Meeting Notes Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee Friday, June 10, 2022; 11:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... HRC Members present HRC Members not present Staff present Phil Varner, chair None (all present) Jeff Werner Sally Duncan, Vice-chair Robert Watkins Margaret O’Bryant Dede Smith Kay Slaughter Genevieve Keller Jalane Schmidt Jessica Livingston John Mason Tom Chapman Richard Wilson Laura Knott 1. Call to order: Chair Phil Varner calls the meeting to order. Robert Watkins calls role. HRC welcomes new member, Laura Knott. 2. Approval of the agenda: Genevieve Keller moves to approve the July meeting agenda. Dede Smith seconds motion. Motion passes unanimously. 3. Approval of Meeting Notes: Smith moves to approve the June 2022 meeting notes. Richard Wilson seconds motion. Motion passes unanimously. 4. Public Comment* The HRC receives no public comment. 5. Engagement of the Descendant Community for Court Square/Slave Auction Block site: Jalane Schmidt offers update on graduate student research accompanying Court Square project. Graduate researchers anticipate reviewing all five chancery books at the Albemarle County courthouse by the end of summer. 6. Downtown Walking Tour Map Work Session: Kay Slaughter and Smith discuss walking tour. Kay asks that members review the list of sites and provide feedback. HRC July 8, 2022 Meeting Notes Margaret O’Bryant offers two comments on introductory paragraph on first page. Keller asks to clarify the level of review taking place at that day’s meeting. Slaughter asks that more fine-tuned comments be sent to subcommittee following the meeting. Keller asks that committee determine a policy for the names of buildings used on tour (modern vs. historic names). Varner asks that the introductory paragraphs be reversed so that mention of Monacans comes first and then establishment of town mentioned after. Committee agrees that they should speak with Monacan representatives to review mentions of Monacans in map text. Laura Knott points out that most people know they can start walking tour anywhere. Knott also suggests that the Downtown Mall also receive its own spot on the map. Tom Chapman suggests that the introductory texts be different on the two sides of the map. Committee discusses how to include historic markers on map. Committee lists groups that should review map draft: • Monacan representatives • Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee • Friends of Cville Downtown • Students and educators in public schools Smith asks that there be one more major edit to map before sharing with focus groups. 7. Staff Updates: Watkins shares information about Downtown Mall historic survey and upcoming community meeting. Jeff Werner shares that at July Planning Commission meeting, Planning Commission will review proposed Individually Protected Property designation for 415 10th Street NW. 8. Coordinate Agenda for August HRC Meeting: Varner asks that at August HRC meeting, committee will review next draft of walking tour. 9. Announcements: Chapman shares upcoming Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society events. HRC July 8, 2022 Meeting Notes