Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee Meeting packet for March 10, 2023 Attached • Meeting agenda for March 10, 2023 • Draft discission prompts for Annual Meeting • Meeting notes for February 10, 2023 HRC March 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda (2-24-2023) 1 AGENDA Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee Friday, March 10, 2023, 11:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom ………………………………………………………………………………………………… HRC members Phil Varner (chair) Tom Chapman (ex officio) Larry Rowley Sally Duncan (v-chair) Gennie Keller Jeff Werner (staff) Jalane Schmidt Laura Knott Mollie Murphy (staff) Richard Guy Wilson John Mason Dede Smith William Bergen 1. Call to order: [11:00, 5 minutes] a. Roll call b. Virtual introductions 2. Approval of the agenda: [11:05; 5 minutes] 3. Approval of Meeting Notes: [11:10, 5 minutes] a. December 9, 2022 Meeting Notes 4. Public Comment* [11:15, 10 minutes] 5. Downtown Walking Tour Map Work Session: [11:25, 5 minutes] a. Updates from Walking Tour Map subcommittee 6. LiDAR Discussions (11:30, 10 minutes) a. HRC contribution to fly over of Pen Park (quoted cost of $9,970.00) 7. Green Book Sites: [11:40, 10 minutes] a. Marker for Joker’s Barbershop 8. Ivy Creek Update: [11:50, 10 minutes] 9. Coordination Outreach: [12:00, 10 minutes] a. What are the local community groups HRC can coordinate with? 10. Properties now eligible for local designation: [12:10, 5 minutes] a. HRC’s role in identifying properties now meeting National Register Criteria for Evaluation – examining the property’s age, significance, and integrity 11. Staff Updates: [12:15, 5 minutes] 12. Coordinate Agenda for March 10, 2023 HRC Meeting: [12:20, 5 minutes] 13. Announcements: [12:25, 5 minutes] HRC March 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda (2-24-2023) 2 a. Review upcoming events, lectures, research, etc. that may be of interest to HRC 11. Adjourn HRC March 10, 2023 Meeting 3 Ongoing HRC projects • Court Square Markers • Walking Tour Map (initial print version with on-line resources; other themes?) • Vinegar Hill Park (temporary exhibit and long-term park) Discussion questions • Question #1: Why do you care about our organization? What do you personally want to get out of the committee as a member? • Question #2: Why is our organization’s work important? What difference do we make in the community? What makes the HRC unique in the landscape of history and preservation resources in the area? • Question #3: What groups is the HRC serving well? How? What groups could we better serve? How? • Question #5: What specific projects would you like to see the HRC focus on in 2023? • Question #6: How could we improve meetings to ensure projects get completed and that we meet our goals? Goal Setting Review 2020 – 2022: • Engagement for Slave Auction Block site • Walking Tour Map • Pen Park cemetery • Vinegar Hill Park • Invite guests from other organizations to attend meetings; consider collaboration opportunities 2023 ideas (as prompts for discussion only): • Walking Tour Map: update web database, circulate to schools as a resource. • Consider other map themes: Architecture, commerce, time periods, individuals, etc. • Implementation of recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Commission. • Inventory City resources [historical surveys, etc.] and make accessible to the public • Local memory days (collecting from citizens) • Preparing for 50th Anniversary of DT Mall Overall HRC Goals for 2023: • … • … • … Overall HRC Theme for 2023: • … • … • … HRC March 10, 2023 Meeting 4 Mission Statement The mission of the Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee is to advocate for historic preservation; to promote an appreciation of local historic resources, both tangible and intangible; and to encourage and coordinate, with appropriate municipal agencies, civic organizations, institutions and individual scholars, the documentation and interpretation of local history. The Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee achieves its mission through: • Education • Public commemoration (historic plaques, signs, markers, and civic festivals and ceremonies) • Publications (maps, brochures, tour books, and digital media) • Public meetings (planning sessions, workshops, and lectures) • And through other means. * Regarding public comment(s). The HRC values community participation and input and welcomes public comments