MEETING NOTES Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee Friday November 13, 2020; 11:00 a.m. – 1 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... HRC Members Present City Staff Present Rachel Lloyd, Chair Robert Watkins Phil Varner, Co-vice-chair Sally Duncan, Co-vice-chair Genevieve Keller Alissa Diamond Jalane Schmidt Heather Hill Margaret O’Bryant Ellen Wagner Dede Smith William Clay III Jordy Yager Call to order 11:00 AM: Rachel Lloyd calls the meeting to order. Committee members and staff introduce themselves. Lloyd opens the floor up for public comment: Freeman Allan, Marvin Morgan, Linda Fanning, and Marie Coles Baker all speak in support of DHR historic marker for slave auction block site, and ask the committee to endorse the marker. Approval of the agenda Heather Hill asks that the committee make time in the agenda to address the slave auction block site. Hill moves to approve the agenda, with an additional 5 minutes for slave auction block site discussion. William Clay III seconds motion. Motion passes (12-0). Approval of meeting notes Dede Smith moves to approve meeting notes from October 2020 HRC meeting. Sally Duncan seconds motion. Motion passes (10-0-2, Jordy Yager and Clay abstaining). Response to Slave Auction Block Site Discussion Jalane Schmidt expresses that the committee had begun to engage descendants for guidance on slave auction block site, but discussions were stalled with COVID. The committee had received feedback on proposed preliminary language for temporary signage and was in the process of responding Phil Varner communicates that the committee has followed a very deliberate process towards a more proper memorialization at the site, and that the two-week deadline imposed by the state- level review process is not conducive with the engagement necessary for the site. Schmidt reiterates that this independent marker proposal has circumvented engagement process that was ongoing with descendant community. Lloyd offers that the entire commemorative landscape of Charlottesville is in a very dynamic situation right now. Genevieve Keller recognizes the community-led effort to prepare marker proposal and welcomes continued participation in Charlottesville public history. Hill agrees to communicate HRC’s decision to not express support for independent marker proposal to interim City Manager John Blair. Honorary Street Names Policy Work Session Committee discusses existing street name policy and different ways the process might be amended. Committee develops following list of proposed recommendations for process: a) honorary names may either be temporary (5 years?) or permanent, as specified by applicant in the applicants’ proposal b) there should be an annual review of existing street names c) the city should encourage a wide range of honorees, ideally associated with specific local resources d) improve the application to make it easier to fill out, substituting a set of simple short questions for the longer nomination essay e) create some supporting interpretation for the honorees in a website or other material to retain a record of their achievements/significance f) have a flexible approach to the named street segment length, to be requested by the applicant but biased somewhat towards shorter street segments—for example: a block rather than a full multi-block street g) signs will be the standard historic brown sign h) no application fee required i) consider limiting the number of designees per application cycle, perhaps every two years Yager proposes forming a new 12-person naming committee, to be comprised of 3 members from our HRC, 3 members of the Human Rights Commission, 3 members of the public, and 3 of city staff/council/etc. Hill clarifies that Council was interested in hearing HRC’s perspectives on street names applications presented, in addition to recommendations on policy. Keller speaks in support of reviewing received applications and making recommendations for approval to Council. Committee reaches consensus to review submitted applications at December HRC meeting. Public Commemoration Varner expresses concern that Preservers of the Daughters of Zion Cemetery might have a more pressing need for funding than a replacement plaque. Robert Watkins responds that staff reached out to cemetery representative Edwina St. Rose, who confirmed that Daughters of Zion committee is very interested in replacement plaque. Keller moves to allocate requested funding for replacement Daughters of Zion plaque. Smith seconds motion. Motion passes (12-0). Schmidt provides background on Mellon Foundation Monuments Project and communicates that various Charlottesville organizations, such as the Jefferson School and Lewis and Clark Center, are interested in submitting a joint grant application and proposes that the City be a co-applicant. Meeting adjourns.