MEETING NOTES Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee Friday, March 12, 2021; 11:00 a.m. – 1 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... HRC Members Present HRC Members not Present Staff Present Rachel Lloyd, Chair William Clay III Jeff Werner Sally Duncan, Co-vice-chair Robert Watkins Phil Varner, Co-vice-chair Genevieve Keller Jalane Schmidt Heather Hill Margaret O’Bryant Ellen Wagner Dede Smith Kay Slaughter 2. Call to order: 11:00 AM: Chair Rachel Lloyd calls the meeting to order. Lloyd opens the floor up for public comment, but the HRC receives no public comment. 3. Approval of meeting notes: Dede Smith moves to approve February 12, 2021 HRC meeting notes, with edits as suggested by Genevieve Keller. Kay Slaughter seconds motion. Passes unanimously. 4. Public Engagement Plan: Committee discusses feasibility of public engagement for Slave Auction Block site. Committee plans to hold public meetings in-person once safe, but considers launching some virtual engagement in the interim. Members express concern over effectiveness of virtual engagement to engage a substantial number of descendants. Other members also express that Slave Auction Block site isn’t only HRC project needing public engagement. Committee decides to consult with community and descendant representatives who advised HRC in Spring 2020. Planning virtual and in-person engagement might require retaining a consultant. Also committee should talk about honorarium policy at future meeting. 5. Month-by-Month Meeting Schedule: Committee plans work schedule for coming months, preparing when to hold discussions on each HRC project: • April – holding for report back from community and descendant representatives regarding Slave Auction Block site engagement; planning engagement • May – continued planning for engagement and public facilitation at Slave Auction Block site • June – discussing signage for Vinegar Hill Park HRC March 12, 2021 Meeting Notes • July – review drafts of Court Square Markers (and coordinate review by community groups, such as Central Virginia History Researchers, or public schools curriculum coordinators) • August – review walking tour map progress 6. Announcements: [12:45, 15 minutes] Jeff Werner reviews committee bylaws to determine number of voting members. HRC March 12, 2021 Meeting Notes