Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee Meeting packet for February 10, 2023 Attached • Meeting agenda for February 10, 2023 • Draft discission prompts for Annual Meeting • Meeting notes for January 13, 2023 HRC February 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda (2-1-2023) 1 AGENDA Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee Friday, February 10, 2023, 11:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom ………………………………………………………………………………………………… HRC members Phil Varner (chair) Tom Chapman (ex officio) Larry Rowley Sally Duncan (v-chair) Gennie Keller Jeff Werner (staff) Jalane Schmidt Laura Knott Mollie Murphy (staff) Richard Guy Wilson John Mason Dede Smith William Bergen 1. Call to order: [11:00, 5 minutes] a. Roll call b. Virtual introductions – incl. new members 2. Approval of the agenda: [11:05; 5 minutes] 3. Approval of Meeting Notes: [11:10, 5 minutes] a. December 9, 2022 Meeting Notes 4. Public Comment* [11:15, 10 minutes] 5. Downtown Walking Tour Map Work Session: [11:25, 5 minutes] a. Updates from Walking Tour Map subcommittee 6. Staff presentation: Historic Designations in Charlottesville (11:30, 10 minutes) a. Surveys, PIFs, Eligibility, VLR/NRP, Local designations, etc. 7. HRC Annual meeting [11:40, 50 minutes] (see draft discussion prompts below) a. Annual Meeting. First meeting in January shall be the annual meeting. Committee shall establish the day, time, and place for regular meetings for year and elect the Chair, Co- Chair or Vice-Chair. b. Committee shall establish an annual plan/work program and establish Committee Heads 8. Staff Updates: [12:30, 5 minutes] 9. Coordinate Agenda for March 10, 2023 HRC Meeting: [12:35, 5 minutes] 10. Announcements: [12:40, 5 minutes] a. Review upcoming events, lectures, research, etc. that may be of interest to HRC 11. Adjourn HRC February 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda (2-1-2023) 2 HRC Annual Meeting - Draft discussion prompts Ongoing HRC projects • Court Square Markers • Walking Tour Map (initial print version with on-line resources; other themes?) • Vinegar Hill Park (temporary exhibit and long-term park) Discussion questions • Question #1: Why do you care about our organization? What do you personally want to get out of the committee as a member? • Question #2: Why is our organization’s work important? What difference do we make in the community? What makes the HRC unique in the landscape of history and preservation resources in the area? • Question #3: What groups is the HRC serving well? How? What groups could we better serve? How? • Question #5: What specific projects would you like to see the HRC focus on in 2023? • Question #6: How could we improve meetings to ensure projects get completed and that we meet our goals? Goal Setting Review 2020 – 2022: • Engagement for Slave Auction Block site • Walking Tour Map • Pen Park cemetery • Vinegar Hill Park • Invite guests from other organizations to attend meetings; consider collaboration opportunities 2023 ideas (as prompts for discussion only): • Walking Tour Map: update web database, circulate to schools as a resource. • Consider other map themes: Architecture, commerce, time periods, individuals, etc. • Implementation of recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Commission. • Inventory City resources [historical surveys, etc.] and make accessible to the public • Local memory days (collecting from citizens) • Preparing for 50th Anniversary of DT Mall Overall HRC Goals for 2023: • … • … • … Overall HRC Theme for 2023: • … • … • … HRC February 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda (2-1-2023) 3 Mission Statement The mission of the Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee is to advocate for historic preservation; to promote an appreciation of local historic resources, both tangible and intangible; and to encourage and coordinate, with appropriate municipal agencies, civic organizations, institutions and individual scholars, the documentation and interpretation of local history. The Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee achieves its mission through: • Education • Public commemoration (historic plaques, signs, markers, and civic festivals and ceremonies) • Publications (maps, brochures, tour books, and digital media) • Public meetings (planning sessions, workshops, and lectures) • And through other means. * Regarding public comment(s). The HRC values community participation and input and welcomes public comments at meetings. At the beginning of each meeting, not more than 10 minutes will be allowed for the introduction of any guests and public comments. Speakers may speak for a maximum of two-minutes and shall begin by identifying their name and address. The intent is to allow public input; not initiate a dialogue or debate with the committee. Subsequent to this meeting segment, by majority approval the HRC may amend the agenda to allow further discussion; however, the motion should also establish a time limit for that discussion. Additionally, prior to adjourning--and applying the conditions above--the HRC may allow a period not to exceed five minutes for public comment. HRC February 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda (2-1-2023) 4 Meeting Notes Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee Friday, January 13, 2023, 11:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom ………………………………………………………………………………………………… HRC members present Phil Varner (chair) Jeff Werner (staff) Jalane Schmidt Richard Guy Wilson Mollie Murphy (staff) Dede Smith Guests Tom Chapman (ex officio) Not present Margaret O’Bryant (tour map) Gennie Keller Sally Duncan Kay Slaughter (tour map) William Bergen Laura Knott Molly Conger Larry Rowley John Mason MJ Carruth 11. Call to order: a. Roll call b. Virtual introductions – incl. new members 12. Approval of the agenda: - Follow up on email agenda for new HRC members - Mr. Varner moves to defer annual meeting until all members present. Staff suggested an informal discussion instead. - Ms. Smith moves to approve agenda. Ms. Keller seconds. Motion passes unanimously. 