MINUTES Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) Meeting When Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:00noon HAC members attending: Phil d’Oronzio, S. Lisa Herndon, Alice Raucher, Chris Meyer, Councilor Payne, Joy Johnson, Sunshine Mathon, Cory Demchak (in for Jen Jacobs), Juandiego Wade, Gary Palmer, Dan Rosensweig, Ridge Schuyler, Frank Stoner, Nancy Kidd, LD Perry (by phone) City Staff: Sam Sanders, Brenda Kelley, Erin Atak, Alex Ikefuna, Jeremy Johnson Meeting started at 12:06pm. Motion to approve the minutes by Chris Meyer, seconded by Juandiego Wade. Minutes approved. Alex Ikefuna provided an update on the work by the consultants on the Comprehensive Plan. Alica Raucher provided an update on the UVA affordable housing initiative (1000-1500 affordable housing units over the the next decade). She provided the following link for more information: prescouncil.president.virginia.edu/affordable-housing Phil d’Oronzio provided a brief update and then on-screen, the tracking tool template for tracking implementation of the affordable housing plan for discussion. Dan Rosensweig asked how does this intereact with the IAT (Intervention Analysis Tool)? Phil d’Oronzio responded that it will be tied to and integrated; seems to be an efficient use of both. Dan Rosensweig asked about the status of adoption of the IAT? Sunshine Mathon responded that it was never formally adopted; consultants reviewed it and did some review and fleshing out of their own; think never got integrated (in the affordable housing plan). Dan Rosensweig asked as to the process to update and integrate these items? Phil d’Oronzio responded that this tool, as we work through it, will provide the opportunity. Chris Meyer stated that as a tool, it has all the things it needs and will do what it needs to do. Phil d’Oronzio suggested a working group to work on this: Brenda Kelley, John Sales, Sam Sanders, NDS Director, Lyle Solla-Yates, 6-8 members of HAC. Chris Meyer stated that city staff should own it and question why we need a committee; he’s happy to help. Sunshine Mathon stated that there is one more big picture step in the process – to figure out how the IAT and this work together. Phil d’Oronzio advised that he, Sam and Lyle would get together in the next week or so to discuss. Meeting adjourned at 12:49pm.