at meetings. At the beginning of each meeting, not more than 10 minutes will be allowed for the introduction of any guests and public comments. Speakers may speak for a maximum of two-minutes and shall begin by identifying their name and address. The intent is to allow public input; not initiate a dialogue or debate with the committee. Subsequent to this meeting segment, by majority approval the HRC may amend the agenda to allow further discussion; however, the motion should also establish a time limit for that discussion. Additionally, prior to adjourning--and applying the conditions above--the HRC may allow a period not to exceed five minutes for public comment. HRC March 10, 2023 Meeting 5 AGENDA Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee Friday, February 10, 2023, 11:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Meeting Notes - Draft Charlottesville Historic Resources Committee Friday, February 10, 2023, 11:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom ………………………………………………………………………………………………… HRC members present Phil Varner (chair) Mollie Murphy (staff) Jalane Schmidt John Mason Dede Smith Not present Guests Tom Chapman (ex officio) Sally Duncan Margaret O’Bryant (tour map) Gennie Keller Laura Knott Ellen Blackmon William Bergen Richard Guy Wilson Molly Conger Jeff Werner (staff) Larry Rowley Kay Slaughter 14. Call to order: a. Roll call b. Virtual introductions 15. Approval of the agenda: Ms. Smith motions to approve, Mr. Mason seconds. Motion Passes. 16. Approval of Meeting Notes: a. December 9, 2022 Meeting Notes i. Ms. Smith notes: Ivy Creek Natural Area, needs to be kept abreast of what is going on. Ms. Smith moves to approve with amendment, Mr. Bergen seconds. Mr. Mason & Ms. Keller abstain. Motion passes. 17. Public Comment* i. No public comment 18. Downtown Walking Tour Map Work Session: a. Updates from Walking Tour Map subcommittee i. Ms. Slaughter noted more photos needed. ii. Ms. Smith notes text changes after last meeting, decided not to discuss in today’s meeting (annual meeting). iii. Ms. Smith notes no formal update today. It’s in the hands of the designer right now. iv. Staff notes coordination with City’s IT department for weblink. v. HRC March 10, 2023 Meeting 6 19. Staff presentation: Historic Designations in Charlottesville a. Surveys, PIFs, Eligibility, VLR/NRP, Local designations, etc. i. Staff notes: BAR only has purview on local designations, not the National Register (for example Belmont – BAR has no purview). ADC in City Code. Conservation districts: Martha Jefferson, Woolen Mills, and Rugby Road (guidelines are lower for review); Individual Protected Property (about 77) – design review is different than historic districts. BAR meets every third Tuesdays (6-8 usually a month). Fry Springs and Belmont – BAR have no purview over. Entrance Corridor Review Board, has a different design review, more administrative flexibility. GIS maps online. There is no Roseto stone for all surveys needed for GIS – working towards that. BAR alterations are not shown in GIS. ii. Staff notes: City established that everything within the Ridge Street ADC, Per Design guidelines, only if shaded does the demo go to BAR, all alterations or buildings go to the BAR iii. Staff notes: Wertland St, National and Local have different boundary iv. Ms. Keller notes process in past of having a district established. v. Staff notes: Star Hill, 10th & Page both recommended for National Register. vi. Staff notes: 12th St & Rosser – small conservation district, need all 6 owners to agree vii. Staff notes: Accessible to public, but not easy to find – scanned copies of surveys viii. Staff notes: Where is everything, how can we organize for GIS ix. Staff notes: Affordability Concern x. Ms. Keller notes to the public to know that preservation is not a hinder to development. 