13. Approval of Meeting Notes: a. December 9, 2022 Meeting Notes - Ms. Smith moves to approve. Mr. Varner seconds. Motion passes unanimously. 14. Public Comment - No public comment 15. Downtown Walking Tour Map Work Session: a. Updates from Walking Tour Map subcommittee - Ms. Smith noted two copy editors reviewed the map. Noted staff had provided photos. Mr. Rowley mentioned center’s thoughts re: digital presence. - Re: Monacan history. Two representatives from the Nation were consulted re: revised text in introduction panels - Ms. Slaughter noted additional photos needed; two panels are different – focus to give more of the story - Staff noted addresses may have changed since City surveys completed. Ms. Smith noted Monticello Hotel address updated on map, other addresses need proofing - Question about references building materials being for the correct current address. - Ms. Keller: Halprin title to be changed from architect to landscape architect or designer. [Note: Lawrence Halprin was a landscape architect. The firm that designed the DT mall was Lawrence Halprin & Associates.] HRC February 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda (2-1-2023) 5 Meeting Notes January 13, 2023 - (continued) - Ms. Keller asked if community input received addressed concerns of inclusiveness. Also asked about review/input re: education and tourism interests - Ms. Smith noted input they have received has been from within the local community. (For ex. consultation with the Bike Ped community and business community) - Ms. Slaughter suggested we ask seek input/comment from a non-resident. - Staff noted other goal for map is to create a template for future maps - Mr. Varner suggested a small print run 16. HRC Annual meeting Note: Informal discussion only. No formal proposals offered. No actions taken a. Annual Meeting. First meeting in January shall be the annual meeting. Committee shall establish the day, time, and place for regular meetings for year and elect the Chair, Co- Chair or Vice-Chair. - Re: meeting time: Mr. Varner suggested assume Zoom meetings continue. Ms. Smith: asked for in-person draft review. Mr. Varner suggested keep day/time same. - Ms. Smith nominated Mr. Varner to continue as chair. Mr. Varner declined - No nominations. b. Committee shall establish an annual plan/work program and establish Committee Heads - Mr. Varner noted committee need to be publicly accessible. c. Misc. discussion- possible HRC projects - Court Square Markers – How to discuss the history of Court Square, what’s the story to tell. - Ms. Keller noted more modern interpretation of Court Square, taking out the religious aspect, not a fan of markers, construction of Court Square park will evolve, let’s look at 20th century history, civil rights history of Charlottesville, neighborhood change with new zoning - Ms. Smith noted committee should look at the markers - Staff noted we have lots of information that can be made available, how do we get this stuff accessible to people - Mr. Bergen: State marker re: Monticello ha errors. (Staff noted marker is on Albemarle Courthouse property.) - Ms. Smith noted Ivy Creek Natural Area is a City-County owned property. Suggested more attention be given to it. - Funding: Staff noted the HRC annually receives $5k from Council and has $49k available to use. (That total accounts for tour map design cost, but not for printing. Staff mentioned possible LiDAR examination of McKees block, if HRC wanted to fund a project. - Walking Tour Map: Augment with on-line resources. Develop maps with specific themes. - Vinegar Hill Park: Temporary exhibit, long-term park planning. HRC February 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda (2-1-2023) 6 Meeting Notes January 13, 2023 - (continued) - VH: Mr. Varner noted journalist and community questions: park within a park, larger plan for memorization, proposal for monument in front of the Jefferson School – more ideas & sketch of a plan for this year; streetscape marker is not moving forward - VH: Ms. Keller noted missed opportunity with CODE Building; Parks & Rec was not included in discussion. Only fragments left of Vinegar Hill neighborhood. - DT Mall: Ms. Smith noted 50th anniversary – Halprin original design - DT Mall: Staff noted 50th anniversary of DT Mall could include weekend seminars, discussions. HRC could be a part of planning. - DT Mall: Staff noted draft NRHP nomination is due in March. - DT Mall: Ms. Smith noted Mall was dedicated in 1976 according to Walking Tour Map - DT Mall: Staff noted the [Halprin & Assoc.] design drawings are dated 1974. - Staff suggested examination of Pen Park history is needed - Ms. Keller noted updated and new surveys needed. For ex, 1970s surveys listed buildings a non-contributing, which has certainly changed in 50 years. Mid-century and Modern buildings should be surveyed and listed. 17. Staff Updates - Pen Park Cemetery: Staff presenting update to City Council Feb. 6. Will summarize work with the AC Historical Society re: individuals enslaved a Pen Park and identifying descendants. - Charlottesville Historic Database – Need to organize and make available the surveys and information the City has. Need to create links to parcels in GIS. Need surveys updated HRC funding would help; can leverage for CLG grants 18. Coordinate Agenda for January 13, 2023 HRC Meeting - Chair elections, work planning, committees. - Ms. Smith suggested supporting role for Monacan Nation 19. Announcements: - Chapman shares link for event 11. Adjourn HRC February 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda (2-1-2023) 7