Room, Ivy Creek/PREP, Pediatric Associates, and OAR. The TICN will be showing the Resiliency Movie. B. Multicultural Service Gap We are continuing to work with the IRC to expand their services and working out CSA Provider contracting issues. VI. Family Engagement – No Update VII. Other/New Business VIII. Messaging Out/Responses for CPMT or Others Next program meeting will be January 9, 2019.Mary will take Data discussion to CPMT. IX. Adjournment-Chair