CHARLOTTESVILLE/ALBEMARLE CPMT CSA PROGRAM SUBCOMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2019 ROOM C; COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. MEETING MINUTES PRESENT ATTENDEES: Jennifer Wells, Christa Galleo, Jodie Murphy, Neta Davis, Mary Stebbins, Jenny Jones, Hope Robinson, Garrett Jones, Suzanne Fladd ABSENT ATTENDEES: Katie Ralston, Tina Sexton I. Call to Order – Chair II. Introductions/ Addition of Critical Items/Approval of Agenda – Chair Jodie has not been getting emails for several months. Emails were being sent to her old DSS email address. Mary recommended to table the agenda for today and spend the meeting working on the PSSF Needs Assessment. III. Program decided to review each item and decide as a group on each. 010 & 011- Adoption Promotion/Support Services & Adoption Services: Mary and Jenny’s groups said mostly met. Others did not have an opinion. 020- Assessment: Program decided it was a need. We offer it, but it is not enough. 030- Case management: Met Region Ten, Community Attention. 040- Community Education and Info: Program discussed and decided on met Region Ten, Schools, Ready Kids. 050- Counseling and Treatment Individual: Gap. Only C-SOTP provider in the area gone. 051- Counseling- therapy groups: Gap. Same reason. 060- Daycare Assistance: Gap. Not enough. Schools see it as a need for kids who are not eligible and can’t access assistance. Group decided on gap. 061- Developmental/Child Enrichment Day Care: Program decided on Need. Does not exist. 070- Domestic Violence Prevention: Met. SHE, Victim/Witness, SARA. 080- Early Intervention: Met Infant/toddler Connection, Ready Kids, Schools. 090- Educational/School Related Services: Gap. 110- Financial Management: Gap. available-Housing but not enough and not for everyone . 111-112- gap 113-met night classes through Schools, Literacy Volunteers, Adult Edu. 114-gap. 120- Health Related Services: Program discussed and decided on met, Education in Schools, Health Dept., Free Clinic. Services and materials are available but there are certain groups not using it, why? How do we reach the groups that are not accessing the services? Bridging the gap between what’s available and getting people to access. 130- Housing or Other Material Assistance: Need 140- Information and Referral: Met United Way, Mental Health America, DSS, Schools 141- Follow up services: Gap 150- Intensive In-home Services: Met NCG, Health Connect, CAVA 151- Voluntary home Visiting: Met School based programs, CHIP, Ready Kids 160- Juvenile Delinquency: Met CSU, Community Attention, Schools, FPS-MST, UMFS-FFT 170- Leadership and Social Skills Training: Gap 171- Parent Leadership: Met Schools, CPMT, Advisory Board, FAPT 180- Mentoring: Met Big Bros/Big Sis, Churches, private providers 181- Peer Counseling: Gap Region Ten has 2 paid peers 190- Nutrition Related Services: Met but not accessible hospital, health dept. CHIP, WIC, Schools 200- Other: psychiatric services: Need – adult and children. Long waitlist, limited providers 210- Parent-Family Resource Center: Met PRC through PREP 211- Parenting Education: Met Schools, CA, Region Ten, private providers 212- Programs for Fathers: Gap small 213- Parent Skills Training: Gap 220- Respite Care: Gap not everyone can access 230- Self Help Groups: Gap, self-help groups, outside of school, especially related to teens (AA/NA) 231- Mutual Support/Self-Help Groups: Gap same as 230 235- Substance Abuse Services: Gap youth related particularly 240- Socialization and Recreation: Gap nothing on-going for behavioral/emotionally challenging kids 250- Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Met Schools, UVA teen health, private providers. CSU has seen an influx of teenage mothers and fathers 260- Transportation: Need 270- Outreach Services: Gap 280- Unaccompanied Homeless Youth: Met DSS, Schools, Families with Children with Disabilities- Met except for children aging out of foster care. Schools providing services while in school, Region Ten, DSS Families with parents with disabilities- Gap DARS long waiting list, Region Ten Non-English speaking parents- Gap Homeless families with children- Gap Teenage parents- Gap Mary will compile and take to CPMT. Program will discuss the division of funds based on the needs. One portion has to go to family reunification. Five years ago, the family preservation funds stayed in DSS partly in due to concerns about CSA funds restrictions. It is a large need within DSS. Family support was used differently in the city and county. Early intervention identified the need, county used it for summer enrichment. The city used it for a jumpstart program to get kids ready for school. Should the money be focused differently? Housing, psychiatric, transportation. It’s about $9000 for family support. The city school would like to continue to use the money on jumpstart or a program with a similar intent. Could use it for parent education, buying books, teaching parents how to read out loud to children, activities to prevent summer slide as they lose gains over the summer? Can serve a large number of kids? Separate applications are being submitted for the city and county. Does Program want to continue to use the funds the same way? The group wants to keep it the same way. We are meeting in March. Mary will take to CPMT with same recommendations without specifics to what.