20. HRC Annual meeting (see draft discussion prompts below) a. Annual Meeting. First meeting in January shall be the annual meeting. Committee shall establish the day, time, and place for regular meetings for year and elect the Chair, Co- Chair or Vice-Chair. i. Mr. Varner notes that he will no longer be chair, Ms. Duncan [not present] can no longer be co-chair. Ms. Smith can be chair. Ms. Keller asks when does her term expire, staff notes June 2023. Mr. Mason asks his term expire: clerk- end of 2023, staff -June 2024. [Terms] established by council, but regulated bylaws. Mr. Mason offers to be Vice-Chair. Ms. Keller offers to be senior chair. Mr. Varner asks for a motion to appoint co-chairs. Ms. Keller moves to change bylaws for co-chairs. Ms. Keller motions, with modification, to have Ms. Smith and Mr. Mason to co-chair. Motion passes. (*see term chart below) b. Committee shall establish an annual plan/work program and establish Committee Heads i. Staff notes funds available that are not used often. Staff recommends HRC to choose a project to work towards on a quarterly basis. HRC March 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda 7 ii. Mr. Varner notes focus on walking tour map and descendent engagement. Mr. Varner notes the need of Ms. Schmidt’s thoughts on slave auction block – others are working on this, so now can synthesize the work that other groups are doing and can provide guidance for City staff. iii. Ms. Smith agrees and notes she would like to see the committee to know what’s going on in the community and bring representatives from these different efforts of parallel work. Ms. Smith notes HRC to act as a resource. iv. Mr. Chapman as a standing member asks what is the goal of the committee. v. Ms. Smith notes that the HRC need professional rather than volunteer work [publications] vi. Staff notes that we have lots of information but needs to be organized. vii. Mr. Varner asks if another support City staff member is needed. viii. Ms. Keller notes the tourism & economic development component is integral to the historic resources of the city, notes work needs to be done with schools ix. Ms. Smith notes that Parks & Recreation should be more coordinated with x. Mr. Mason notes ‘Green Book’ sites – one still in business, “Joker’s Barbershop” across from the Jefferson school. Mr. Mason notes that work is being done to uncover the hidden mysterious. Suggest the ‘Green Book’ marker would be a good way to start, no research is needed. xi. Ms. Keller notes that the committee should be more advisory than researchers. xii. Ms. Keller notes the 20th century history to identify places and personalities, events of civil rights in Charlottesville. xiii. Mr. Mason notes the absence of white flight. xiv. Mr. Mason notes exhibition opening at the Jefferson school on February 11th at 6pm. xv. Ms. Smith notes that the committee could provide exposure for connections in the community. xvi. Staff notes the committee could use money for helping the City present, interpret and make resources available up to $10,000. xvii. Ms. Smith notes tourism has money to help with resources and working together. xviii. Ms. Keller and Mr. Mason note to coordinate with the public. xix. Mr. Mason notes a social media channel for reaching the community. xx. Staff notes interesting stories from archive. xxi. Ms. Smith notes to focus on City owned properties. xxii. Mr. Mason notes that the mission statement is for education. HRC March 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda 8 21. Staff Updates: i. Staff gives update on Levy site. John Jouett [father of Jack Jouett] is possibly buried onsite. ii. LiDAR survey of Pen Park. Staff asks, could HRC contribute funds to this project costing $10,000. iii. Mr. Chapman explains the benefits of LiDAR and Ground Penetrating Radar. 22. Coordinate Agenda for March 10, 2023 HRC Meeting: i. LiDAR discussions ii. Green book work iii. Update on Ivy Creek iv. Coordinate across different groups v. Role in identifying the work City staff and BAR could work on such as properties that have aged up that are using national criteria but not local yet 23. Announcements: b. Review upcoming events, lectures, research, etc. that may be of interest to HRC i. Feb 22 - BAR application for demolition for 104 Stadium Road ii. Appeal going to council on Feb 21st for servant cottage 507 Ridge Street iii. Exhibition opening at Jefferson School on Feb 11, 2023. iv. Central Virginia History Researchers talking about African American cemeteries on March 2, 2023 at 4pm - Special Collections library tour for “Vison of Progress” exhibition - Ivy Creek African American Fiddlers of Albemarle County – Zoom meeting – Feb 15th - Clark Elementary school, Feb 17th soul food 4-6pm 24. Adjourn Name Current Term Expires Genevieve Keller 6/30/2023 Jalane Schmidt 6/30/2023 Philip Varner 6/30/2023 Richard Wilson 6/30/2023 John Mason 6/30/2023 Laura Knott 6/30/2024 Sally Duncan 6/30/2025 Deirdre Smith 8/31/2025 William Bergen 6/30/2026 Larry Rowley 6/30/2026 HRC March 10, 2023 Meeting Agenda 9